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Utility AI module for Game Maker Studio 2.3+

Modern solution for dealing with emergent behaviour.


Table of contents

  1. Idea
  2. How it works
  3. Pros and Cons
  4. Classes
  5. Functions


Utility AI goal is to make agent pick the state that has the highest utility at given moment (we call it score / weight / probability of occuring).

Comparing to regular finite state machines, Utility AI doesn't use fixed set of possible changes between states, rather agent is able to change into any possible state, but each state gets scored and one with highest probability wins and gets selected.

For that to work each state uses things called considerations or evaluators (which are basically considerations with different ways of combining multiple considerations scores into one, for example: min, max, multiply and sum). Also to achieve full modularity and reusability, most considerations would allow to provide a custom score mapping function that remaps calcualted score, and by that allowing user how desired output of given consideration should looks like for given situation.

How it works

The mechanism behind utility AI is really simple: each state contains a tree of considerations that gets evaluated into one single score that represents the probability of given state to occur and one with highest score value gets selected. Altho this system assumes that scores are in range from 0 to 1, consideration can produce any value (in the end highest one is what matters).

Imagine you have two possible states: Happy and Sad, and mood value that in time goes from 0 to 1, and we setup considerations for these states in a way that will cause change to state Happy whenever mood value gets above 0.5:


// For this simple test we will only care about these two states names so we
// don't override state life cycle methods.

function TestStateSad(consideration)
: UtilityState(consideration) constructor {
  name = "sad";

function TestStateHappy(consideration)
: UtilityState(consideration) constructor {
  name = "happy";

// This consideration tests how close current mood is to desired value.
// Score 1 means we have reached desired value, score 0 means we are far from
// desired value.
function TestConsiderationMood(value)
: UtilityConsideration() constructor {
  _value = value;

  static Score = function(localMemory = {}, sharedMemory = {}) {
    // First we calculate actual distance to desired value, then reverse (1 - x)
    // so when score hits 1 it means we have reached desired value.
    return 1 - abs(_value - localMemory._mood);

// This will hold current mood value (ranging from 0 to 1).
_mood = 0;
// We setup list of all possible states for given agent with considerations that
// asks the probability of mood reaching desired values.
var states = [
  new TestStateHappy(new TestConsiderationMood(1)),
  new TestStateSad(new TestConsiderationMood(0)),
// Create agent from list of states and we pass self reference as agent local
// memory to let considerations read this game object state (_mood).
_agent = new UtilityAgent(states, self);


// Change mood value in time.
_mood += delta_time_seconds();
if (_mood > 1) {
  _mood = 0;
// and then tell agent to reason about its next state to change into.


// Read current state and if one is selected, then print its name and mood value
// on the screen.
var state = _agent.CurrentState();
if (!is_undefined(state)) {
  draw_text(2, 2, + ": " + string(_mood));

Pros and Cons


  • Easy to start.
  • Highly modular - you build your AI from smaller reusable building blocks.
  • You can add, remove, replace states and considerations easily making changes and improvements to AI nearly instant.


  • Hard to master - rare edge cases might produce unexpected behaviours.
  • Long and hard debugging times - need to read state scores during reasoning.
  • Requires some math knowledge to be able build more complex behaviours.



You can create it in the object and pass self as agent's memory to directly influence game object in agent's states.


localMemory: any - Assigned any object that holds data read by considerations / evaluators when processing.


new UtilityAgent(states: [UtilityState], localMemory: any)

  • states: [UtilityState] - List of all possible states that agent can choose from.
  • localMemory: any - Reference to object to be read by considerations / evaluators when processing. You can pass game object reference here to use it as source of agent memory.

Creates new class instance.

CurrentState(): UtilityState|undefined

Returns currently active state or undefined otherwise.

Update(): undefined

Perform update on currently active state.

Reason(sharedMemory: any, reporter: UtilityReasoningReporter|undefined): UtilityState|undefined

  • sharedMemory: any - Reference to shared object reference to be read by considerations / evaluators when processing. You can pass here for example this agent owning team information that has to be shared between team agents.
  • reporter: UtilityReasoningReporter|undefined - optional reference to reasoning reporter (useful for debugging to see debug messages showing scores of each state when state has changed).

Performs reasoning (choosing the best suitable state to change into) by scoring each state by their probability to occur) and returns reference to choosen state.

