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dougalm committed Sep 6, 2023
1 parent 2189b3c commit e955555
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Showing 7 changed files with 299 additions and 343 deletions.
197 changes: 109 additions & 88 deletions src/lib/AbstractSyntax.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -112,7 +112,7 @@ topDecl = dropSrc topDecl' where
tyConParams' <- aExplicitParams tyConParams
givens' <- aOptGivens givens
constructors' <- forM constructors \(v, ps) -> do
ps' <- toNest <$> mapM tyOptBinder ps
ps' <- toNest <$> mapM (tyOptBinder Explicit) ps
return (v, ps')
return $ UDataDefDecl
(UDataDef name (givens' >>> tyConParams') $
Expand All @@ -134,8 +134,6 @@ topDecl = dropSrc topDecl' where
return (fromString methodName, ty')
return $ UInterface params' methodTys (fromString name) (toNest methodNames)
topDecl' (CInstanceDecl def) = aInstanceDef def
topDecl' (CEffectDecl _ _) = error "not implemented"
topDecl' (CHandlerDecl _ _ _ _ _ _) = error "not implemented"

decl :: LetAnn -> CSDecl -> SyntaxM (UDecl VoidS VoidS)
decl ann = propagateSrcB \case
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -167,14 +165,14 @@ aInstanceDef (CInstanceDef clName args givens methods instNameAndParams) = do

aDef :: CDef -> SyntaxM (SourceName, ULamExpr VoidS)
aDef (CDef name params optRhs optGivens body) = do
explicitParams <- aExplicitParams params
explicitParams <- explicitBindersOptAnn params
let rhsDefault = (ExplicitApp, Nothing, Nothing)
(expl, effs, resultTy) <- fromMaybeM optRhs rhsDefault \(expl, optEffs, resultTy) -> do
effs <- fromMaybeM optEffs UPure aEffects
resultTy' <- expr resultTy
return (expl, Just effs, Just resultTy')
implicitParams <- aOptGivens optGivens
let allParams = fmapNest asOptAnn $ implicitParams >>> explicitParams
let allParams = fmapNest asOptAnn implicitParams >>> explicitParams
body' <- block body
return (name, ULamExpr allParams expl effs resultTy body')

Expand All @@ -185,53 +183,85 @@ stripParens :: Group -> Group
stripParens (WithSrc _ (CParens [g])) = stripParens g
stripParens g = g

-- === combinators for different sorts of binder lists ===

aOptGivens :: Maybe GivenClause -> SyntaxM (Nest UReqAnnBinder VoidS VoidS)
aOptGivens optGivens = fromMaybeM optGivens Empty aGivens

:: [Group] -> (Group -> SyntaxM (Nest (UAnnBinder req) VoidS VoidS))
-> SyntaxM (Nest (UAnnBinder req) VoidS VoidS)
binderList gs cont = concatNests <$> forM gs \case
WithSrc _ (CGivens gs') -> aGivens gs'
g -> cont g

:: Group -> (Group -> SyntaxM ((UAnnBinder req) VoidS VoidS))
-> SyntaxM (Nest (UAnnBinder req) VoidS VoidS)
withTrailingConstraints g cont = case g of
Binary Pipe lhs c -> do
bs@(Nest (UAnnBinder _ b _) _) <- withTrailingConstraints lhs cont
(ctx, s) <- case b of
UBindSource ctx s -> return (ctx, s)
UIgnore -> throw SyntaxErr "Can't constrain anonymous binders"
UBind _ _ _ -> error "Shouldn't have internal names until renaming pass"
c' <- expr c
let v = WithSrcE ctx $ UVar (SourceName ctx s)
return $ bs >>> UnaryNest (fromReqAnnBinder $ asConstraintBinder v c')
_ -> UnaryNest <$> cont g
asConstraintBinder :: UExpr VoidS -> UConstraint VoidS -> UReqAnnBinder VoidS VoidS
asConstraintBinder v c = do
let t = ns $ UApp c [v] []
UAnnBinder (Inferred Nothing (Synth Full)) UIgnore (UAnn t)

defaultAnn :: UExpr VoidS -> UOptAnnBinder VoidS VoidS -> UReqAnnBinder VoidS VoidS
defaultAnn dAnn (UAnnBinder expl b ann) = do
let ann' = case ann of
UNoAnn -> dAnn
UAnn t -> t
UAnnBinder expl b (UAnn ann')

