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This repo is not up to date. I wrote this in high school without much knowledge of ES6 for a self-driven project-based class. The library itself is quite niche: it is essentially only useful for making a vanilla interface for a google sheet.


This is a JavaScript library that makes using Google's Sheets and Drive JavaScript APIs easier to use for managing a spreadsheet like a database. The APIs rely on making JSON requests which is flexible but messy for such a purpose. This library compresses down features of the API allowing a cleaner application to be built using them.

If reading the raw documentation is intimidating, start with the walkthrough. You can also take a look at example.html and example-scripts.js in the repository for a working example.

Documentation Contents



Download the latest version of gvz-database.js and put it in your project folder.

Google Developer Console Config

Before you can use this library, you should make a Google API Project. You will also need to:

  • Enable the Google Drive API and Google Sheets API for your project in the API Library.
  • Enable the /auth/drive.metadata.readonly, /auth/spreadsheets, and /auth/drive.file scopes in your OAuth Consent Screen.
  • Make a Client ID with its JavaScript Origin URI set to whatever website will be hosting your app. (Mine is
  • Make an API Key that is (preferrably) restricted to the Sheets and Drive APIs and with a website restriction set. (Mine is* for this one)

Initializing the Library

The following is the most basic way to initialize the library, although other configurations may also work.

Related Methods:


<!-- FRONTEND -->
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script> google.charts.load('current'); </script>
<script src="gvz-database.js"></script>
<script async defer src="" 
    onreadystatechange="if (this.readyState === 'complete') this.onload()">
function loadGVZ(){
    let apiKey = "THisIsyourAPIKEYFrOmTheGooGleDEvElOpERCoNSoLE";
    let clientId = "";
      // do other stuff


Many of the methods in this library will return a JavaScript Promise object.

These articles on using promises and promise functionality do a great job of explaining how they work.

Logging and Errors

The library comes with its own logging features. It will throw errors and make debug statements (if enabled) during async actions

Related Methods:


GVZ.log("Logging is off by default, this will not print");

GVZ.log("You can enable it though, now this prints!");

GVZ.log("Of course, you can turn it off too. This doesn't print.");

GVZ.log("There's also a toggle function if you need it. Printing again!");

GVZ.err("Huston, we have a problem");

GVZ.log("This will not print, the program halts first.");


The library requires very little of you to allow the user to authenticate with their Google account.

Related Methods:

GVZ.toggleAuth() is most useful as a button function and will sign in or sign out the user appropriately.

GVZ.signIn() and GVZ.signOut() can be used to do this process manually if a toggle does not suit your needs.

GVZ.isAuth() returns a boolean representing whether the user is signed in or not.

These methods are primarily useful for asking the user to sign in, or forcing them to sign out. When updating the interface based on the user's auth status, it is recommended you use the auth status listener feature.

Listening for Auth Changes

It is recommended you make a listener function that will update your interface whenever the user's auth status changes. The library makes this easy with two functions.

GVZ.setAuthListener(yourFunction) will tell the library to call yourFunction every time the user's auth status changes. Your listener function should have one boolean parameter to receive the user's new auth status.

GVZ.clearAuthListener() will clear whatever listener function the library is currently sending events to.

Related Methods:


// Update UI when user's auth changes
function authChanged(newStatus){
    GVZ.log("The user's auth status is now "+newStatus);
    // TODO: Update some UI stuff

Loading Databases

Once the user has signed in you can search their Google Drive for databases to choose from using GVZ.reloadDatabases(). At any point you can get the last updated copy of this array using GVZ.getDatabases() or just call GVZ.reloadDatabases() again if you want to ensure the array returned is up-to-date. You can also get the information of a singular database using getDatabase(id) and you can call GVZ.reloadDatabase(id) to ensure the info of a singlular database is up-to-date.

To limit the databases the library attempts to load, you can set a database flair using GVZ.setFlair(string) or clear the flair using GVZ.clearFlair() or GVZ.setFlair(""). Of course, there is also a GVZ.getFlair() if you need it. When a flair is set, any databases created with the library will be given the name [Flair] My Database and GVZ.reloadDatabases() will only load databases with [Flair] at the start of their name (case sensitive, strict match). It should be noted that the brackets are written in the name, and you do not need to include them when setting the flair.