Dispose(): undefined

Cleanups all created internal resources. Call it before deleting the object.



var states = [
  new ExampleStateIdle(
    // because we consider 0 as no probability for state to occur, we use
    // constant value slighty above 0 to make sure we always fallback to idle.
    new UtilityConsiderationConstant(0.01),
  new ExampleStateFollow(
    // object type to follow.
    // target doesn't move (do not recalculate path every step).
    // this state can be choosen if we get low health or strength and there
    // is gold ore on the map. probabilities of each smaller consideration
    // are combined using simple math operations: multiplication and sum.
    new UtilityEvaluatorMultiply([
      // we get 100% probability if there is any gold on the map.
      new ExampleConsiderationObjectMinCount(ExampleGold, 1),
      // sum strength and health considerations to make them both build
      // greater probability of this state to occur.
      new UtilityEvaluatorSum([
        new ExampleConsiderationRelativeStrength(
          // as close we get to >= 20 strength difference,
          // the more probable this state is.
          // we need to remap calculated probability to its reverse
          // (1 - score) so in the end the closer to 0 strength difference is
          // the more agent wants to find gold ore to make it stronger.
        // the closest to 0 health we get, the more probable is we need to
        // find gold ore to gain more strength.
        new ExampleConsiderationHealth(100, reverse_score_mapping),
_agent = new UtilityAgent(states, self);

Clean Up:

// because GML doesn't support destructors you have to call Dispose before
// deleting the object.
delete _agent;


// call Reason to choose new state.
// call Update to update currently active state.


This class instance can be passed to UtilityAgent:Reason method to be used to report results of the reasoning process.


new UtilityReasoningReporter(id: any, printer: function|undefined)

  • id: any - Object that will be shown in report (preferably string).
  • printer: function|undefined - Optional reference to function(string):any that will print report lines.

Creates new class instance.

Begin(): undefined

Resets internal state for further scores collection.

Push(score: real): undefined

  • score: real - Score value got from state score evaluation.

Adds score to internal collection.

Report(): undefined

Prints collected scores in human readable format.

Dispose(): undefined

Cleanups all created internal resources. Call it before deleting the object.


User should create custom state classes that inherits from this class and overrides methods: OnEnter, OnExit, OnUpdate to perform actions for this state.


new UtilityState(consideration: UtilityConsideration)

  • consideration: UtilityConsideration - Reference to main object that inherits UtilityConsideration class (can be custom consideration or evaluator) that is used to get score how likely given state is to occur.

Creates new class instance.

OnEnter(agent: UtilityAgent): undefined

  • agent: UtilityAgent - Reference to agent that owns this state.

Override this method to perform action when state is getting enabled.

OnExit(agent: UtilityAgent): undefined

  • agent: UtilityAgent - Reference to agent that owns this state.

Override this method to perform action when state is getting disabled.

OnUpdate(agent: UtilityAgent): undefined

  • agent: UtilityAgent - Reference to agent that owns this state.

Override this method to perform action when state is active and UtilityAgent:Update is running.

Score(localMemory: any, sharedMemory: any): real

  • localMemory: any - Reference to local memory of UtilityAgent.
  • sharedMemory: any - Reference to shared memory passed to UtilityAgent.

Runs main consideration / evaluator to score this state probability to occur.

Dispose(): undefined

Cleanups all created internal resources. Call it before deleting the object.

function ExampleStateFollow(objectType, everyStep, evaluator)
: UtilityState(evaluator) constructor {
  _objectType = objectType;
  _everyStep = everyStep;
  _target = noone;

  static OnEnter = function(agent) {
    agent.localMemory.sprite_index = ExampleUnitWalk;
    agent.localMemory._path = path_add();

  static OnExit = function(agent) {
    with(agent.localMemory) {
    if (path_exists(agent.localMemory._path)) {
    _target = noone;

  static OnUpdate = function(agent) {
    if (_everyStep || !instance_exists(_target)) {
      _target = instance_nearest_adv(
      if (instance_exists(_target)) {
        with(agent.localMemory) {
          path_start(_path, 2, path_action_stop, true);


User should create custom state classes that inherits from this class and overrides Score method to return probability score for this consideration.


new UtilityConsideration()

Creates new class instance.

Score(localMemory: any, sharedMemory: any): real

  • localMemory: any - Reference to local memory of UtilityAgent.
  • sharedMemory: any - Reference to shared memory passed to UtilityAgent.

Calculates probability score of this consideration. User should override this method in custom consideration / evaluation class.

Dispose(): undefined

Cleanups all created internal resources. Call it before deleting the object.

function ExampleConsiderationHealth(limit = 100, mapping = no_score_mapping)
: UtilityConsideration() constructor {
  _limit = limit;
  _mapping = mapping;

  static Score = function(localMemory = {}, sharedMemory = {}) {
    return _mapping(clamp(localMemory._health, 0, _limit) / _limit);


This consideration always return score from the value provided.


new UtilityConsiderationConstant(value: real)

  • value: real - Value to be used as score of this consideration.

