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1108 lines (768 loc) · 82.8 KB

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executable file
1108 lines (768 loc) · 82.8 KB


All URIs are relative to https://localhost:443/ngsi-ld/v1

Method HTTP request Description
append_attrs POST /entities/{entityId}/attrs Append Attributes to Entity
create_batch POST /entityOperations/create Batch Entity Creation
create_entity POST /entities Entity creation
delete_attrs DELETE /entities/{entityId}/attrs/{attrId} Attribute delete
delete_batch POST /entityOperations/delete Batch Entity Delete
delete_entity DELETE /entities/{entityId} Entity deletion by id
merge_batch POST /entityOperations/merge Batch Entity Merge
merge_entity PATCH /entities/{entityId} Entity merge by id
replace_attrs PUT /entities/{entityId}/attrs/{attrId} Attribute replace
replace_entity PUT /entities/{entityId} Entity replacement by id
update_attrs PATCH /entities/{entityId}/attrs/{attrId} Partial Attribute Update
update_batch POST /entityOperations/update Batch Entity Update
update_entity PATCH /entities/{entityId}/attrs Update Attributes of an Entity
upsert_batch POST /entityOperations/upsert Batch Entity Creation or Update (Upsert)


append_attrs(entity_id, options=options, local=local, link=link, ngsild_tenant=ngsild_tenant, entity=entity)

Append Attributes to Entity

5.6.3 Append Entity Attributes. This operation allows modifying an NGSI-LD Entity by adding new attributes (Properties or Relationships).


import ngsi_ld_client
from ngsi_ld_client.models.entity import Entity
from ngsi_ld_client.models.options_no_overwrite import OptionsNoOverwrite
from import ApiException
from pprint import pprint

# Defining the host is optional and defaults to https://localhost:443/ngsi-ld/v1
# See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = ngsi_ld_client.Configuration(
    host = "https://localhost:443/ngsi-ld/v1"

# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with ngsi_ld_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
    # Create an instance of the API class
    api_instance = ngsi_ld_client.ContextInformationProvisionApi(api_client)
    entity_id = 'entity_id_example' # str | Id (URI) of the entity to be retrieved.
    options = [ngsi_ld_client.OptionsNoOverwrite()] # List[OptionsNoOverwrite] |  (optional)
    local = True # bool | 6.3.18 Limiting Distributed Operations. If local=true then no Context Source Registrations shall be considered as matching to avoid cascading distributed operations (see clause  (optional)
    link = 'link_example' # str | 6.3.5 JSON-LD @context resolution  In summary, from a developer's perspective, for POST, PATCH and PUT operations, if MIME type is \"application/ld+json\", then the associated @context shall be provided only as part of the request payload body. Likewise, if MIME type is \"application/json\", then the associated @context shall be provided only by using the JSON-LD Link header. No mixes are allowed, i.e. mixing options shall result in HTTP response errors. Implementations should provide descriptive error messages when these situations arise.  In contrast, GET and DELETE operations always take their input @context from the JSON-LD Link Header.  (optional)
    ngsild_tenant = 'ngsild_tenant_example' # str | 6.3.14 Tenant specification. The tenant to which the NGSI-LD HTTP operation is targeted.  (optional)
    entity = ngsi_ld_client.Entity() # Entity | Entity Fragment containing a complete representation of the Attributes to be added.  (optional)

        # Append Attributes to Entity 
        api_instance.append_attrs(entity_id, options=options, local=local, link=link, ngsild_tenant=ngsild_tenant, entity=entity)
    except Exception as e:
        print("Exception when calling ContextInformationProvisionApi->append_attrs: %s\n" % e)


Name Type Description Notes
entity_id str Id (URI) of the entity to be retrieved.
options List[OptionsNoOverwrite] [optional]
local bool 6.3.18 Limiting Distributed Operations. If local=true then no Context Source Registrations shall be considered as matching to avoid cascading distributed operations (see clause [optional]
link str 6.3.5 JSON-LD @context resolution In summary, from a developer's perspective, for POST, PATCH and PUT operations, if MIME type is "application/ld+json", then the associated @context shall be provided only as part of the request payload body. Likewise, if MIME type is "application/json", then the associated @context shall be provided only by using the JSON-LD Link header. No mixes are allowed, i.e. mixing options shall result in HTTP response errors. Implementations should provide descriptive error messages when these situations arise. In contrast, GET and DELETE operations always take their input @context from the JSON-LD Link Header. [optional]
ngsild_tenant str 6.3.14 Tenant specification. The tenant to which the NGSI-LD HTTP operation is targeted. [optional]
entity Entity Entity Fragment containing a complete representation of the Attributes to be added. [optional]

Return type

void (empty response body)


No authorization required

HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: application/json, application/json+ld
  • Accept: application/json

HTTP response details

Status code Description Response headers
204 All the Attributes were appended successfully. * NGSILD-Tenant -
207 Only the Attributes included in the response payload body were successfully appended. If no Attributes were successfully updated the updated array of UpdateResult (see clause 5.2.18) will be empty. If the entity input data matches to a registration, the relevant parts of the request are forwarded as a distributed operation. In the case when an error response is received back from any distributed operation, a response body containing the result returned from each registration is returned in a UpdateResult structure. Names of the Attributes included in the UpdateResult structure are represented as Fully Qualified Names as per clause 6.3.6. Errors can occur whenever a distributed operation is unsupported, fails or times out, see clause 6.3.17. * NGSILD-Tenant -
400 It is used to indicate that the request or its content is incorrect, see clause 6.3.2. In the returned ProblemDetails structure, the "detail" attribute should convey more information about the error. * NGSILD-Tenant -
* NGSILD-Warning -
404 It is used when a client provided an entity identifier (URI) not known to the system, see clause 6.3.2. * NGSILD-Tenant -
* NGSILD-Warning -

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List[str] create_batch(local=local, link=link, ngsild_tenant=ngsild_tenant, query_entity200_response_inner=query_entity200_response_inner)

Batch Entity Creation

5.6.7 Batch Entity Creation. This operation allows creating a batch of NGSI-LD Entities.


import ngsi_ld_client
from ngsi_ld_client.models.query_entity200_response_inner import QueryEntity200ResponseInner
from import ApiException
from pprint import pprint

# Defining the host is optional and defaults to https://localhost:443/ngsi-ld/v1
# See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = ngsi_ld_client.Configuration(
    host = "https://localhost:443/ngsi-ld/v1"

# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with ngsi_ld_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
    # Create an instance of the API class
    api_instance = ngsi_ld_client.ContextInformationProvisionApi(api_client)
    local = True # bool | 6.3.18 Limiting Distributed Operations. If local=true then no Context Source Registrations shall be considered as matching to avoid cascading distributed operations (see clause  (optional)
    link = 'link_example' # str | 6.3.5 JSON-LD @context resolution  In summary, from a developer's perspective, for POST, PATCH and PUT operations, if MIME type is \"application/ld+json\", then the associated @context shall be provided only as part of the request payload body. Likewise, if MIME type is \"application/json\", then the associated @context shall be provided only by using the JSON-LD Link header. No mixes are allowed, i.e. mixing options shall result in HTTP response errors. Implementations should provide descriptive error messages when these situations arise.  In contrast, GET and DELETE operations always take their input @context from the JSON-LD Link Header.  (optional)
    ngsild_tenant = 'ngsild_tenant_example' # str | 6.3.14 Tenant specification. The tenant to which the NGSI-LD HTTP operation is targeted.  (optional)
    query_entity200_response_inner = [ngsi_ld_client.QueryEntity200ResponseInner()] # List[QueryEntity200ResponseInner] | Array of entities to be created.  (optional)

        # Batch Entity Creation 
        api_response = api_instance.create_batch(local=local, link=link, ngsild_tenant=ngsild_tenant, query_entity200_response_inner=query_entity200_response_inner)
        print("The response of ContextInformationProvisionApi->create_batch:\n")
    except Exception as e:
        print("Exception when calling ContextInformationProvisionApi->create_batch: %s\n" % e)


Name Type Description Notes
local bool 6.3.18 Limiting Distributed Operations. If local=true then no Context Source Registrations shall be considered as matching to avoid cascading distributed operations (see clause [optional]
link str 6.3.5 JSON-LD @context resolution In summary, from a developer's perspective, for POST, PATCH and PUT operations, if MIME type is "application/ld+json", then the associated @context shall be provided only as part of the request payload body. Likewise, if MIME type is "application/json", then the associated @context shall be provided only by using the JSON-LD Link header. No mixes are allowed, i.e. mixing options shall result in HTTP response errors. Implementations should provide descriptive error messages when these situations arise. In contrast, GET and DELETE operations always take their input @context from the JSON-LD Link Header. [optional]
ngsild_tenant str 6.3.14 Tenant specification. The tenant to which the NGSI-LD HTTP operation is targeted. [optional]
query_entity200_response_inner List[QueryEntity200ResponseInner] Array of entities to be created. [optional]

Return type



No authorization required

HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: application/json, application/json+ld
  • Accept: application/json

HTTP response details

Status code Description Response headers
201 If all entities have been successfully created, an array of Strings containing URIs is returned in the response. Each URI represents the Entity Id of a created entity. There is no restriction as to the order of the Entity Ids. * NGSILD-Tenant -
207 If the entity input data matches to a registration, the relevant parts of the request are forwarded as a distributed operation. In the case when an error response is received back from any distributed operation, a response body containing the result returned from each registration is returned in a BatchOperationResult structure. Errors can occur whenever a distributed operation is unsupported, fails or times out, see clause 6.3.17. * NGSILD-Tenant -
* Location -
400 It is used to indicate that the request or its content is incorrect, see clause 6.3.2. In the returned ProblemDetails structure, the "detail" attribute should convey more information about the error. * NGSILD-Tenant -
* NGSILD-Warning -

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create_entity(local=local, link=link, ngsild_tenant=ngsild_tenant, query_entity200_response_inner=query_entity200_response_inner)

Entity creation

5.6.1 Create Entity This operation allows creating a new NGSI-LD Entity.


import ngsi_ld_client
from ngsi_ld_client.models.query_entity200_response_inner import QueryEntity200ResponseInner
from import ApiException
from pprint import pprint

# Defining the host is optional and defaults to https://localhost:443/ngsi-ld/v1
# See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = ngsi_ld_client.Configuration(
    host = "https://localhost:443/ngsi-ld/v1"

# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with ngsi_ld_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
    # Create an instance of the API class
    api_instance = ngsi_ld_client.ContextInformationProvisionApi(api_client)
    local = True # bool | 6.3.18 Limiting Distributed Operations. If local=true then no Context Source Registrations shall be considered as matching to avoid cascading distributed operations (see clause  (optional)
    link = 'link_example' # str | 6.3.5 JSON-LD @context resolution  In summary, from a developer's perspective, for POST, PATCH and PUT operations, if MIME type is \"application/ld+json\", then the associated @context shall be provided only as part of the request payload body. Likewise, if MIME type is \"application/json\", then the associated @context shall be provided only by using the JSON-LD Link header. No mixes are allowed, i.e. mixing options shall result in HTTP response errors. Implementations should provide descriptive error messages when these situations arise.  In contrast, GET and DELETE operations always take their input @context from the JSON-LD Link Header.  (optional)
    ngsild_tenant = 'ngsild_tenant_example' # str | 6.3.14 Tenant specification. The tenant to which the NGSI-LD HTTP operation is targeted.  (optional)
    query_entity200_response_inner = ngsi_ld_client.QueryEntity200ResponseInner() # QueryEntity200ResponseInner | Payload body in the request contains a JSON-LD object which represents the entity that is to be created.  (optional)

        # Entity creation 
        api_instance.create_entity(local=local, link=link, ngsild_tenant=ngsild_tenant, query_entity200_response_inner=query_entity200_response_inner)
    except Exception as e:
        print("Exception when calling ContextInformationProvisionApi->create_entity: %s\n" % e)


Name Type Description Notes
local bool 6.3.18 Limiting Distributed Operations. If local=true then no Context Source Registrations shall be considered as matching to avoid cascading distributed operations (see clause [optional]
link str 6.3.5 JSON-LD @context resolution In summary, from a developer's perspective, for POST, PATCH and PUT operations, if MIME type is "application/ld+json", then the associated @context shall be provided only as part of the request payload body. Likewise, if MIME type is "application/json", then the associated @context shall be provided only by using the JSON-LD Link header. No mixes are allowed, i.e. mixing options shall result in HTTP response errors. Implementations should provide descriptive error messages when these situations arise. In contrast, GET and DELETE operations always take their input @context from the JSON-LD Link Header. [optional]
ngsild_tenant str 6.3.14 Tenant specification. The tenant to which the NGSI-LD HTTP operation is targeted. [optional]
query_entity200_response_inner QueryEntity200ResponseInner Payload body in the request contains a JSON-LD object which represents the entity that is to be created. [optional]

Return type

void (empty response body)


No authorization required

HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: application/json, application/json+ld
  • Accept: application/json

HTTP response details

Status code Description Response headers
201 The HTTP response shall include a "Location" HTTP header that contains the resource URI of the created entity resource. * Location -
* NGSILD-Tenant -
207 If the entity input data matches to a registration, the relevant parts of the request are forwarded as a distributed operation. In the case when an error response is received back from any distributed operation, a response body containing the result returned from each registration is returned in a BatchOperationResult structure. Errors can occur whenever a distributed operation is unsupported, fails or times out, see clause 6.3.17. * NGSILD-Tenant -
* Location -
400 It is used to indicate that the request or its content is incorrect, see clause 6.3.2. In the returned ProblemDetails structure, the "detail" attribute should convey more information about the error. * NGSILD-Tenant -
* NGSILD-Warning -
409 It is used to indicate that the entity or an exclusive or redirect registration defining the entity already exists, see clause 6.3.2. In the returned ProblemDetails structure, the "detail" attribute should convey more information about the error. * NGSILD-Tenant -
422 It is used to indicate that the operation is not available, see clause 6.3.2. In the returned ProblemDetails structure, the "detail" attribute should convey more information about the error. * NGSILD-Tenant -
* NGSILD-Warning -

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delete_attrs(entity_id, attr_id, delete_all=delete_all, dataset_id=dataset_id, local=local, link=link, ngsild_tenant=ngsild_tenant)

Attribute delete

5.6.5 Delete Entity Attribute. This operation allows deleting an NGSI-LD Entity's Attribute (Property or Relationship). The Attribute itself and all its children shall be deleted.


import ngsi_ld_client
from import ApiException
from pprint import pprint

# Defining the host is optional and defaults to https://localhost:443/ngsi-ld/v1
# See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = ngsi_ld_client.Configuration(
    host = "https://localhost:443/ngsi-ld/v1"

# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with ngsi_ld_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
    # Create an instance of the API class
    api_instance = ngsi_ld_client.ContextInformationProvisionApi(api_client)
    entity_id = 'entity_id_example' # str | Id (URI) of the entity to be retrieved.
    attr_id = 'attr_id_example' # str | Name of the attribute for which detailed information is to be retrieved. The Fully Qualified Name (FQN) as well as the short name can be used, given that the latter is part of the JSON-LD @context provided. 
    delete_all = True # bool | If true, all attribute instances are deleted. Otherwise (default) only the Attribute instance specified by the datasetId is deleted. In case neither the deleteAll flag nor a datasetId is present, the default Attribute instance is deleted.  (optional)
    dataset_id = 'dataset_id_example' # str | Specifies the datasetId of the dataset to be deleted.  (optional)
    local = True # bool | 6.3.18 Limiting Distributed Operations. If local=true then no Context Source Registrations shall be considered as matching to avoid cascading distributed operations (see clause  (optional)
    link = 'link_example' # str | 6.3.5 JSON-LD @context resolution  In summary, from a developer's perspective, for POST, PATCH and PUT operations, if MIME type is \"application/ld+json\", then the associated @context shall be provided only as part of the request payload body. Likewise, if MIME type is \"application/json\", then the associated @context shall be provided only by using the JSON-LD Link header. No mixes are allowed, i.e. mixing options shall result in HTTP response errors. Implementations should provide descriptive error messages when these situations arise.  In contrast, GET and DELETE operations always take their input @context from the JSON-LD Link Header.  (optional)
    ngsild_tenant = 'ngsild_tenant_example' # str | 6.3.14 Tenant specification. The tenant to which the NGSI-LD HTTP operation is targeted.  (optional)

        # Attribute delete 
        api_instance.delete_attrs(entity_id, attr_id, delete_all=delete_all, dataset_id=dataset_id, local=local, link=link, ngsild_tenant=ngsild_tenant)
    except Exception as e:
        print("Exception when calling ContextInformationProvisionApi->delete_attrs: %s\n" % e)


Name Type Description Notes
entity_id str Id (URI) of the entity to be retrieved.
attr_id str Name of the attribute for which detailed information is to be retrieved. The Fully Qualified Name (FQN) as well as the short name can be used, given that the latter is part of the JSON-LD @context provided.
delete_all bool If true, all attribute instances are deleted. Otherwise (default) only the Attribute instance specified by the datasetId is deleted. In case neither the deleteAll flag nor a datasetId is present, the default Attribute instance is deleted. [optional]
dataset_id str Specifies the datasetId of the dataset to be deleted. [optional]
local bool 6.3.18 Limiting Distributed Operations. If local=true then no Context Source Registrations shall be considered as matching to avoid cascading distributed operations (see clause [optional]
link str 6.3.5 JSON-LD @context resolution In summary, from a developer's perspective, for POST, PATCH and PUT operations, if MIME type is "application/ld+json", then the associated @context shall be provided only as part of the request payload body. Likewise, if MIME type is "application/json", then the associated @context shall be provided only by using the JSON-LD Link header. No mixes are allowed, i.e. mixing options shall result in HTTP response errors. Implementations should provide descriptive error messages when these situations arise. In contrast, GET and DELETE operations always take their input @context from the JSON-LD Link Header. [optional]
ngsild_tenant str 6.3.14 Tenant specification. The tenant to which the NGSI-LD HTTP operation is targeted. [optional]

Return type

void (empty response body)


No authorization required

HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: Not defined
  • Accept: application/json

HTTP response details

Status code Description Response headers
204 The attribute was deleted successfully. * NGSILD-Tenant -
207 Only the Attributes included in the response payload body were successfully appended. If no Attributes were successfully updated the updated array of UpdateResult (see clause 5.2.18) will be empty. If the entity input data matches to a registration, the relevant parts of the request are forwarded as a distributed operation. In the case when an error response is received back from any distributed operation, a response body containing the result returned from each registration is returned in a UpdateResult structure. Names of the Attributes included in the UpdateResult structure are represented as Fully Qualified Names as per clause 6.3.6. Errors can occur whenever a distributed operation is unsupported, fails or times out, see clause 6.3.17. * NGSILD-Tenant -
400 It is used to indicate that the request or its content is incorrect, see clause 6.3.2. In the returned ProblemDetails structure, the "detail" attribute should convey more information about the error. * NGSILD-Tenant -
* NGSILD-Warning -
404 It is used when a client provided an entity identifier (URI) not known to the system, see clause 6.3.2. * NGSILD-Tenant -
* NGSILD-Warning -

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delete_batch(local=local, link=link, ngsild_tenant=ngsild_tenant, request_body=request_body)

Batch Entity Delete

5.6.10 Batch Entity Delete. This operation allows deleting a batch of NGSI-LD Entities.


import ngsi_ld_client
from import ApiException
from pprint import pprint

# Defining the host is optional and defaults to https://localhost:443/ngsi-ld/v1
# See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = ngsi_ld_client.Configuration(
    host = "https://localhost:443/ngsi-ld/v1"

# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with ngsi_ld_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
    # Create an instance of the API class
    api_instance = ngsi_ld_client.ContextInformationProvisionApi(api_client)
    local = True # bool | 6.3.18 Limiting Distributed Operations. If local=true then no Context Source Registrations shall be considered as matching to avoid cascading distributed operations (see clause  (optional)
    link = 'link_example' # str | 6.3.5 JSON-LD @context resolution  In summary, from a developer's perspective, for POST, PATCH and PUT operations, if MIME type is \"application/ld+json\", then the associated @context shall be provided only as part of the request payload body. Likewise, if MIME type is \"application/json\", then the associated @context shall be provided only by using the JSON-LD Link header. No mixes are allowed, i.e. mixing options shall result in HTTP response errors. Implementations should provide descriptive error messages when these situations arise.  In contrast, GET and DELETE operations always take their input @context from the JSON-LD Link Header.  (optional)
    ngsild_tenant = 'ngsild_tenant_example' # str | 6.3.14 Tenant specification. The tenant to which the NGSI-LD HTTP operation is targeted.  (optional)
    request_body = ['request_body_example'] # List[str] | Array of String (URIs representing Entity IDs) to be deleted.  (optional)

        # Batch Entity Delete 
        api_instance.delete_batch(local=local, link=link, ngsild_tenant=ngsild_tenant, request_body=request_body)
    except Exception as e:
        print("Exception when calling ContextInformationProvisionApi->delete_batch: %s\n" % e)


Name Type Description Notes
local bool 6.3.18 Limiting Distributed Operations. If local=true then no Context Source Registrations shall be considered as matching to avoid cascading distributed operations (see clause [optional]
link str 6.3.5 JSON-LD @context resolution In summary, from a developer's perspective, for POST, PATCH and PUT operations, if MIME type is "application/ld+json", then the associated @context shall be provided only as part of the request payload body. Likewise, if MIME type is "application/json", then the associated @context shall be provided only by using the JSON-LD Link header. No mixes are allowed, i.e. mixing options shall result in HTTP response errors. Implementations should provide descriptive error messages when these situations arise. In contrast, GET and DELETE operations always take their input @context from the JSON-LD Link Header. [optional]
ngsild_tenant str 6.3.14 Tenant specification. The tenant to which the NGSI-LD HTTP operation is targeted. [optional]
request_body List[str] Array of String (URIs representing Entity IDs) to be deleted. [optional]

Return type

void (empty response body)


No authorization required

HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: application/json
  • Accept: application/json

HTTP response details

Status code Description Response headers
204 If all entities existed and have been successfully deleted, there is no payload body in the response. * NGSILD-Tenant -
207 If the entity input data matches to a registration, the relevant parts of the request are forwarded as a distributed operation. In the case when an error response is received back from any distributed operation, a response body containing the result returned from each registration is returned in a BatchOperationResult structure. Errors can occur whenever a distributed operation is unsupported, fails or times out, see clause 6.3.17. * NGSILD-Tenant -
* Location -
400 It is used to indicate that the request or its content is incorrect, see clause 6.3.2. In the returned ProblemDetails structure, the "detail" attribute should convey more information about the error. * NGSILD-Tenant -
* NGSILD-Warning -

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delete_entity(entity_id, local=local, link=link, ngsild_tenant=ngsild_tenant)

