To learn about the Software Templates that were used in this workshop, explore the scaffolder-templates
folder. For additional Template examples, see
To set up your own workshop cluster, implement the following changes to the demo-setup installation process:
First, create a checkout of this
branch (instead of using thejanus-idp/demo-setup
repo):git clone cd janus-platforms/ansible/cluster-setup git checkout workshop
Next, fork this repo while setting the owner input to your new github org, and the name of the new repo to:
Then, complete the rest of the install installation process (while skipping the optional quay section). That doc will instruct you to export several variables that will be used in the upcoming example commands
Create another OAuth app to provide GitHub Auth into the Openshift cluster:
open "$GITHUB_ORGANIZATION/settings/applications/new/?oauth_application[name]=$GITHUB_ORGANIZATION-auth&oauth_application[url]=https://oauth-openshift.apps$OPENSHIFT_CLUSTER_INFO&oauth_application[callback_url]=https://oauth-openshift.apps$OPENSHIFT_CLUSTER_INFO/oauth2callback/github"
Configure your new GitHub OAuth App’s client
, and include your gh org in the list of approved orgs:open "https://console-openshift-console.apps$OPENSHIFT_CLUSTER_INFO/settings/idp/github"
Change the Base permissions for all repos to "Write"
open "$GITHUB_ORGANIZATION/settings/member_privileges/"
Install the CoP Namespace Configuration Operator from OperatorHub:
oc new-project namespace-configuration-operator oc create -f # wait for the operator installation to complete... sleep 60 cat <<EOF | oc create -f - kind: UserConfig apiVersion: metadata: name: test-user-config spec: annotationSelector: {} identityExtraFieldSelector: {} labelSelector: {} providerName: github templates: - excludedPaths: - .spec.replicas - .metadata - .status objectTemplate: | - apiVersion: kind: Project metadata: name: {{ .Name }} - apiVersion: kind: RoleBinding metadata: name: {{ .Name }}-rolebinding namespace: {{ .Name }} roleRef: apiGroup: kind: ClusterRole name: admin subjects: - apiGroup: kind: User name: {{ .Name }} EOF
Increase cluster capacity by scaling up machineSets (if needed):
open "https://console-openshift-console.apps$OPENSHIFT_CLUSTER_INFO/k8s/ns/openshift-machine-api/"
Switch from Janus to RHDH (see below)
Invite users to your github org:
TipFor larger workshops try uploading a list of github user ids using a script -
Distribute the following onboarding information to each workshop attendee:
echo "Attendee invite:$GITHUB_ORGANIZATION/invitation" && echo "Workshop Instructions:" && echo "Cluster URL: https://console-openshift-console.apps$OPENSHIFT_CLUSTER_INFO"
WarningWorkshop users need to accept their org invitation before accessing the cluster
To switch to the latest RHDH image, you will need to complete the following:
Request access to the following quay repo via email:
. Requests from Internal Red Hatters should be sent to [email protected]. Requests from customers should be sent to [email protected]. -
After gaining access to the quay repo. Visit and click on Profile → Account Settings → Robot Accounts → Create Robot Account
Name the Robot Account "rhdh_pull_secret".
Open your robot account and select the "Kubernetes Secret" tab. Download your pull secret yaml.
Edit your pull secret yaml, setting the pull secret’s
field to:rhdh-pull-secret
Install your pull secret in the backstage namespace:
kubectl create -f secret.yaml -n backstage
Update the janus deployment to reference the new image pull secret:
kubectl patch deploy/janus-dev -n backstage -p '{"spec":{"template":{"spec":{"imagePullSecrets":[{"name":"rhdh-pull-secret"}],"containers":[{"name":"janus-backstage","image":""}]}}}}'
workshop content is available at:
Install local development dependencies via npm
npm install
Launch a local development server:
npm start