Implementation of Language Server protocol for Vim script / vimL language in Rust.
This project is still in very early development stage - it does not support all of Vim script syntax and most features are not implemented yet.
The long term goal is to implement Vim script AST that will allow for:
- building language server
- building Vim script formatter, that vim plugins could use in CI
- building linter, that vim plugin could use in CI
The next steps:
- perform additional analysis on AST (e.g. variable tracking), to allow for features like renaming,
- build a foundation for formatter,
- build a foundation for generic linter (so that custom checks can be added),
- support all syntax of Vim script.
$ cargo build
Then, copy built binary to a location that is in your PATH.
if executable('vimscript-language-server')
au User lsp_setup call lsp#register_server({
\ 'name': 'vimscript-language-server',
\ 'cmd': {server_info->['vimscript-language-server']},
\ 'whitelist': ['vim'],
\ })
This is not an officially supported Google product