Entity deletion by id

5.6.6 Delete entity. This operation allows deleting an NGSI-LD Entity.


import ngsi_ld_client
from import ApiException
from pprint import pprint

# Defining the host is optional and defaults to https://localhost:443/ngsi-ld/v1
# See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = ngsi_ld_client.Configuration(
    host = "https://localhost:443/ngsi-ld/v1"

# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with ngsi_ld_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
    # Create an instance of the API class
    api_instance = ngsi_ld_client.ContextInformationProvisionApi(api_client)
    entity_id = 'entity_id_example' # str | Id (URI) of the entity to be retrieved.
    local = True # bool | 6.3.18 Limiting Distributed Operations. If local=true then no Context Source Registrations shall be considered as matching to avoid cascading distributed operations (see clause  (optional)
    link = 'link_example' # str | 6.3.5 JSON-LD @context resolution  In summary, from a developer's perspective, for POST, PATCH and PUT operations, if MIME type is \"application/ld+json\", then the associated @context shall be provided only as part of the request payload body. Likewise, if MIME type is \"application/json\", then the associated @context shall be provided only by using the JSON-LD Link header. No mixes are allowed, i.e. mixing options shall result in HTTP response errors. Implementations should provide descriptive error messages when these situations arise.  In contrast, GET and DELETE operations always take their input @context from the JSON-LD Link Header.  (optional)
    ngsild_tenant = 'ngsild_tenant_example' # str | 6.3.14 Tenant specification. The tenant to which the NGSI-LD HTTP operation is targeted.  (optional)

        # Entity deletion by id 
        api_instance.delete_entity(entity_id, local=local, link=link, ngsild_tenant=ngsild_tenant)
    except Exception as e:
        print("Exception when calling ContextInformationProvisionApi->delete_entity: %s\n" % e)


Name Type Description Notes
entity_id str Id (URI) of the entity to be retrieved.
local bool 6.3.18 Limiting Distributed Operations. If local=true then no Context Source Registrations shall be considered as matching to avoid cascading distributed operations (see clause [optional]
link str 6.3.5 JSON-LD @context resolution In summary, from a developer's perspective, for POST, PATCH and PUT operations, if MIME type is "application/ld+json", then the associated @context shall be provided only as part of the request payload body. Likewise, if MIME type is "application/json", then the associated @context shall be provided only by using the JSON-LD Link header. No mixes are allowed, i.e. mixing options shall result in HTTP response errors. Implementations should provide descriptive error messages when these situations arise. In contrast, GET and DELETE operations always take their input @context from the JSON-LD Link Header. [optional]
ngsild_tenant str 6.3.14 Tenant specification. The tenant to which the NGSI-LD HTTP operation is targeted. [optional]

Return type

void (empty response body)


No authorization required

HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: Not defined
  • Accept: application/json

HTTP response details

Status code Description Response headers
204 No Content. * NGSILD-Tenant -
207 If the entity input data matches to a registration, the relevant parts of the request are forwarded as a distributed operation. In the case when an error response is received back from any distributed operation, a response body containing the result returned from each registration is returned in a BatchOperationResult structure. Errors can occur whenever a distributed operation is unsupported, fails or times out, see clause 6.3.17. * NGSILD-Tenant -
* Location -
400 It is used to indicate that the request or its content is incorrect, see clause 6.3.2. In the returned ProblemDetails structure, the "detail" attribute should convey more information about the error. * NGSILD-Tenant -
* NGSILD-Warning -
404 It is used when a client provided an entity identifier (URI) not known to the system, see clause 6.3.2. * NGSILD-Tenant -
* NGSILD-Warning -

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merge_batch(local=local, link=link, ngsild_tenant=ngsild_tenant, query_entity200_response_inner=query_entity200_response_inner)

Batch Entity Merge

5.6.20 Batch Entity Merge. This operation allows modification of a batch of NGSI-LD Entities according to the JSON Merge Patch processing rules defined in IETF RFC 7396 by adding new attributes (Properties or Relationships) or modifying or deleting existing attributes associated with an existing Entity.


import ngsi_ld_client
from ngsi_ld_client.models.query_entity200_response_inner import QueryEntity200ResponseInner
from import ApiException
from pprint import pprint

# Defining the host is optional and defaults to https://localhost:443/ngsi-ld/v1
# See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = ngsi_ld_client.Configuration(
    host = "https://localhost:443/ngsi-ld/v1"

# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with ngsi_ld_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
    # Create an instance of the API class
    api_instance = ngsi_ld_client.ContextInformationProvisionApi(api_client)
    local = True # bool | 6.3.18 Limiting Distributed Operations. If local=true then no Context Source Registrations shall be considered as matching to avoid cascading distributed operations (see clause  (optional)
    link = 'link_example' # str | 6.3.5 JSON-LD @context resolution  In summary, from a developer's perspective, for POST, PATCH and PUT operations, if MIME type is \"application/ld+json\", then the associated @context shall be provided only as part of the request payload body. Likewise, if MIME type is \"application/json\", then the associated @context shall be provided only by using the JSON-LD Link header. No mixes are allowed, i.e. mixing options shall result in HTTP response errors. Implementations should provide descriptive error messages when these situations arise.  In contrast, GET and DELETE operations always take their input @context from the JSON-LD Link Header.  (optional)
    ngsild_tenant = 'ngsild_tenant_example' # str | 6.3.14 Tenant specification. The tenant to which the NGSI-LD HTTP operation is targeted.  (optional)
    query_entity200_response_inner = [ngsi_ld_client.QueryEntity200ResponseInner()] # List[QueryEntity200ResponseInner] | Array of Entities to be merged.  (optional)

        # Batch Entity Merge 
        api_instance.merge_batch(local=local, link=link, ngsild_tenant=ngsild_tenant, query_entity200_response_inner=query_entity200_response_inner)
    except Exception as e:
        print("Exception when calling ContextInformationProvisionApi->merge_batch: %s\n" % e)


Name Type Description Notes
local bool 6.3.18 Limiting Distributed Operations. If local=true then no Context Source Registrations shall be considered as matching to avoid cascading distributed operations (see clause [optional]
link str 6.3.5 JSON-LD @context resolution In summary, from a developer's perspective, for POST, PATCH and PUT operations, if MIME type is "application/ld+json", then the associated @context shall be provided only as part of the request payload body. Likewise, if MIME type is "application/json", then the associated @context shall be provided only by using the JSON-LD Link header. No mixes are allowed, i.e. mixing options shall result in HTTP response errors. Implementations should provide descriptive error messages when these situations arise. In contrast, GET and DELETE operations always take their input @context from the JSON-LD Link Header. [optional]
ngsild_tenant str 6.3.14 Tenant specification. The tenant to which the NGSI-LD HTTP operation is targeted. [optional]
query_entity200_response_inner List[QueryEntity200ResponseInner] Array of Entities to be merged. [optional]

Return type

void (empty response body)


No authorization required

HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: application/json, application/json+ld
  • Accept: application/json

HTTP response details

Status code Description Response headers
204 If all entities have been successfully merged, there is no payload body in the response. * NGSILD-Tenant -
207 If the entity input data matches to a registration, the relevant parts of the request are forwarded as a distributed operation. In the case when an error response is received back from any distributed operation, a response body containing the result returned from each registration is returned in a BatchOperationResult structure. Errors can occur whenever a distributed operation is unsupported, fails or times out, see clause 6.3.17. * NGSILD-Tenant -
* Location -
400 It is used to indicate that the request or its content is incorrect, see clause 6.3.2. In the returned ProblemDetails structure, the "detail" attribute should convey more information about the error. * NGSILD-Tenant -
* NGSILD-Warning -

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merge_entity(entity_id, options=options, observed_at=observed_at, lang=lang, local=local, link=link, ngsild_tenant=ngsild_tenant, entity=entity)

