FOSS platform for publishing your games. We curate high quality implementations of board games and optimize your game for delivery so you can quickly reach hundreds of players.
Play now at
- ✔️ Chess
- ✔️ TakeSix! (by JosefKuchar, similar to 6 Nimt)
- ✔️ Nine Mens Morris (by JosefKuchar)
- ✔️ Reversi (by JosefKuchar, similar to Rollit and Othelo)
- ✔️ Seabattle (similar to Battleship).
- ✔️ Cornerus (by JosefKuchar, similar to Blokus)
- ✔️ TicTacToe.
- ✔️ Checkers
Check the game development kanban
- ✔️ Code splitting.
- ✔️ Server side rendering.
- ✔️ Installable.
- ✔️ Loads fast - small javascript sizes.
- ✔️ Works offline.
- 🚧 Party/lobby system.
- 🚧 i18n.
Check out the infrastructure kanban.
Contributions are always welcome, even if just reporting bugs (check the known bugs kanban). Feel free to ask for any help!
git clone
yarn install
yarn run dev