3.4.1 (2023-05-23)
Bug Fixes
added additional outputs to multi runner module. (#3283 ) (9644e05 )
lambda: bump @aws-sdk/client-sqs from 3.321.1 to 3.332.0 in /lambdas (#3271 ) (170baa8 )
lambda: bump @aws-sdk/client-sqs from 3.332.0 to 3.337.0 in /lambdas (#3284 ) (01a053e )
lambda: bump @aws-sdk/lib-storage from 3.321.1 to 3.335.0 in /lambdas (#3281 ) (9387bee )
lambda: bump @aws-sdk/lib-storage from 3.335.0 to 3.337.0 in /lambdas (#3286 ) (2a447ae )
lambda: bump @octokit/auth-app from 4.0.9 to 4.0.13 in /lambdas (#3287 ) (517d2e0 )
lambda: bump @octokit/types from 9.2.1 to 9.2.2 in /lambdas (#3273 ) (e083898 )
multi-runner: allow runner_additional_security_group_ids to apply to multi_runner_config (#3221 ) (5fb1fa8 )
multi-runner: enable SSE by default for runner-binaries bucket (#3274 ) (5d314f2 )
webhook: logic to find the workflow labels inside runner config supported labelsets. (#3278 ) (9fcf33a )
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