Entity merge by id

5.6.17 Merge Entity. This operation allows modification of an existing NGSI-LD Entity aligning to the JSON Merge Patch processing rules defined in IETF RFC 7396 by adding new Attributes (Properties or Relationships) or modifying or deleting existing Attributes associated with an existing Entity.


import ngsi_ld_client
from ngsi_ld_client.models.entity import Entity
from ngsi_ld_client.models.options_representation import OptionsRepresentation
from import ApiException
from pprint import pprint

# Defining the host is optional and defaults to https://localhost:443/ngsi-ld/v1
# See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = ngsi_ld_client.Configuration(
    host = "https://localhost:443/ngsi-ld/v1"

# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with ngsi_ld_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
    # Create an instance of the API class
    api_instance = ngsi_ld_client.ContextInformationProvisionApi(api_client)
    entity_id = 'entity_id_example' # str | Id (URI) of the entity to be retrieved.
    options = [ngsi_ld_client.OptionsRepresentation()] # List[OptionsRepresentation] |  (optional)
    observed_at = '2013-10-20T19:20:30+01:00' # datetime | When a merge operation applies to a pre-existing Attribute which previously contained an \"observedAt\" sub-attribute, the value held in this query parameter shall be used if no specific \"observedAt\" sub-Attribute is found in the payload body.  (optional)
    lang = 'lang_example' # str | It is used to reduce languageMaps to a string or string array property in a single preferred language.  (optional)
    local = True # bool | 6.3.18 Limiting Distributed Operations. If local=true then no Context Source Registrations shall be considered as matching to avoid cascading distributed operations (see clause  (optional)
    link = 'link_example' # str | 6.3.5 JSON-LD @context resolution  In summary, from a developer's perspective, for POST, PATCH and PUT operations, if MIME type is \"application/ld+json\", then the associated @context shall be provided only as part of the request payload body. Likewise, if MIME type is \"application/json\", then the associated @context shall be provided only by using the JSON-LD Link header. No mixes are allowed, i.e. mixing options shall result in HTTP response errors. Implementations should provide descriptive error messages when these situations arise.  In contrast, GET and DELETE operations always take their input @context from the JSON-LD Link Header.  (optional)
    ngsild_tenant = 'ngsild_tenant_example' # str | 6.3.14 Tenant specification. The tenant to which the NGSI-LD HTTP operation is targeted.  (optional)
    entity = ngsi_ld_client.Entity() # Entity | Entity Fragment containing a complete representation of the Attributes to be merged.  (optional)

        # Entity merge by id 
        api_instance.merge_entity(entity_id, options=options, observed_at=observed_at, lang=lang, local=local, link=link, ngsild_tenant=ngsild_tenant, entity=entity)
    except Exception as e:
        print("Exception when calling ContextInformationProvisionApi->merge_entity: %s\n" % e)


Name Type Description Notes
entity_id str Id (URI) of the entity to be retrieved.
options List[OptionsRepresentation] [optional]
observed_at datetime When a merge operation applies to a pre-existing Attribute which previously contained an "observedAt" sub-attribute, the value held in this query parameter shall be used if no specific "observedAt" sub-Attribute is found in the payload body. [optional]
lang str It is used to reduce languageMaps to a string or string array property in a single preferred language. [optional]
local bool 6.3.18 Limiting Distributed Operations. If local=true then no Context Source Registrations shall be considered as matching to avoid cascading distributed operations (see clause [optional]
link str 6.3.5 JSON-LD @context resolution In summary, from a developer's perspective, for POST, PATCH and PUT operations, if MIME type is "application/ld+json", then the associated @context shall be provided only as part of the request payload body. Likewise, if MIME type is "application/json", then the associated @context shall be provided only by using the JSON-LD Link header. No mixes are allowed, i.e. mixing options shall result in HTTP response errors. Implementations should provide descriptive error messages when these situations arise. In contrast, GET and DELETE operations always take their input @context from the JSON-LD Link Header. [optional]
ngsild_tenant str 6.3.14 Tenant specification. The tenant to which the NGSI-LD HTTP operation is targeted. [optional]
entity Entity Entity Fragment containing a complete representation of the Attributes to be merged. [optional]

Return type

void (empty response body)


No authorization required

HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: application/json, application/json+ld
  • Accept: application/json

HTTP response details

Status code Description Response headers
204 All the Attributes were merged successfully. * NGSILD-Tenant -
207 If the entity input data matches to a registration, the relevant parts of the request are forwarded as a distributed operation. In the case when an error response is received back from any distributed operation, a response body containing the result returned from each registration is returned in a BatchOperationResult structure. Errors can occur whenever a distributed operation is unsupported, fails or times out, see clause 6.3.17. * NGSILD-Tenant -
* Location -
400 It is used to indicate that the request or its content is incorrect, see clause 6.3.2. In the returned ProblemDetails structure, the "detail" attribute should convey more information about the error. * NGSILD-Tenant -
* NGSILD-Warning -
404 It is used when a client provided an entity identifier (URI) not known to the system, see clause 6.3.2. * NGSILD-Tenant -
* NGSILD-Warning -

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replace_attrs(entity_id, attr_id, local=local, link=link, ngsild_tenant=ngsild_tenant, replace_attrs_request=replace_attrs_request)

Attribute replace

5.6.19 Attribute Replace. This operation allows the replacement of a single Attribute (Property or Relationship) within an NGSI-LD Entity.


import ngsi_ld_client
from ngsi_ld_client.models.replace_attrs_request import ReplaceAttrsRequest
from import ApiException
from pprint import pprint

# Defining the host is optional and defaults to https://localhost:443/ngsi-ld/v1
# See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = ngsi_ld_client.Configuration(
    host = "https://localhost:443/ngsi-ld/v1"

# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with ngsi_ld_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
    # Create an instance of the API class
    api_instance = ngsi_ld_client.ContextInformationProvisionApi(api_client)
    entity_id = 'entity_id_example' # str | Id (URI) of the entity to be retrieved.
    attr_id = 'attr_id_example' # str | Name of the attribute for which detailed information is to be retrieved. The Fully Qualified Name (FQN) as well as the short name can be used, given that the latter is part of the JSON-LD @context provided. 
    local = True # bool | 6.3.18 Limiting Distributed Operations. If local=true then no Context Source Registrations shall be considered as matching to avoid cascading distributed operations (see clause  (optional)
    link = 'link_example' # str | 6.3.5 JSON-LD @context resolution  In summary, from a developer's perspective, for POST, PATCH and PUT operations, if MIME type is \"application/ld+json\", then the associated @context shall be provided only as part of the request payload body. Likewise, if MIME type is \"application/json\", then the associated @context shall be provided only by using the JSON-LD Link header. No mixes are allowed, i.e. mixing options shall result in HTTP response errors. Implementations should provide descriptive error messages when these situations arise.  In contrast, GET and DELETE operations always take their input @context from the JSON-LD Link Header.  (optional)
    ngsild_tenant = 'ngsild_tenant_example' # str | 6.3.14 Tenant specification. The tenant to which the NGSI-LD HTTP operation is targeted.  (optional)
    replace_attrs_request = ngsi_ld_client.ReplaceAttrsRequest() # ReplaceAttrsRequest |  (optional)

        # Attribute replace 
        api_instance.replace_attrs(entity_id, attr_id, local=local, link=link, ngsild_tenant=ngsild_tenant, replace_attrs_request=replace_attrs_request)
    except Exception as e:
        print("Exception when calling ContextInformationProvisionApi->replace_attrs: %s\n" % e)


