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ResolveImageConfig: Only fetch best matching config
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Before this change, all platforms that loosely match the provided
platform will be fetched even though we only care about 1 of them.
As an example when linux/amd64 is requested it will also fetch linux/386
because it is a compatible architecture.
This means extra round trips to the registry, potentially even for
content that doesn't exist in the remote.

This is especially a problem when resolve mode is prefer-local because
we'll have the index locally but most likely only one manifest.
In this case we'll end up reaching out to the registry to fetch the
other manifests unncessarily.

With this change instead of fetching all matching platforms it chooses
only the best matching platform.

Signed-off-by: Brian Goff <[email protected]>
  • Loading branch information
cpuguy83 authored and jedevc committed Oct 13, 2023
1 parent 17b2854 commit 575cb10
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Showing 2 changed files with 208 additions and 0 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions util/imageutil/config.go
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -156,6 +156,7 @@ func Config(ctx context.Context, str string, resolver remotes.Resolver, cache Co

children := childrenConfigHandler(cache, platform)
children = images.LimitManifests(children, platform, 1)

dslHandler, err := docker.AppendDistributionSourceLabel(cache, ref.String())
if err != nil {
Expand Down
207 changes: 207 additions & 0 deletions util/imageutil/config_test.go
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,207 @@
package imageutil

import (

digest ""
ocispecs ""

func TestConfigMultiplatform(t *testing.T) {
ctx := context.Background()

cc := &testCache{}

pAmd64 := platforms.MustParse("linux/amd64")
cfgDescAmd64 := cc.Add(t, ocispecs.Image{Platform: pAmd64}, ocispecs.MediaTypeImageConfig, nil)
mfstAmd64 := ocispecs.Manifest{MediaType: ocispecs.MediaTypeImageManifest, Config: cfgDescAmd64}

// Add linux/amd64 to the cache
descAmd64 := cc.Add(t, mfstAmd64, mfstAmd64.MediaType, &pAmd64)

// Make a compatible manifest but do not add to the cache
p386 := platforms.MustParse("linux/386")
cfgDesc386 := cc.Add(t, ocispecs.Image{Platform: p386}, ocispecs.MediaTypeImageConfig, nil)
mfst386 := ocispecs.Manifest{MediaType: ocispecs.MediaTypeImageManifest, Config: cfgDesc386}
_, desc386 := makeDesc(t, mfst386, mfst386.MediaType, &p386)

// And add an extra non-compataible platform
pArm64 := platforms.MustParse("linux/arm64")
cfgDescArm64 := cc.Add(t, ocispecs.Image{Platform: pArm64}, ocispecs.MediaTypeImageConfig, nil)
mfstArm64 := ocispecs.Manifest{MediaType: ocispecs.MediaTypeImageManifest, Config: cfgDescArm64}
_, descArm64 := makeDesc(t, mfst386, mfstArm64.MediaType, &pArm64)

idx := ocispecs.Index{
MediaType: ocispecs.MediaTypeImageIndex,
Manifests: []ocispecs.Descriptor{desc386, descAmd64, descArm64},

check := func(t *testing.T) {

idxDesc := cc.Add(t, idx, idx.MediaType, nil)
r := &testResolver{cc: cc, resolve: func(ctx context.Context, ref string) (string, ocispecs.Descriptor, error) {
return ref, idxDesc, nil

// Now we should be able to get the amd64 config without fetching anything from the remote
// If it tries to fetch from the remote this will error out.
const ref = ""
_, _, dt, err := Config(ctx, ref, r, cc, nil, &pAmd64, nil)
require.NoError(t, err)

var cfg ocispecs.Image
require.NoError(t, json.Unmarshal(dt, &cfg))
// Validate this is the amd64 config
require.True(t, platforms.OnlyStrict(cfg.Platform).Match(pAmd64))

// Make sure it doesn't select a non-matching platform
pArmv7 := platforms.MustParse("linux/arm/v7")
_, _, _, err = Config(ctx, ref, r, cc, nil, &pArmv7, nil)
require.ErrorIs(t, err, errdefs.ErrNotFound)


// Shuffle the manifests around and make sure it still works
rand.Shuffle(len(idx.Manifests), func(i, j int) {
idx.Manifests[i], idx.Manifests[j] = idx.Manifests[j], idx.Manifests[i]

type testCache struct {
content map[digest.Digest]content.ReaderAt

func (testCache) Info(ctx context.Context, dgst digest.Digest) (content.Info, error) {
return content.Info{}, nil

func (testCache) Update(context.Context, content.Info, ...string) (content.Info, error) {
return content.Info{}, nil

func (*testCache) Writer(ctx context.Context, opts ...content.WriterOpt) (content.Writer, error) {
// This needs to be implemented because the content helpers will open a writer to use as a lock
return nopWriter{}, nil

type nopWriter struct{}

func (nopWriter) Write(p []byte) (int, error) {
return len(p), nil

func (nopWriter) Close() error {
return nil

func (nopWriter) Commit(ctx context.Context, size int64, expected digest.Digest, opts ...content.Opt) error {
return nil

func (nopWriter) Status() (content.Status, error) {
return content.Status{}, nil

func (nopWriter) Truncate(size int64) error {
return nil

func (nopWriter) Digest() digest.Digest {
panic("not implemented")

func makeDesc(t *testing.T, item any, mt string, p *ocispecs.Platform) ([]byte, ocispecs.Descriptor) {

dt, err := json.Marshal(item)
require.NoError(t, err)

return dt, ocispecs.Descriptor{
MediaType: mt,
Digest: digest.FromBytes(dt),
Size: int64(len(dt)),
Platform: p,

func (c *testCache) Add(t *testing.T, item any, mt string, p *ocispecs.Platform) ocispecs.Descriptor {
if c.content == nil {
c.content = make(map[digest.Digest]content.ReaderAt)

dt, desc := makeDesc(t, item, mt, p)
c.content[desc.Digest] = &sectionNopCloser{io.NewSectionReader(bytes.NewReader(dt), 0, int64(len(dt)))}
return desc

type sectionNopCloser struct {

func (*sectionNopCloser) Close() error {
return nil

func (c *testCache) ReaderAt(ctx context.Context, desc ocispecs.Descriptor) (content.ReaderAt, error) {
ra, ok := c.content[desc.Digest]
if !ok {
return nil, errdefs.ErrNotFound
return ra, nil

type testResolver struct {
resolve func(ctx context.Context, ref string) (string, ocispecs.Descriptor, error)
cc ContentCache

type fetcherFunc func(context.Context, ocispecs.Descriptor) (io.ReadCloser, error)

func (f fetcherFunc) Fetch(ctx context.Context, desc ocispecs.Descriptor) (io.ReadCloser, error) {
return f(ctx, desc)

func (r *testResolver) Fetcher(ctx context.Context, ref string) (remotes.Fetcher, error) {
return fetcherFunc(func(ctx context.Context, desc ocispecs.Descriptor) (io.ReadCloser, error) {
ra, err :=, desc)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &raReader{ReaderAt: ra, Closer: ra}, nil
}), nil

type raReader struct {

pos int

func (r *raReader) Read(p []byte) (int, error) {
n, err := r.ReaderAt.ReadAt(p, int64(r.pos))
r.pos += n
return n, err

func (r *testResolver) Resolve(ctx context.Context, ref string) (string, ocispecs.Descriptor, error) {
return r.resolve(ctx, ref)

func (r *testResolver) Pusher(context.Context, string) (remotes.Pusher, error) {
panic("not implemented")

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