aGivens :: GivenClause -> SyntaxM (Nest (UAnnBinder req) VoidS VoidS)
aGivens (implicits, optConstraints) = do
implicits' <- concatNests <$> forM implicits \b -> withTrailingConstraints b implicitArgBinder
constraints <- fromMaybeM optConstraints Empty (\gs -> toNest <$> mapM synthBinder gs)
return $ fmapNest fromReqAnnBinder $ implicits' >>> constraints

synthBinder :: Group -> SyntaxM (UReqAnnBinder VoidS VoidS)
synthBinder g = tyOptBinder (Inferred Nothing (Synth Full)) g

fromReqAnnBinder :: UReqAnnBinder n l -> UAnnBinder req n l
fromReqAnnBinder (UAnnBinder expl b ann) = do
let ann' = case ann of
UAnn t -> UAnn t
UAnnBinder expl b ann'

concatNests :: [Nest b VoidS VoidS] -> Nest b VoidS VoidS
concatNests [] = Empty
concatNests (b:bs) = b >>> concatNests bs

implicitArgBinder :: Group -> SyntaxM (UReqAnnBinder VoidS VoidS)
implicitArgBinder g = do
UAnnBinder _ b ann <- defaultAnn (ns tyKind) <$> binderOptTy (Inferred Nothing Unify) g
s <- case b of
UBindSource _ s -> return $ Just s
_ -> return Nothing
return $ UAnnBinder (Inferred s Unify) b ann

aExplicitParams :: ExplicitParams -> SyntaxM (Nest UReqAnnBinder VoidS VoidS)
aExplicitParams gs = generalBinders DataParam Explicit gs
aExplicitParams bs = binderList bs \b -> withTrailingConstraints b \b' ->
defaultAnn (ns tyKind) <$> binderOptTy Explicit b'

aOptAnnExplicitParams :: ExplicitParams -> SyntaxM (Nest UOptAnnBinder VoidS VoidS)
aOptAnnExplicitParams gs = undefined
aPiBinders :: ExplicitParams -> SyntaxM (Nest UReqAnnBinder VoidS VoidS)
aPiBinders bs = binderList bs \b ->
UnaryNest <$> tyOptBinder Explicit b

aOptGivens :: Maybe GivenClause -> SyntaxM (Nest UReqAnnBinder VoidS VoidS)
aOptGivens optGivens = undefined
-- aOptGivens optGivens = do
-- (expls, implicitParams) <- unzip <$> fromMaybeM optGivens [] aGivens
-- return (expls, toNest implicitParams)

aGivens :: GivenClause -> SyntaxM [Nest UReqAnnBinder VoidS VoidS]
aGivens (implicits, optConstraints) = undefined
-- aGivens (implicits, optConstraints) = do
-- implicits' <- mapM (generalBinder DataParam (Inferred Nothing Unify)) implicits
-- constraints <- fromMaybeM optConstraints [] \gs -> do
-- mapM (generalBinder TypeParam (Inferred Nothing (Synth Full))) gs
-- return $ implicits' <> constraints

:: ParamStyle -> Explicitness -> [Group]
-> SyntaxM (Nest UReqAnnBinder VoidS VoidS)
generalBinders paramStyle expl params = undefined
-- generalBinders paramStyle expl params = do
-- (expls, bs) <- unzip . concat <$> forM params \case
-- WithSrc _ (CGivens gs) -> aGivens gs
-- p -> (:[]) <$> generalBinder paramStyle expl p
-- return (expls, toNest bs)

optAnnBinder :: Group -> SyntaxM (UOptAnnBinder VoidS VoidS)
optAnnBinder = undefined

generalBinder :: ParamStyle -> Explicitness -> Group
-> SyntaxM (UReqAnnBinder VoidS VoidS)
generalBinder paramStyle expl g = undefined
-- generalBinder paramStyle expl g = case expl of
-- Inferred _ (Synth _) -> (expl,) <$> tyOptBinder g
-- Inferred _ Unify -> do
-- b <- binderOptTy g
-- expl' <- return case b of
-- UAnnBinder (UBindSource _ s) _ _ -> Inferred (Just s) Unify
-- _ -> expl
-- return (expl', b)
-- Explicit -> (expl,) <$> case paramStyle of
-- TypeParam -> tyOptBinder g
-- DataParam -> binderOptTy g
explicitBindersOptAnn :: ExplicitParams -> SyntaxM (Nest UOptAnnBinder VoidS VoidS)
explicitBindersOptAnn bs = binderList bs \b -> withTrailingConstraints b \b' ->
binderOptTy Explicit b'

