Cignium Project
Execute the project by running SearchFightApp.exe in Release folder from: SearchFightApp\bin\Release
C:\SearchFightApp\bin\Release>SearchFightApp.exe java .net
java: GoogleSearch: 6480000 BingSearch: 25500000
.net: GoogleSearch: 2210000 BingSearch: 17900000
GoogleSearch winner : java
BingSearch winner : java
Total winner: GoogleSearch
Change Keys in AppConfig from FNT_SearchFightApp folder and also in FNT_SearchFightTests folder:
<add key="GoogleUrl" value="{0};cx={1};q={2}" />
<add key="GoogleContext" value="CONTEXT-KEY" />
<add key="GoogleKey" value="KEY" />
<add key="BingUrl" value="{0}" />
<add key="BingKey" value="KEY" />