Spotify client built with vue.js / vuex.
Authenticated users must have a valid Spotify Premium subscription because if it doesn't, Web Playback SDK will not work.
- Login
- Logout
- Refresh token
- Get Spotify Catalog information about artists, albums, tracks or playlists that match a keyword string.
- Get a List of Categories
- Get New Releases
- Get a user's playlists
- Create playlists
- Follow a playlist
- Unfollow a playlist
- Get a user's available devices
- Connect to another device
- Start/Resume a User's Playback
- Get the User's Currently Playing Track
- Set volume
- Skip User’s Playback To Next Track
- Skip User’s Playback To Previous Track
- Seek playback to a given position
- Toggle Shuffle For User’s Playback
- Set Repeat Mode On User’s Playback