-- ===

-- Binder pattern with an optional type annotation
patOptAnn :: Group -> SyntaxM (UPat VoidS VoidS, Maybe (UType VoidS))
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -290,45 +320,33 @@ pat = propagateSrcB pat' where
_ -> error "unexpected postfix group (should be ruled out at grouping stage)"
pat' _ = throw SyntaxErr "Illegal pattern"

data ParamStyle
= TypeParam -- binder optional, used in pi types
| DataParam -- type optional , used in lambda

tyOptBinder :: Group -> SyntaxM (UAnnBinder req VoidS VoidS)
tyOptBinder = \case
tyOptBinder :: Explicitness -> Group -> SyntaxM (UAnnBinder req VoidS VoidS)
tyOptBinder expl = \case
Binary Pipe _ _ -> throw SyntaxErr "Unexpected constraint"
Binary Colon name ty -> do
b <- uBinder name
ann <- UAnn <$> expr ty
return $ UAnnBinder Explicit b ann
return $ UAnnBinder expl b ann
g -> do
ty <- expr g
return $ UAnnBinder Explicit UIgnore (UAnn ty)

binderOptTy :: Group -> SyntaxM (UOptAnnBinder VoidS VoidS)
binderOptTy g = undefined
-- binderOptTy g = do
-- (g', constraints) <- trailingConstraints g
-- case g' of
-- Binary Colon name ty -> do
-- b <- uBinder name
-- ann <- UAnn <$> expr ty
-- return $ UAnnBinder b ann constraints
-- _ -> do
-- b <- uBinder g'
-- return $ UAnnBinder b UNoAnn constraints

binderReqTy :: Group -> SyntaxM (UReqAnnBinder VoidS VoidS)
binderReqTy = undefined

trailingConstraints :: Group -> SyntaxM (Group, [UConstraint VoidS])
trailingConstraints gTop = go [] gTop where
go :: [UConstraint VoidS] -> Group -> SyntaxM (Group, [UConstraint VoidS])
go cs = \case
Binary Pipe lhs c -> do
c' <- expr c
go (c':cs) lhs
g -> return (g, cs)
return $ UAnnBinder expl UIgnore (UAnn ty)

binderOptTy :: Explicitness -> Group -> SyntaxM (UOptAnnBinder VoidS VoidS)
binderOptTy expl = \case
Binary Colon name ty -> do
b <- uBinder name
ann <- UAnn <$> expr ty
return $ UAnnBinder expl b ann
g -> do
b <- uBinder g
return $ UAnnBinder expl b UNoAnn

binderReqTy :: Explicitness -> Group -> SyntaxM (UReqAnnBinder VoidS VoidS)
binderReqTy expl (Binary Colon name ty) = do
b <- uBinder name
ann <- UAnn <$> expr ty
return $ UAnnBinder expl b ann
binderReqTy _ _ = throw SyntaxErr $ "Expected an annotated binder"

argList :: [Group] -> SyntaxM ([UExpr VoidS], [UNamedArg VoidS])
argList gs = partitionEithers <$> mapM singleArg gs
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -391,7 +409,7 @@ blockDecls [WithSrc src d] = addSrcContext src case d of
CExpr g -> (Empty,) <$> expr g
_ -> throw SyntaxErr "Block must end in expression"
blockDecls (WithSrc pos (CBind b rhs):ds) = do
b' <- optAnnBinder b
b' <- binderOptTy Explicit b
rhs' <- asExpr <$> block rhs
body <- block $ IndentedBlock ds
let lam = ULam $ ULamExpr (UnaryNest b') ExplicitApp Nothing Nothing body
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -425,7 +443,7 @@ expr = propagateSrcE expr' where
expr' (CArrow lhs effs rhs) = do
case lhs of
WithSrc _ (CParens gs) -> do
bs <- generalBinders TypeParam Explicit gs
bs <- aPiBinders gs
effs' <- fromMaybeM effs UPure aEffects
resultTy <- expr rhs
return $ UPi $ UPiExpr bs ExplicitApp effs' resultTy
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -465,7 +483,7 @@ expr = propagateSrcE expr' where
Colon -> throw SyntaxErr "Colon separates binders from their type annotations, is not a standalone operator.\nIf you are trying to write a dependent type, use parens: (i:Fin 4) => (..i)"
ImplicitArrow -> case lhs of
WithSrc _ (CParens gs) -> do
bs <- generalBinders TypeParam Explicit gs
bs <- aPiBinders gs
resultTy <- expr rhs
return $ UPi $ UPiExpr bs ImplicitApp UPure resultTy
_ -> throw SyntaxErr "Argument types should be in parentheses"
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -505,7 +523,7 @@ expr = propagateSrcE expr' where
range :: UExpr VoidS -> UExpr VoidS -> UExpr' VoidS
range rangeName lim = explicitApp rangeName [ns UHole, lim]
expr' (CLambda params body) = do
params' <- aOptAnnExplicitParams $ map stripParens params
params' <- explicitBindersOptAnn $ map stripParens params
body' <- block body
return $ ULam $ ULamExpr params' ExplicitApp Nothing Nothing body'
expr' (CFor kind indices body) = do
Expand All @@ -515,7 +533,7 @@ expr = propagateSrcE expr' where
KRof -> (Rev, False)
KRof_ -> (Rev, True)
-- TODO: Can we fetch the source position from the error context, to feed into `buildFor`?
e <- buildFor (0, 0) dir <$> mapM binderOptTy indices <*> block body
e <- buildFor (0, 0) dir <$> mapM (binderOptTy Explicit) indices <*> block body
if trailingUnit
then return $ UDo $ ns $ UBlock (UnaryNest (nsB $ UExprDecl e)) (ns unitExpr)
else return $ dropSrcE e
Expand All @@ -534,7 +552,7 @@ expr = propagateSrcE expr' where
ty <- expr lhs
case rhs of
[b] -> do
b' <- binderReqTy b
b' <- binderReqTy Explicit b
return $ UDepPairTy $ UDepPairType ImplicitDepPair b' ty
_ -> error "n-ary dependent pairs not implemented"