Name Type Description Notes
entity_id str Id (URI) of the entity to be retrieved.
attr_id str Name of the attribute for which detailed information is to be retrieved. The Fully Qualified Name (FQN) as well as the short name can be used, given that the latter is part of the JSON-LD @context provided.
local bool 6.3.18 Limiting Distributed Operations. If local=true then no Context Source Registrations shall be considered as matching to avoid cascading distributed operations (see clause [optional]
link str 6.3.5 JSON-LD @context resolution In summary, from a developer's perspective, for POST, PATCH and PUT operations, if MIME type is "application/ld+json", then the associated @context shall be provided only as part of the request payload body. Likewise, if MIME type is "application/json", then the associated @context shall be provided only by using the JSON-LD Link header. No mixes are allowed, i.e. mixing options shall result in HTTP response errors. Implementations should provide descriptive error messages when these situations arise. In contrast, GET and DELETE operations always take their input @context from the JSON-LD Link Header. [optional]
ngsild_tenant str 6.3.14 Tenant specification. The tenant to which the NGSI-LD HTTP operation is targeted. [optional]
replace_attrs_request ReplaceAttrsRequest [optional]

Return type

void (empty response body)


No authorization required

HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: application/json, application/json+ld
  • Accept: application/json

HTTP response details

Status code Description Response headers
204 The attribute was replaced successfully. * NGSILD-Tenant -
207 Only the Attributes included in the response payload body were successfully appended. If no Attributes were successfully updated the updated array of UpdateResult (see clause 5.2.18) will be empty. If the entity input data matches to a registration, the relevant parts of the request are forwarded as a distributed operation. In the case when an error response is received back from any distributed operation, a response body containing the result returned from each registration is returned in a UpdateResult structure. Names of the Attributes included in the UpdateResult structure are represented as Fully Qualified Names as per clause 6.3.6. Errors can occur whenever a distributed operation is unsupported, fails or times out, see clause 6.3.17. * NGSILD-Tenant -
400 It is used to indicate that the request or its content is incorrect, see clause 6.3.2. In the returned ProblemDetails structure, the "detail" attribute should convey more information about the error. * NGSILD-Tenant -
* NGSILD-Warning -
404 It is used when a client provided an entity identifier (URI) not known to the system, see clause 6.3.2. * NGSILD-Tenant -
* NGSILD-Warning -

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replace_entity(entity_id, local=local, link=link, ngsild_tenant=ngsild_tenant, entity=entity)

Entity replacement by id

5.6.18 Replace Entity. This operation allows the modification of an existing NGSI-LD Entity by replacing all of the Attributes (Properties or Relationships).


import ngsi_ld_client
from ngsi_ld_client.models.entity import Entity
from import ApiException
from pprint import pprint

# Defining the host is optional and defaults to https://localhost:443/ngsi-ld/v1
# See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = ngsi_ld_client.Configuration(
    host = "https://localhost:443/ngsi-ld/v1"

# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with ngsi_ld_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
    # Create an instance of the API class
    api_instance = ngsi_ld_client.ContextInformationProvisionApi(api_client)
    entity_id = 'entity_id_example' # str | Id (URI) of the entity to be retrieved.
    local = True # bool | 6.3.18 Limiting Distributed Operations. If local=true then no Context Source Registrations shall be considered as matching to avoid cascading distributed operations (see clause  (optional)
    link = 'link_example' # str | 6.3.5 JSON-LD @context resolution  In summary, from a developer's perspective, for POST, PATCH and PUT operations, if MIME type is \"application/ld+json\", then the associated @context shall be provided only as part of the request payload body. Likewise, if MIME type is \"application/json\", then the associated @context shall be provided only by using the JSON-LD Link header. No mixes are allowed, i.e. mixing options shall result in HTTP response errors. Implementations should provide descriptive error messages when these situations arise.  In contrast, GET and DELETE operations always take their input @context from the JSON-LD Link Header.  (optional)
    ngsild_tenant = 'ngsild_tenant_example' # str | 6.3.14 Tenant specification. The tenant to which the NGSI-LD HTTP operation is targeted.  (optional)
    entity = ngsi_ld_client.Entity() # Entity | Entity Fragment containing a complete representation of the Entity to be replaced.  (optional)

        # Entity replacement by id 
        api_instance.replace_entity(entity_id, local=local, link=link, ngsild_tenant=ngsild_tenant, entity=entity)
    except Exception as e:
        print("Exception when calling ContextInformationProvisionApi->replace_entity: %s\n" % e)


Name Type Description Notes
entity_id str Id (URI) of the entity to be retrieved.
local bool 6.3.18 Limiting Distributed Operations. If local=true then no Context Source Registrations shall be considered as matching to avoid cascading distributed operations (see clause [optional]
link str 6.3.5 JSON-LD @context resolution In summary, from a developer's perspective, for POST, PATCH and PUT operations, if MIME type is "application/ld+json", then the associated @context shall be provided only as part of the request payload body. Likewise, if MIME type is "application/json", then the associated @context shall be provided only by using the JSON-LD Link header. No mixes are allowed, i.e. mixing options shall result in HTTP response errors. Implementations should provide descriptive error messages when these situations arise. In contrast, GET and DELETE operations always take their input @context from the JSON-LD Link Header. [optional]
ngsild_tenant str 6.3.14 Tenant specification. The tenant to which the NGSI-LD HTTP operation is targeted. [optional]
entity Entity Entity Fragment containing a complete representation of the Entity to be replaced. [optional]

Return type

void (empty response body)


No authorization required

HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: application/json, application/json+ld
  • Accept: application/json

HTTP response details

Status code Description Response headers
204 The entity was replaced successfully. * NGSILD-Tenant -
207 If the entity input data matches to a registration, the relevant parts of the request are forwarded as a distributed operation. In the case when an error response is received back from any distributed operation, a response body containing the result returned from each registration is returned in a BatchOperationResult structure. Errors can occur whenever a distributed operation is unsupported, fails or times out, see clause 6.3.17. * NGSILD-Tenant -
* Location -
400 It is used to indicate that the request or its content is incorrect, see clause 6.3.2. In the returned ProblemDetails structure, the "detail" attribute should convey more information about the error. * NGSILD-Tenant -
* NGSILD-Warning -
404 It is used when a client provided an entity identifier (URI) not known to the system, see clause 6.3.2. * NGSILD-Tenant -
* NGSILD-Warning -

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update_attrs(entity_id, attr_id, local=local, link=link, ngsild_tenant=ngsild_tenant, replace_attrs_request=replace_attrs_request)

Partial Attribute Update

5.6.4 Partial Attribute Update. This operation allows performing a partial update on an NGSI-LD Entity's Attribute (Property or Relationship). A partial update only changes the elements provided in an Entity Fragment, leaving the rest as they are. This operation supports the deletion of sub-Attributes but not the deletion of the whole Attribute itself.


import ngsi_ld_client
from ngsi_ld_client.models.replace_attrs_request import ReplaceAttrsRequest
from import ApiException
from pprint import pprint

# Defining the host is optional and defaults to https://localhost:443/ngsi-ld/v1
# See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = ngsi_ld_client.Configuration(
    host = "https://localhost:443/ngsi-ld/v1"

# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with ngsi_ld_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
    # Create an instance of the API class
    api_instance = ngsi_ld_client.ContextInformationProvisionApi(api_client)
    entity_id = 'entity_id_example' # str | Id (URI) of the entity to be retrieved.
    attr_id = 'attr_id_example' # str | Name of the attribute for which detailed information is to be retrieved. The Fully Qualified Name (FQN) as well as the short name can be used, given that the latter is part of the JSON-LD @context provided. 
    local = True # bool | 6.3.18 Limiting Distributed Operations. If local=true then no Context Source Registrations shall be considered as matching to avoid cascading distributed operations (see clause  (optional)
    link = 'link_example' # str | 6.3.5 JSON-LD @context resolution  In summary, from a developer's perspective, for POST, PATCH and PUT operations, if MIME type is \"application/ld+json\", then the associated @context shall be provided only as part of the request payload body. Likewise, if MIME type is \"application/json\", then the associated @context shall be provided only by using the JSON-LD Link header. No mixes are allowed, i.e. mixing options shall result in HTTP response errors. Implementations should provide descriptive error messages when these situations arise.  In contrast, GET and DELETE operations always take their input @context from the JSON-LD Link Header.  (optional)
    ngsild_tenant = 'ngsild_tenant_example' # str | 6.3.14 Tenant specification. The tenant to which the NGSI-LD HTTP operation is targeted.  (optional)
    replace_attrs_request = ngsi_ld_client.ReplaceAttrsRequest() # ReplaceAttrsRequest |  (optional)

        # Partial Attribute Update 
        api_instance.update_attrs(entity_id, attr_id, local=local, link=link, ngsild_tenant=ngsild_tenant, replace_attrs_request=replace_attrs_request)
    except Exception as e:
        print("Exception when calling ContextInformationProvisionApi->update_attrs: %s\n" % e)


Name Type Description Notes
entity_id str Id (URI) of the entity to be retrieved.
attr_id str Name of the attribute for which detailed information is to be retrieved. The Fully Qualified Name (FQN) as well as the short name can be used, given that the latter is part of the JSON-LD @context provided.
local bool 6.3.18 Limiting Distributed Operations. If local=true then no Context Source Registrations shall be considered as matching to avoid cascading distributed operations (see clause [optional]
link str 6.3.5 JSON-LD @context resolution In summary, from a developer's perspective, for POST, PATCH and PUT operations, if MIME type is "application/ld+json", then the associated @context shall be provided only as part of the request payload body. Likewise, if MIME type is "application/json", then the associated @context shall be provided only by using the JSON-LD Link header. No mixes are allowed, i.e. mixing options shall result in HTTP response errors. Implementations should provide descriptive error messages when these situations arise. In contrast, GET and DELETE operations always take their input @context from the JSON-LD Link Header. [optional]
ngsild_tenant str 6.3.14 Tenant specification. The tenant to which the NGSI-LD HTTP operation is targeted. [optional]
replace_attrs_request ReplaceAttrsRequest [optional]

Return type

void (empty response body)


No authorization required

HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: application/json, application/json+ld
  • Accept: application/json

HTTP response details

Status code Description Response headers
204 The attribute was updated successfully. * NGSILD-Tenant -
207 Only the Attributes included in the response payload body were successfully appended. If no Attributes were successfully updated the updated array of UpdateResult (see clause 5.2.18) will be empty. If the entity input data matches to a registration, the relevant parts of the request are forwarded as a distributed operation. In the case when an error response is received back from any distributed operation, a response body containing the result returned from each registration is returned in a UpdateResult structure. Names of the Attributes included in the UpdateResult structure are represented as Fully Qualified Names as per clause 6.3.6. Errors can occur whenever a distributed operation is unsupported, fails or times out, see clause 6.3.17. * NGSILD-Tenant -
400 It is used to indicate that the request or its content is incorrect, see clause 6.3.2. In the returned ProblemDetails structure, the "detail" attribute should convey more information about the error. * NGSILD-Tenant -
* NGSILD-Warning -
404 It is used when a client provided an entity identifier (URI) not known to the system, see clause 6.3.2. * NGSILD-Tenant -
* NGSILD-Warning -

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update_batch(options=options, local=local, link=link, ngsild_tenant=ngsild_tenant, query_entity200_response_inner=query_entity200_response_inner)

Batch Entity Update

5.6.9 Batch Entity Update. This operation allows updating a batch of NGSI-LD Entities.


import ngsi_ld_client
from ngsi_ld_client.models.options_no_overwrite import OptionsNoOverwrite
from ngsi_ld_client.models.query_entity200_response_inner import QueryEntity200ResponseInner
from import ApiException
from pprint import pprint

# Defining the host is optional and defaults to https://localhost:443/ngsi-ld/v1
# See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = ngsi_ld_client.Configuration(
    host = "https://localhost:443/ngsi-ld/v1"

# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with ngsi_ld_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
    # Create an instance of the API class
    api_instance = ngsi_ld_client.ContextInformationProvisionApi(api_client)
    options = [ngsi_ld_client.OptionsNoOverwrite()] # List[OptionsNoOverwrite] |  (optional)
    local = True # bool | 6.3.18 Limiting Distributed Operations. If local=true then no Context Source Registrations shall be considered as matching to avoid cascading distributed operations (see clause  (optional)
    link = 'link_example' # str | 6.3.5 JSON-LD @context resolution  In summary, from a developer's perspective, for POST, PATCH and PUT operations, if MIME type is \"application/ld+json\", then the associated @context shall be provided only as part of the request payload body. Likewise, if MIME type is \"application/json\", then the associated @context shall be provided only by using the JSON-LD Link header. No mixes are allowed, i.e. mixing options shall result in HTTP response errors. Implementations should provide descriptive error messages when these situations arise.  In contrast, GET and DELETE operations always take their input @context from the JSON-LD Link Header.  (optional)
    ngsild_tenant = 'ngsild_tenant_example' # str | 6.3.14 Tenant specification. The tenant to which the NGSI-LD HTTP operation is targeted.  (optional)
    query_entity200_response_inner = [ngsi_ld_client.QueryEntity200ResponseInner()] # List[QueryEntity200ResponseInner] | Array of entities to be updated.  (optional)

        # Batch Entity Update 
        api_instance.update_batch(options=options, local=local, link=link, ngsild_tenant=ngsild_tenant, query_entity200_response_inner=query_entity200_response_inner)
    except Exception as e:
        print("Exception when calling ContextInformationProvisionApi->update_batch: %s\n" % e)


Name Type Description Notes
options List[OptionsNoOverwrite] [optional]
local bool 6.3.18 Limiting Distributed Operations. If local=true then no Context Source Registrations shall be considered as matching to avoid cascading distributed operations (see clause [optional]
link str 6.3.5 JSON-LD @context resolution In summary, from a developer's perspective, for POST, PATCH and PUT operations, if MIME type is "application/ld+json", then the associated @context shall be provided only as part of the request payload body. Likewise, if MIME type is "application/json", then the associated @context shall be provided only by using the JSON-LD Link header. No mixes are allowed, i.e. mixing options shall result in HTTP response errors. Implementations should provide descriptive error messages when these situations arise. In contrast, GET and DELETE operations always take their input @context from the JSON-LD Link Header. [optional]
ngsild_tenant str 6.3.14 Tenant specification. The tenant to which the NGSI-LD HTTP operation is targeted. [optional]
query_entity200_response_inner List[QueryEntity200ResponseInner] Array of entities to be updated. [optional]

Return type

void (empty response body)


No authorization required

HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: application/json, application/json+ld
  • Accept: application/json

HTTP response details

Status code Description Response headers
204 If all entities have been successfully updated, there is no payload body in the response. * NGSILD-Tenant -
207 If the entity input data matches to a registration, the relevant parts of the request are forwarded as a distributed operation. In the case when an error response is received back from any distributed operation, a response body containing the result returned from each registration is returned in a BatchOperationResult structure. Errors can occur whenever a distributed operation is unsupported, fails or times out, see clause 6.3.17. * NGSILD-Tenant -
* Location -
400 It is used to indicate that the request or its content is incorrect, see clause 6.3.2. In the returned ProblemDetails structure, the "detail" attribute should convey more information about the error. * NGSILD-Tenant -
* NGSILD-Warning -

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update_entity(entity_id, local=local, link=link, ngsild_tenant=ngsild_tenant, entity=entity)

