The package explores functional programming. Motivating questions include:
- Can I implement standard higher order functions like map, fold, and filter from scratch?
- Can I combine higher order functions to make something meaningful?
- Is factoring out looping w/ map truly better than having loops within each function?
- If I come back to the code after 3 months, can I understand it?
- Is there some aspect of R’s language definition that prevent functional implementations?
This package implements standard algorithms using a functional programming approach to answer these questions.
- Functionals
- fold
- map
- Function Operators
- cumulative_f
- negate
- recursive_none
- filter
- first
- last
- nth
- compose
- memoize
- time_f
- negate
- Using Fold
- recursive_add
- recursive_multiply
- recursive_max
- recursive_min
- recursive_all
- recursive_any
- Using Function Operator
- hofstadter_g
- hofstadter_h
- hofstadter_q
- Using Map and Function Operator
- cumulative_add
- cumulative_multiply
- cumulative_max
- cumulative_min
- cumulative_all
- cumulative_any
- cumulative_none
- Using Map and Fold
- recursive_is_in
- Using Mutual Recursion
- is_even
- is_odd
- hofstadter_female
- hofstadter_male
- Using Recursion
- recursive_reverse
- ackermann
- recursive_length
- recursive_sort
- recursive_gcd
- recursive_lcm
This package will not be on cran. A stable version can be installed with:
# install.packages("devtools")