Expand All @@ -544,6 +562,9 @@ charExpr c = ULit $ Word8Lit $ fromIntegral $ fromEnum c
unitExpr :: UExpr' VoidS
unitExpr = UPrim (UCon $ P.ProdCon) []

tyKind :: UExpr' VoidS
tyKind = UPrim (UPrimTC P.TypeKind) []

-- === Builders ===

-- TODO Does this generalize? Swap list for Nest?
Expand Down
3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions src/lib/CheapReduction.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -309,6 +309,9 @@ instance (CheaplyReducibleE r e1 e1', CheaplyReducibleE r e2 e2')
cheapReduceE (LeftE e) = LeftE <$> cheapReduceE e
cheapReduceE (RightE e) = RightE <$> cheapReduceE e

instance CheaplyReducibleE r e e' => CheaplyReducibleE r (ListE e) (ListE e') where
cheapReduceE (ListE xs) = ListE <$> mapM cheapReduceE xs

-- XXX: TODO: figure out exactly what our normalization invariants are. We
-- shouldn't have to choose `normalizeProj` or `asNaryProj` on a
-- case-by-case basis. This is here for now because it makes it easier to switch
Expand Down
23 changes: 1 addition & 22 deletions src/lib/ConcreteSyntax.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -199,7 +199,6 @@ topDecl' =
<|> interfaceDef
<|> (CInstanceDecl <$> instanceDef True)
<|> (CInstanceDecl <$> instanceDef False)
<|> effectDef

proseBlock :: Parser SourceBlock'
proseBlock = label "prose block" $ char '\'' >> fmap (Misc . ProseBlock . fst) (withSource consumeTillBreak)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -291,26 +290,6 @@ interfaceDef = do
return (methodName, ty)
return $ CInterface className params methodDecls

effectDef :: Parser CTopDecl'
effectDef = do
keyWord EffectKW
effName <- anyName
sigs <- opSigList
return $ CEffectDecl (fromString effName) sigs

opSigList :: Parser [(SourceName, UResumePolicy, Group)]
opSigList = onePerLine do
policy <- resumePolicy
v <- anyName
void $ sym ":"
ty <- cGroup
return (fromString v, policy, ty)

resumePolicy :: Parser UResumePolicy
resumePolicy = (keyWord JmpKW $> UNoResume)
<|> (keyWord DefKW $> ULinearResume)
<|> (keyWord CtlKW $> UAnyResume)

nameAndType :: Parser (SourceName, Group)
nameAndType = do
n <- anyName
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -693,11 +672,11 @@ ops =
, [symOpL "@"]
, [symOpN "::"]
, [symOpR "$"]
, [symOpL "|"]
, [symOpN "+=", symOpN ":="]
-- Associate right so the mistaken utterance foo : i:Fin 4 => (..i)
-- groups as a bad pi type rather than a bad binder
, [symOpR ":"]
, [symOpL "|"]
, [symOpR ",>"]
, [symOpR "&>"]
, [withClausePostfix]
Expand Down

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