This Blog is a run ready bundle, which uses PIMF framework including a blog application based on SQLite database. Here you can learn how to work with Pimf_EntityManager, Pimf_Util_Validator and Pimf_View.
This bundle has system requirements to PHP's extensions: "PDO" and "pdo_sqlite". The extentions have to be compiled within your PHP. Please check by executing php -m on you command interface - and take a look for them. If they are there than everything will be fine - otherwise please navigate to and find out how to recompile them to your PHP version.
git clone --recursive
cd pimf-blog/
update submodules
git submodule --quiet sync
git submodule --quiet update --force --init --recursive
php pimf core:init
php pimf blog:create_blog_table
php pimf blog:insert
Navigate to your application in a web browser. If all is well, you should see a pretty PIMF splash page. Get ready - there is lot more to learn!
Alternatively you can run the PHP's built-in web server that is provided since PHP 5.4.0
php -S
Please notice: this web server was designed to aid application development. It may also be useful for testing purposes or for application demonstrations that are run in controlled environments. It is not intended to be a full-featured web server. It should not be used on a public network.
One of the best ways to learn PIMF is to read through the entirety of its documentation. This guide details all aspects of the framework and how to apply them to your application.
Read the PIMF book almost anywhere. Available as a PDF, EPUB and MOBI. You can now read it on all devices, as well as offline: