This repository contains manually annotated 68 keypoints for COFW test data (original annotation of CFOW dataset contains 29 keypoints). The annotations are stored at "COFW68_Data/test_annotations/". For each image, there is one .mat file which contains the location of the keypoints and their visibilities. Also, a face bounding box for each image is stored at "COFW68_Data/cofw68_test_bboxes.mat". These bounding boxes are calculated using similar detection method which is used for 300-W datasets. So a landmark localization model trained on 300-W datasets can be tested on COFW68 dataset.
cd COFW68_Data
mv common/xpburgos/behavior/code/pose/COFW_test.mat .
To visualize the annotations execute "VisualizeAnnotations.m"
To evaluate your model, create a text file that contains the landmark localization predictions (and their visibilities). Then specify its address and name in Main.m and execute the Main file. For each image there should be 4 lines in the text file. The first line should contain the image index (in COFW_test.mat). The second, third and fouth lines should contains x, y and occlusion state of each keypoint, respectively.
If you like to share your results with others, please send the file containing landmark localization results to [email protected] and it will be added it to the "Results" directory.
Please contact "gghiasi @"