Welcome to the Kubernetes (k8s) Learning Journey.
On this journey, you'll learn to build a simple python application and then deploy it to Kubernetes.
Once deployed, you'll refactor the application and add supporting services to make the application produciton-ready.
This learning journey assumes a basic understanding of Python and the ability to use a Terminal.
Clone this repository and open the README in Module 000-getting-started to get going!
This repo is provided as-is. I'm not an expert, but I hope this might help someone somewhere. If you have ideas, bug-fixes or questions, please just open a GitHub Issue.
I want to improve my technical writing skills, and to build cohesive documentation that rapidly allows new users to get upto speed on technical topics. Technology is hard, but the longer I've worked with it, the more I realize that people and knowledge sharing is even harder.
This learning journey is not cutting-edge, groundbreaking or unique. There are plenty of great resources out there already which I used extensively while creating this guide.