Related Methods:


// Both pairs of functions will print the same thing.
// The reload functions are asynchronous and return the up-to-date versions in a promise
// The get functions are instant and return the last known values

GVZ.reloadDatabases().then(function(databases){ console.log(databases); });

GVZ.reloadDatabase(id).then(function(database){ console.log(database); });

Creating Databases

The classes GVZ.Database, GVZ.Table, and GVZ.Column make building databases structures easy.

Passing in a database object into GVZ.createDatabase(obj) returns a promise with the resulting database object.

If a flair is set, it will automatically be added into the name of the database, do not add it yourself.

Your database must:

  • Have a name property defined that is not an empty string
  • Have at least one table in the tables property
  • Have tables with unique name properties (required by Sheets)
  • Have tables that:
    • Have a name property defined that is not an empty string
    • Have at least one column in the columns property
    • Have columns that:
      • Have a header property defined that is not an empty string
      • Have a datatype defined

Related Methods & Classes:


// standard verbose way
let per3 = new GVZ.Database('Period 3');
let tbl = new GVZ.Table('Attendance');
tbl.columns.push(new GVZ.Column('student id','unumber',0));
tbl.columns.push(new GVZ.Column('timestamp','datetime'));
tbl.columns.push(new GVZ.Column('tardy','boolean'));

// shorter way
let per4 = new GVZ.Database('Period 4',[
    new GVZ.Table('Attendance',[
        new GVZ.Column('student id','unumber',0)),
        new GVZ.Column('timestamp','datetime')),
        new GVZ.Column('tardy','boolean'))
    // could add more tables here

// create database call is async
        // refresh UI here

Basic Methods


Sends a message to the console if logging is enabled


Parameter Type Optional Description
string string No The message to log to the console

Outputs: Nothing


Enables or disables logging


Parameter Type Optional Description
bool boolean No New state of logging switch

Outputs: Nothing


Toggles logging on or off

Inputs: Nothing

Outputs: A Value

Type Description
boolean The new state of logging switch


Meant for internal use, but can be used externally. Throws an error headed by "GVZ Error:"


Parameter Type Optional Description
string string No The error message to throw

Outputs: Nothing


Initializes the library and a Google Auth instance using your API key and client ID.


Parameter Type Optional Description
apiKey string No Your API key from the Google Developer Console
clientId string No Your client ID from the Google Developer Console
keepAuth boolean Yes Whether the library should attempt to automatically authenticate the user. Useful to keep user signed in when visiting a different HTML page on your site

Outputs: A Promise

Result Returns
Resolved Nothing
Rejected Error message

Handling Authentication


Assigns a function to become the callback for a change in auth status. Upon changes in auth status, the callback will recieve the new auth status as input.


Parameter Type Optional Description
callback function No The function to execute upon change in auth status

The input signature of the callback function should be as follows:

Parameter Type Optional Description
newStatus boolean No Recieves the new state of the auth status

Outputs: Nothing


Disconnects your callback function

Inputs: Nothing

Outputs: Nothing


Returns the current auth status

Inputs: Nothing

Outputs: A Value

Type Description
boolean The current authentication state


Attempts to sign in the user using the Google Sign-In popup

Inputs: Nothing

Outputs: A Promise

Result Returns
Resolved Nothing
Rejected Object containing error message

See the Google Documentation for more detail.


Signs the user out

Inputs: Nothing

Outputs: A Promise

Result Returns
Resolved Nothing
Rejected Object containing error message

See the Google Documentation for more detail.


