Google Cloud Function that receives a date from a web scraper on US Gov Travel Covid-19 restrictions page and notifies a list of email subscribers should the site has been updated recently
Given the US Gov Travel Covid-19 restrictions page:
Let's say, yesterday, the Last updated
date was June 23, 2021
. And that's the date we have in our DataStore.
But today, the cron job runs again, triggers the web scraper, and returns a new date: June 24, 2021
In this case, the whole list of people that have subscribed to this point, will receive an email like the following:
- SENDGRID_EMAIL_API_KEY = (sendgrid API key, must be obtained from Sendgrid's website)
- TRAVEL_SITE_URL = (link to US Gov Travel Covid 19 Restrictions page)
- SENDER = (email account from which the subscribers will be notified)
- US Gov Travel Covid 19 Restrictions page scraper
- SendGrid Email API
- Google Cloud Functions
- Google Cloud Datastore
- Python 3