This project contains the source code for Q2 v1.0 firmware. (This firmware is modifed from a version of Crazyflie firmware)
To make BIN, you'll need to install some ARM toolchain.
Tested on Ubuntu 14.04 64b:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:terry.guo/gcc-arm-embedded
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install libnewlib-arm-none-eabi
This repository uses git submodules. Clone with the --recursive flag
git clone --recursive
If you already have cloned the repo, use
git submodule init
git submodule update
This is the dafault build so just running "make" is enough or:
or with the toolbelt
tb build
After you make the 'bin', you can download the file using "crazyflie client".
The Crazyflie Python client can be downloaded from the below. (
To create custom build options create a file called in the root folder (same as Makefile) and fill it with options. E.g.
More information can be found on the Bitcraze wiki
./ | Root, contains the Makefile
+ init | Contains the main.c
+ config | Configuration files
+ drivers | Hardware driver layer
| + src | Drivers source code
| + interface | Drivers header files. Interface to the HAL layer
+ hal | Hardware abstaction layer
| + src | HAL source code
| + interface | HAL header files. Interface with the other parts of the program
+ modules | Firmware operating code and headers
| + src | Firmware tasks source code and main.c
| + interface | Operating headers. Configure the firmware environement
+ utils | Utils code. Implement utility block like the console.
| + src | Utils source code
| + interface | Utils header files. Interface with the other parts of the program
+ platform | Platform specific files. Not really used yet
+ tools | Misc. scripts for LD, OpenOCD, make, version control, ...
| | *** The two following folders contains the unmodified files ***
+ lib | Libraries
| + FreeRTOS | Source FreeRTOS folder. Cleaned up from the useless files
| + STM32... | Library folders of the ST STM32 peripheral libs
| + CMSIS | Core abstraction layer
all : Shortcut for build
compile : Compile cflie.hex. WARNING: Do NOT update version.c
build : Update version.c and compile cflie.elf/hex
clean_o : Clean only the Objects files, keep the executables (ie .elf, .hex)
clean : Clean every compiled files
mrproper : Clean every compiled files and the classical editors backup files
cload : If the crazyflie-clients-python is placed on the same directory level and
the Crazyradio/Crazyradio PA is inserted it will try to flash the firmware
using the wireless bootloader.
flash : Flash .elf using OpenOCD
halt : Halt the target using OpenOCD
reset : Reset the target using OpenOCD
openocd : Launch OpenOCD
Frameworks for unit testing are pulled in as git submodules.
The testing framework uses ruby and rake to generate and run code.
To minimize the need for installations and configuration, use the docker builder image (bitcraze/builder) that contains all tools needed. All scripts in the tools/build directory are intended to be run in the image. The toolbelt makes it easy to run the tool scripts.
With the environment set up locally
with the docker builder image and the toolbelt
tb test