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FDK Python

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FDK client for python

Getting Started

Get started with the python Development SDK for Fynd Platform


pip install "git+[email protected]#egg=fdk_client"

Using this method, you can import fdk-client-python like so:

from fdk_client.application.ApplicationClient import ApplicationClient
from fdk_client.application.ApplicationConfig import ApplicationConfig

Log Curl

To print the curl command in the console for all network calls made using applicationClient or platformClient, set the logger level to "DEBUG".

config = ApplicationConfig({
    "applicationID": "YOUR_APPLICATION_ID",
    "applicationToken": "YOUR_APPLICATION_TOKEN",
    "logLevel": "DEBUG"

applicationClient = ApplicationClient(config)

async def apiCall():
        response = await applicationClient.user.loginWithEmailAndPassword(body = {
              "password": "value",
              "username": "value"
    except Exception as e:


The above code will log the curl command in the console

curl --request POST '' --header 'x-fp-date: 20240308T171355Z' --header 'x-fp-signature: v1.1:aad5df1ad58fc87e74b040f5b0394be6cdd2d687ec7681b200bb3e20d48a458a' --header 'Authorization: Bearer <authorization-token>' --header 'Content-Type: application/json' --data-raw '{"password": "value", "username": "value"}'

Sample Usage - ApplicationClient

config = ApplicationConfig({
    "applicationID": "YOUR_APPLICATION_ID",
    "applicationToken": "YOUR_APPLICATION_TOKEN",
    "domain": "YOUR_DOMAIN",
    "locationDetails": "LOCATION_DETAILS_OBJECT"

applicationClient = ApplicationClient(config)
        "country": "India",
        "city":  "Ahmedabad",
        "location": {
            "longitude": "72.585022", 
            "latitude": "23.033863"

async def getProductDetails():
        product = await applicationClient.catalog.getProductDetailBySlug(slug="product-slug")
    except Exception as e:


Persisting cookies across requests

Some APIs require a login to proceed ahead. For this, we have several login options mentioned in these User methods. Using any of these methods, you can get a cookie. All you need to do is store the cookie in application config. Consider an example with mobile OTP:

send_otp_response = applicationClient.user.loginWithOTP(
        "countryCode": "<your country code without the + sign>",
        "captchaCode": "<your captcha code>",
        "mobile": "<your mobile number>"

login_response = applicationClient.user.verifyMobileOTP(
        "requestId": send_otp_response["json"]["request_id"],
        "otp": <your OTP>

applicationClient.config.cookies = login_response["cookies"]

This will make sure the cookies are passed in all subsequent API calls.

Sample Usage - PlatformClient

from fdk_client.common.aiohttp_helper import AiohttpHelper
from fdk_client.platform.PlatformConfig import PlatformConfig
from fdk_client.platform.PlatformClient import PlatformClient
from fdk_client.common.utils import create_url_without_domain, get_headers_with_signature

async def setAccessToken(platformConfig, cookies):
    reqData = {
        "grant_type": "client_credentials",
        "client_id": platformConfig.apiKey,
        "client_secret": platformConfig.apiSecret
    url = f"{platformConfig.domain}/service/panel/authentication/v1.0/company/{platformConfig.companyId}/oauth/token"
    url_without_domain = await create_url_without_domain(f"/service/panel/authentication/v1.0/company/{platformConfig.companyId}/oauth/token")
    headers = get_headers_with_signature(platformConfig.domain, "post", url_without_domain, "", {}, reqData)
    res = await AiohttpHelper().aiohttp_request("POST", url, reqData, headers, cookies=cookies)
    return res["json"]

async def loginUser(platformConfig):
    skywarpURL = f"{platformConfig.domain}/service/panel/authentication/v1.0/auth/login/password"
    userData = {
        "username": "YOUR_USERNAME",
        "password": "YOUR_PASSWORD",
        "g-recaptcha-response": "_skip_"
    url_without_domain = "/service/panel/authentication/v1.0/auth/login/password"
    headers = get_headers_with_signature(platformConfig.domain, "post", url_without_domain, "", {}, userData)
    res = await AiohttpHelper().aiohttp_request("POST", skywarpURL, userData, headers)
    return res

    platformConfig = PlatformConfig({
        "companyId": "YOUR_COMPANY_ID",
        "domain": "YOUR_DOMAIN",
        "apiKey": "YOUR_APIKEY",
        "apiSecret": "YOUR_APISECRET"
    loginResponse = await loginUser(platformConfig)
    # print(loginResponse)
    tokenResponse = await setAccessToken(platformConfig, loginResponse["cookies"])
    # print(tokenResponse)
    await platformConfig.oauthClient.setToken(tokenResponse)
    platformClient = PlatformClient(platformConfig)
    res = await platformClient.lead.getTicket(id="YOUR_TICKET_ID")
    # use res
except Exception as e:

Sample Usage - request function

The request function allows you to make custom API requests with ease. It is available on both platform and application client.

Method Signature

async def request(self, method, url, query={}, body={}, headers={}):


  • method: A str representing the HTTP method (e.g., 'GET', 'POST', 'PUT','PATCH','DELETE').
  • url: A str representing the target URL for the HTTP request.
  • query: An optional dict containing key-value pairs for the URL's query parameters. Defaults to an empty dictionary.
  • body: An optional dict representing the body of the request, typically used in POST, PUT, or PATCH requests. Defaults to an empty dictionary.
  • headers: An optional dict representing any HTTP headers to include with the request. Defaults to an empty dictionary.

Return Value

  • The method returns HTTP response object


url = '/service/platform/catalog/v1.0/company/1/products/'
method = 'GET'
query = {
    "company_id": "1",
    "page_no": 1,
    "page_size": 10,
    "name": "Jeans"
response = await platformClient.request(method, url, query=query)

url_post = '/service/platform/logistics/v1.0/company/1/packaging-materials'
method_post = 'POST'
body_post = {
    "name": "Pack Big",
    "width": "24",
    "height": "24",
    "length": "24",
    "package_type": "box",
    "weight": 100
response = await platformClient.request(method_post, url_post, body = body_post)


When calling method, custom request headers can be included by passing a dictionary of headers as the request_headers argument in the method signature

request_headers = {
    "x-api-version": "1.0"

response = await platform_client.application("<APPLICATION_ID>").theme.getAllPages(