This project is used to produce Go 101 eBooks. The code in this repository is ugly and full of bad practices. Don't expect to learn some good programming habits from the code.
Please install calibre
before creating ebooks with formats other than epub.
Program options:
-book-project-dir : the path to Go 101 book project.
-book-version : the version of the book, presented in the names of output files.
-target : output format. [epub | azw3 | mobi | apple | pdf | print | all]
For any format, an epub file will be produced firstly, then the epub version will be converted to the target format by using the calibre GUI or command line tools. So please install the calibre software before running this program (except for producing epub books only).
Some examples:
$ export BookVersion=v1.12.c.7
$ export BookProjectDir=/home/go/src/
$ go run . -target=epub -book-version=$BookVersion -book-project-dir=$BookProjectDir
$ go run . -target=azw3 -book-version=$BookVersion -book-project-dir=$BookProjectDir
$ go run . -target=apple -book-version=$BookVersion -book-project-dir=$BookProjectDir
$ go run . -target=pdf -book-version=$BookVersion -book-project-dir=$BookProjectDir
$ go run . -target=print -book-version=$BookVersion -book-project-dir=$BookProjectDir
$ go run . -target=all -book-version=$BookVersion -book-project-dir=$BookProjectDir