I'm Gobinath Mallaiyan and a software architect specialized in building web/mobile/cloud solutions employing open-source frameworks. I'm from India and now a resident of Ontario. I still enjoy working in PHP-based framework (ya its legacy for others but my first love 💞), additionally I like to build solutions in JAMStack, GraphQL, and Cloud Technologies. I have a passion for learning and sharing my knowledge with others. , I'm a passionate photographer and rookie runner/cyclist.
- Some time I scribble @Medium, thinking that I'm sharing Knowledge ✒️
- When I'm not behind the keyboard, I'm behind lens Freezing Memories 500px Instagram 📷
- A Rookie runner / Cyclist with a focus to become fit 🏃 🚴
- Say Hi LinkedIn 💼
- Ranting at twitter 🐦
- Webmaster for drupal.org 💧
- 🌱 I’m currently learning Rust ...
- 💬 Ask me about Drupal / JamStack / Web Security
- 📫 How to reach me: [email protected]
- 😄 Pronouns: he/him/his