Open a terminal in the location where you want to create your project and clone the repository
git clone
Open Zettlr and navigate to File -> Open Workspace
Select the folder you just cloned
Expand the workplace in Zettlr
Right click Export and go to project settings
Under Custom TeX-Template select the "main.tex" in the project's parent folder (if you move you project folder, you will have to redo this step!)
In Project settings you may change other attributes of your project like title, author, margins, citation styles etc.
Adding support for pandoc-crossref
Next we will have to change Zettlr's default export command to make cross references (referencing of figures and sections) work. Press Ctrl+, to open settings. Go to "Advanced" and replace the Pandoc command with the following
pandoc -F pandoc-crossref "$infile$" -f markdown $outflag$ $tpl$ $toc$ $tocdepth$ $bibliography$ $cslstyle$ $standalone$ --pdf-engine=xelatex --mathjax -o "$outfile$" --number-sections --listings
Adding Mermaid Support
npm install -g mermaid-filter
and add -F mermaid-filter
to the Advanced Settings pandoc command.
Citation databases are supported in CSL JSON or BibTex (.bib) formats. These can be exported from or linked to citation tools such as Zotero. To link your database go to Settings -> Export -> Citation Database and select the file you want to use. Citations may now be added using '@'.
Right click the project folder and click Export Project
This may take a while! If you didn't get a success or error notification it is still running! See also:
Go to Project settings and under Font select fonts which are installed on your system. Hit Save. The name has to match exactly.
In ads/settings.tex change the line
to your desired language ("de" for German or "en" for English) g.
In ads/settings.tex change the line
to your desired type. Possible types are
You can find everything you will need in ads/settings.tex. The following lines can be used for configuration and should be self explanatory:
\newcommand{\documentPeriod}{12 Wochen}
\newcommand{\department}{Wirtschatsingenieurwesen - Maschinenbau}
\newcommand{\degree}{Bachelor of Engineering}
\newcommand{\releaseDate}{März 2021}
\newcommand{\companyName}{Airbus Defence and Space GmbH}
\newcommand{\tutor}{Dr.-Ing. Peter Lustig}
In remove the relevant lines:
You can specify a citation style through a CSL file in Project settings -> CSL-Style. CSL style files for all common style can be found here:
This project contains parts of Stefan Schneides DHBW-Latex template. Thank you!