Creates new class instance.

Score(localMemory: any, sharedMemory: any): real

  • localMemory: any - Reference to local memory of UtilityAgent.
  • sharedMemory: any - Reference to shared memory passed to UtilityAgent.

Returns value passed to this consideration constructor.

Dispose(): undefined

Cleanups all created internal resources. Call it before deleting the object.


This class inherits from UtilityConsideration and adds possibility for combining multiple children considerations scores into one - inherit from this class if you need a custom way to handle multiple sub-considerations scores.


new UtilityEvaluator(considerations: [UtilityConsideration])

  • considerations: [UtilityConsideration] - List of children considerations to combine.

Creates new class instance.

Score(localMemory: any, sharedMemory: any): real

  • localMemory: any - Reference to local memory of UtilityAgent.
  • sharedMemory: any - Reference to shared memory passed to UtilityAgent.

When not overriden, this method returns always 1. User should override it to handle combining children considerations into one score value.

Dispose(): undefined

Cleanups all created internal resources. Call it before deleting the object.


Calculates maximum score of children considerations.


new UtilityEvaluatorMax(considerations: [UtilityConsideration], mapping: function)

  • considerations: [UtilityConsideration] - List of children considerations to combine.
  • mapping: function|undefined - Optional function to remap calculated score.

Creates new class instance.

Score(localMemory: any, sharedMemory: any): real

  • localMemory: any - Reference to local memory of UtilityAgent.
  • sharedMemory: any - Reference to shared memory passed to UtilityAgent.

Returns maximum value of children considerations scores.

Dispose(): undefined

Cleanups all created internal resources. Call it before deleting the object.


Calculates minimum score of children considerations.


new UtilityEvaluatorMin(considerations: [UtilityConsideration], mapping: function)

  • considerations: [UtilityConsideration] - List of children considerations to combine.
  • mapping: function|undefined - Optional function to remap calculated score.

Creates new class instance.

Score(localMemory: any, sharedMemory: any): real

  • localMemory: any - Reference to local memory of UtilityAgent.
  • sharedMemory: any - Reference to shared memory passed to UtilityAgent.

Returns minimum value of children considerations scores.

Dispose(): undefined

Cleanups all created internal resources. Call it before deleting the object.


Calculates product of children considerations score.


new UtilityEvaluatorMultiply(considerations: [UtilityConsideration], mapping: function)

  • considerations: [UtilityConsideration] - List of children considerations to combine.
  • mapping: function|undefined - Optional function to remap calculated score.

Creates new class instance.

Score(localMemory: any, sharedMemory: any): real

  • localMemory: any - Reference to local memory of UtilityAgent.
  • sharedMemory: any - Reference to shared memory passed to UtilityAgent.

Returns product value of children considerations scores.

Dispose(): undefined

Cleanups all created internal resources. Call it before deleting the object.


Calculates sum of children considerations score.


new UtilityEvaluatorSum(considerations: [UtilityConsideration], mapping: function)

  • considerations: [UtilityConsideration] - List of children considerations to combine.
  • mapping: function|undefined - Optional function to remap calculated score.

Creates new class instance.

Score(localMemory: any, sharedMemory: any): real

  • localMemory: any - Reference to local memory of UtilityAgent.
  • sharedMemory: any - Reference to shared memory passed to UtilityAgent.

Returns sum value of children considerations scores.

Dispose(): undefined

Cleanups all created internal resources. Call it before deleting the object.


no_score_mapping(score: real): real

  • score: real - Probability value.

Returns exactly the same score value as pased in input. You can use it as default mapping argument in considerations/evaluators when user doesn't specify any.

reverse_score_mapping(score: real): real

  • score: real - Probability value.

Returns 1 - score.

inverse_score_mapping(score: real): real

  • score: real - Probability value.

Returns 1 / score.

inverse_reverse_score_mapping(score: real): real

  • score: real - Probability value.

Returns 1 - (1 / score).

fast_sigmoid_score_mapping(score: real): real

  • score: real - Probability value.

Returns score / (1 + abs(score)).

Read more: WolframAlpha

approx_sigmoid_score_mapping(score: real): real

  • score: real - Probability value.

Returns score / sqrt(1 + (score * score)).

Read more: WolframAlpha


Utility AI module for Game Maker Studio 2.3+







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