Node module that reduce the complexity of dealing with SimPRO API, wich is a SOAP based and has a lot of services and params that can drive you mad.
The usage is simple, just create a client object providing authentication setting and you can use the API methods.
var SIMProAPIClient = require('simpro-api-client').Client;
var client = new SIMProAPIClient( { auth: { method: 'Basic',
user: 'user',
password: 'password' } } );
// client is ready to use
Describes a service, identified by name.
var clientRequest = client.describeService(wsdl, 'getSIMs');
clientRequest.on('error', function(data) { console.log("FAIL!!"); console.log(data);});
clientRequest.on('done', function(data) { console.log("OK!"); console.log(data);});
// Returns:
// OK!
// { input:
// { getSIMsRequest:
// { nsName: 'xsd:complexType',
// namespace: 'tns',
// name: 'complexType',
// children: [Object],
// xmlns: '',
// valueKey: '$value',
// xmlKey: '$xml',
// ignoredNamespaces: [Object],
// '$name': 'GetSIMsRequest' } },
// output:
// { return:
// { nsName: 'xsd:complexType',
// namespace: 'tns',
// name: 'complexType',
// children: [Object],
// xmlns: '',
// valueKey: '$value',
// xmlKey: '$xml',
// ignoredNamespaces: [Object],
// '$name': 'GetSIMsResponse' } } }