is a command-line utility to print the summary of the terraform plan
- Most of the time, we make changes to the terraform files or tf-var files and run the plan command. And we precisely know which resources will get affected. In those time, we would like to just see the resource name and it's change.
- When our plan have more than say 10 changes, we will first see what are the deleted changes, or we will just see the list of resources that get affected.
brew tap thecasualcoder/stable
brew install tf-summarize
- Go to release page
- Download the zip for your OS and unzip it
- Copy it to local bin using
cp tf-summarize /usr/local/bin/tf-summarize
or to location which is part of$PATH
- (For Mac Only) Give access to run if prompted. Refer here
- Clone this repo
- Build binary using
make build
orgo build -o tf-summarize .
- Install it to local bin using
make install
orcp tf-summarize /usr/local/bin/tf-summarize
$ tf-summarize -h
Usage of tf-summarize [args] [tf-plan.json|tfplan]
[Optional, used only with -tree or -separate-tree] draw trees instead of plain tree
-out string
[Optional] write output to file
[Optional] print changes in tree format for each add/delete/change/recreate changes
[Optional] print changes in tree format
-v print version
# run terraform plan command
terraform plan -out=tfplan
# provide plan itself directly
tf-summarize tfplan # summary in table format
tf-summarize -tree tfplan # summary in tree format
tf-summarize -tree -draw tfplan # summary in 2D tree format
tf-summarize -separate-tree tfplan # summary in separate tree format
tf-summarize -separate-tree -draw tfplan # summary in separate 2D tree format
tf-summarize tfplan # summary in output file instead of stdout
# provide json output from plan
terraform show -json tfplan | tf-summarize # summary in table format
terraform show -json tfplan > output.json
tf-summarize output.json # summary in table format
- Read terraform state file directly. (Currently need to convert to json and pass it)
- Directly run the terraform plan and show the summary
- Able to show summary of the current terraform state
- Include version subcommand in binary