This is a web IDE of the language Gobstones.
sudo npm install -g bower gulp
npm install && bower install
npm start
gulp jasmine
This is hosted at Github Pages in
To deploy manually:
rm -rf .tmp .publish dist
export TRAVIS_BRANCH=master
# (1) install node-webkit
sudo npm install -g nw
# (2) create a branch from the #gh-pages code base
git checkout -b nw
git branch --set-upstream-to=origin/gh-pages nw
git checkout nw
git pull
# (3) remove enforce HTTPS feature
sed -i '$ d' index.js
# (4) pack the app
zip -r gobstones-web.nw *
# (4) run!
nw gobstones-web.nw
# (6) clean things
git checkout -- index.js
rm gobstones-web.nw
The previous steps (1), (2), and (3) are pre-conditions.
./node_modules/nw-builder/bin/nwbuild --platforms win32,win64,linux32,linux64 .
# the output is in /build
Generated from Polymer Starter Kit -> Read the docs!