Manifesto is an HLS tool for creating multiple variants, a master.m3u8 file, and converting 608 captions to segmented webvtt subtitles via ffmpeg.
- Go
- Ffmpeg
mkdir ~/go
export GOPATH=~/go
go get -u
git clone
cd manifesto
go build manifesto.go
Manifesto transcodes and segments video into multiple variants and creates the master.m3u8 file. 608 Closed captions are extracted and converted to webvtt segment files.
cd ~/manifesto
./manifesto -i vid.ts
This will create the following directory structure and files
hd720 low640 master.m3u8 med960 subs
index0.ts index1.ts index2.ts index3.ts index4.ts index.m3u8
index0.ts index1.ts index2.ts index3.ts index4.ts index.m3u8
index0.ts index1.ts index2.ts index3.ts index4.ts index.m3u8
index0.vtt index1.vtt index2.vtt index3.vtt index4.vtt index_vtt.m3u8
- The default toplevel directory name is the video file name without the file extention.
- The variants are read from the hls.json file, variants can be added or removed as needed.
- The command used to traanscode is specified in the cmd.template file, it can be modified.
-d string
override top level directory for hls files (optional)
-i string
Video file to segment (either -i or -b is required)
-j string
JSON file of variants (optional) (default "./hls.json")
-s string
subtitle file to segment (optional)
-t string
command template file (optional) (default "./cmd.template")
-u string
url prefix to add to index.m3u8 path in master.m3u8 (optional)
./manifesto -i vid.mp4
- This is single mode a master.m3u8 and variants will be created in a new directory named vid. It will also attempt to extract 608 captions and convert them to segmented webvtt subtitles.
./manifesto -i vid.mp4 -s
- As above but instead of extracting 608 captions, will be converted to a webvtt file and then segmented.
./manifesto -i vid.mp4 -s -u
- As above and also adds the url prefix to each variant listed in the m3u8 file.
- manifesto works right of the box.I wanted it to be easy to use with minimal configuation needed. If you do feel the need to tune it a bit.
- Variant data is stored in the hls.json file.
- Add or edit or remove as desired.
{"name": "med960", "aspect": "960x540", "framerate":"29.97","vbitrate": "2000","bufsize":"4000","abitrate": "96k"}
,{"name": "low640", "aspect": "640x360", "framerate":"29.97","vbitrate": "730","bufsize":"1460","abitrate": "64k"}
,{"name":"hd720","aspect": "1280x720", "framerate" :"29.97","vbitrate": "4500","bufsize":"9000","abitrate": "128k"}
- cmd.template is the default ffmeg command template
- NAME,ASPECT,FRAMERATE,VBITRATE,BUFSIZE,ABITRATE will be replaced with variant's values from hls.json.
- Newlines are stripped.
The values used in the master.m3u8 file are read an /or calculated for each variant as follows.
- Bandwidth ( bit_rate is parsed the mpegts container )
- Resolution ( width and height for the video resolution are parsed from the video stream)
- Level ( video level is parsed from the video stream )
- Profile (video profile is parsed from the video stream, audio profile from the audio stream)
- Codecs (Calculated as described here )