211 commits
to master
since this release
- properly implemented signing delay ( including INTURN & NOTURN) accroding to EIP
- properly implemented proposal storage & vote casting function.
- fixed most of compile warnings
- Merged with upstream master
Tested sealing on local chain & goerli.
Seal on goerli example
target/debug/parity --chain goerli -l engine=trace,miner=trace --force-sealing --reseal-min-period=1000 --reseal-max-period=1000 --engine-signer=0x9a66a7d5162074a0899edf2d344f1f1fd6981869 --passw
ord /tmp/1
For local sealing, example
target/debug/parity --chain /tmp/1.json -l engine=trace,miner=trace --force-sealing --reseal-min-period=1000 --reseal-max-period=1000 --engine-signer=0x673c228d04def98e373a504339b47c7005164c39 --password /tmp/1