Changes the authentication status by calling either GVZ.signOut or GVZ.signIn accordingly

Inputs: Nothing

Outputs: A Promise

Result Returns
Resolved Nothing
Rejected Object containing error message


Returns info about the authenticated user, or undefined

Inputs: Nothing

Outputs: An Object

Property Type Description
firstName string The user's first (given) name
lastName string The user's last (family) name
email string The user's email address
picture string The URL for the user's profile picture

Managing Databases


Sets the flair used to make new spreadsheets and filter through existing ones. Flairs appear visually as [YourFlair] DatabaseName where the actual flair set is YourFlair.


Parameter Type Optional Description
string string No The flair to set

Outputs: Nothing


Returns the current flair

Inputs: Nothing

Outputs: A Value

Type Description
string The current flair


Resets the current flair

Inputs: Nothing

Outputs: Nothing


Asynchronously reloads all the spreadsheets from the user's Google Drive that have the current flair

Inputs: Nothing

Indirect Inputs:

Parameter Getter Setter
flair GVZ.getFlair GVZ.setFlair

Outputs: A Promise

Result Returns
Resolved The newly loaded databases
Rejected Error message


Asynchronously reloads a single spreadsheet from its spreadsheet ID regardless of flair


Parameter Type Optional Description
id string No The ID of the target spreadsheet

Outputs: A Promise

Result Returns
Resolved The new Database Reference Object
Rejected Error message


Returns an array of all loaded Database Reference Objects

Inputs: Nothing

Outputs: A Value

Type Description
array All loaded Database Reference Objects


Returns a single Database Reference Object that matches the given spreadsheet ID


Parameter Type Optional Description
id string No The ID of the target spreadsheet

Outputs: A Database Reference Object


Returns whether a given spreadsheet ID is in the loaded databases


Parameter Type Optional Description
id string No The target spreadsheet ID

Outputs: A Value

Type Description
boolean Whether the parameter is a loaded database


Creates a spreadsheet with the current flair and loads it as a database given a Database Template Object


Parameter Type Optional Description
database object No The structure of the database to create

Indirect Inputs:

Parameter Getter Setter
flair GVZ.getFlair GVZ.setFlair

Outputs: A Promise

Result Returns
Resolved New Database Reference Object
Rejected Error message

Constructable Objects

These objects are meant for you to create. Use them to interact with the library



Parameter Type Optional Description
name string No The name of the database. Do not include the flair
tables array Yes An array of Table Objects

If you leave tables blank upon construction, make sure to set or append to the tables property later.



Parameter Type Optional Description
name string No The name of the table
columns array Yes An array of Column Objects

If you leave columns blank upon construction, make sure to set or append to the columns property later.



Parameter Type Optional Description
header string No The header for this column in the table
type string No The datatype this column should use

Reading and Writing Data


Pushes rows of data to the end of the table


Parameter Type Optional Description
arr array/nested array No The data to push

Format details:

Your data should be input into the function in one of the following ways. The code snippets also show potential ways to input your data for each datatype.

A single array represents a single row of data in which each array item is a column of data

// example datatypes: string, number, unumber, boolean, date, time, datetime, duration
myTable.push(['data', -123.4, 123.4, false, new Date('7/4/2020'), new Date(0,0,0,23,59,59,999), new Date(), new Date(1234)]);

Multiple arrays representing multiple rows can be pushed simultaneously by putting them in a single array

// example datatypes: string, number, unumber, boolean, date, time, datetime, duration
    ['data1', 567.8, 567, 'false', new Date('12/25/2020'), new Date(104399999), new Date(), new Date(23*60*60*1000+59*60*1000+59*1000+999)],
    ['data2', -567, 567.8, true, new Date(18000000), new Date(0,0,0,23,59,59,999), new Date(1593877221569), new Date(1970,0,0,19+23,59,59,999)]

Outputs: A Promise

Result Returns
Resolved Nothing
Rejected Error message

Selects rows of data based on the string query


Parameter Type Optional Description
query string Yes A query that describes what data to select

If the paremeter is left blank, it will be treated as the same as a SELECT * query.

See the Google Documentation for using the query language. You do not have to type SELECT before your query as it's added for you. The option no_format is also applied to the query.

Outputs: A Promise

Result Returns
Resolved A Google DataTable Object
Rejected Error message


This method is a planned feature.