Update Attributes of an Entity

5.6.2 Update Entity Attributes. This operation allows modifying an existing NGSI-LD Entity by updating already existing Attributes (Properties or Relationships).


import ngsi_ld_client
from ngsi_ld_client.models.entity import Entity
from import ApiException
from pprint import pprint

# Defining the host is optional and defaults to https://localhost:443/ngsi-ld/v1
# See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = ngsi_ld_client.Configuration(
    host = "https://localhost:443/ngsi-ld/v1"

# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with ngsi_ld_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
    # Create an instance of the API class
    api_instance = ngsi_ld_client.ContextInformationProvisionApi(api_client)
    entity_id = 'entity_id_example' # str | Id (URI) of the entity to be retrieved.
    local = True # bool | 6.3.18 Limiting Distributed Operations. If local=true then no Context Source Registrations shall be considered as matching to avoid cascading distributed operations (see clause  (optional)
    link = 'link_example' # str | 6.3.5 JSON-LD @context resolution  In summary, from a developer's perspective, for POST, PATCH and PUT operations, if MIME type is \"application/ld+json\", then the associated @context shall be provided only as part of the request payload body. Likewise, if MIME type is \"application/json\", then the associated @context shall be provided only by using the JSON-LD Link header. No mixes are allowed, i.e. mixing options shall result in HTTP response errors. Implementations should provide descriptive error messages when these situations arise.  In contrast, GET and DELETE operations always take their input @context from the JSON-LD Link Header.  (optional)
    ngsild_tenant = 'ngsild_tenant_example' # str | 6.3.14 Tenant specification. The tenant to which the NGSI-LD HTTP operation is targeted.  (optional)
    entity = ngsi_ld_client.Entity() # Entity | Entity Fragment containing a complete representation of the Attributes to be updated.  (optional)

        # Update Attributes of an Entity 
        api_instance.update_entity(entity_id, local=local, link=link, ngsild_tenant=ngsild_tenant, entity=entity)
    except Exception as e:
        print("Exception when calling ContextInformationProvisionApi->update_entity: %s\n" % e)


Name Type Description Notes
entity_id str Id (URI) of the entity to be retrieved.
local bool 6.3.18 Limiting Distributed Operations. If local=true then no Context Source Registrations shall be considered as matching to avoid cascading distributed operations (see clause [optional]
link str 6.3.5 JSON-LD @context resolution In summary, from a developer's perspective, for POST, PATCH and PUT operations, if MIME type is "application/ld+json", then the associated @context shall be provided only as part of the request payload body. Likewise, if MIME type is "application/json", then the associated @context shall be provided only by using the JSON-LD Link header. No mixes are allowed, i.e. mixing options shall result in HTTP response errors. Implementations should provide descriptive error messages when these situations arise. In contrast, GET and DELETE operations always take their input @context from the JSON-LD Link Header. [optional]
ngsild_tenant str 6.3.14 Tenant specification. The tenant to which the NGSI-LD HTTP operation is targeted. [optional]
entity Entity Entity Fragment containing a complete representation of the Attributes to be updated. [optional]

Return type

void (empty response body)


No authorization required

HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: application/json, application/json+ld
  • Accept: application/json

HTTP response details

Status code Description Response headers
204 All the Attributes were appended successfully. * NGSILD-Tenant -
207 Only the Attributes included in the response payload body were successfully appended. If no Attributes were successfully updated the updated array of UpdateResult (see clause 5.2.18) will be empty. If the entity input data matches to a registration, the relevant parts of the request are forwarded as a distributed operation. In the case when an error response is received back from any distributed operation, a response body containing the result returned from each registration is returned in a UpdateResult structure. Names of the Attributes included in the UpdateResult structure are represented as Fully Qualified Names as per clause 6.3.6. Errors can occur whenever a distributed operation is unsupported, fails or times out, see clause 6.3.17. * NGSILD-Tenant -
400 It is used to indicate that the request or its content is incorrect, see clause 6.3.2. In the returned ProblemDetails structure, the "detail" attribute should convey more information about the error. * NGSILD-Tenant -
* NGSILD-Warning -
404 It is used when a client provided an entity identifier (URI) not known to the system, see clause 6.3.2. * NGSILD-Tenant -
* NGSILD-Warning -

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List[str] upsert_batch(options=options, local=local, link=link, ngsild_tenant=ngsild_tenant, query_entity200_response_inner=query_entity200_response_inner)

Batch Entity Creation or Update (Upsert)

5.6.8 Batch Entity Upsert. This operation allows creating a batch of NGSI-LD Entities, updating each of them if they already existed. In some database jargon this kind of operation is known as "upsert".


import ngsi_ld_client
from ngsi_ld_client.models.options_upsert import OptionsUpsert
from ngsi_ld_client.models.query_entity200_response_inner import QueryEntity200ResponseInner
from import ApiException
from pprint import pprint

# Defining the host is optional and defaults to https://localhost:443/ngsi-ld/v1
# See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = ngsi_ld_client.Configuration(
    host = "https://localhost:443/ngsi-ld/v1"

# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with ngsi_ld_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
    # Create an instance of the API class
    api_instance = ngsi_ld_client.ContextInformationProvisionApi(api_client)
    options = [ngsi_ld_client.OptionsUpsert()] # List[OptionsUpsert] |  (optional)
    local = True # bool | 6.3.18 Limiting Distributed Operations. If local=true then no Context Source Registrations shall be considered as matching to avoid cascading distributed operations (see clause  (optional)
    link = 'link_example' # str | 6.3.5 JSON-LD @context resolution  In summary, from a developer's perspective, for POST, PATCH and PUT operations, if MIME type is \"application/ld+json\", then the associated @context shall be provided only as part of the request payload body. Likewise, if MIME type is \"application/json\", then the associated @context shall be provided only by using the JSON-LD Link header. No mixes are allowed, i.e. mixing options shall result in HTTP response errors. Implementations should provide descriptive error messages when these situations arise.  In contrast, GET and DELETE operations always take their input @context from the JSON-LD Link Header.  (optional)
    ngsild_tenant = 'ngsild_tenant_example' # str | 6.3.14 Tenant specification. The tenant to which the NGSI-LD HTTP operation is targeted.  (optional)
    query_entity200_response_inner = [ngsi_ld_client.QueryEntity200ResponseInner()] # List[QueryEntity200ResponseInner] | Array of entities to be created.  (optional)

        # Batch Entity Creation or Update (Upsert) 
        api_response = api_instance.upsert_batch(options=options, local=local, link=link, ngsild_tenant=ngsild_tenant, query_entity200_response_inner=query_entity200_response_inner)
        print("The response of ContextInformationProvisionApi->upsert_batch:\n")
    except Exception as e:
        print("Exception when calling ContextInformationProvisionApi->upsert_batch: %s\n" % e)


Name Type Description Notes
options List[OptionsUpsert] [optional]
local bool 6.3.18 Limiting Distributed Operations. If local=true then no Context Source Registrations shall be considered as matching to avoid cascading distributed operations (see clause [optional]
link str 6.3.5 JSON-LD @context resolution In summary, from a developer's perspective, for POST, PATCH and PUT operations, if MIME type is "application/ld+json", then the associated @context shall be provided only as part of the request payload body. Likewise, if MIME type is "application/json", then the associated @context shall be provided only by using the JSON-LD Link header. No mixes are allowed, i.e. mixing options shall result in HTTP response errors. Implementations should provide descriptive error messages when these situations arise. In contrast, GET and DELETE operations always take their input @context from the JSON-LD Link Header. [optional]
ngsild_tenant str 6.3.14 Tenant specification. The tenant to which the NGSI-LD HTTP operation is targeted. [optional]
query_entity200_response_inner List[QueryEntity200ResponseInner] Array of entities to be created. [optional]

Return type



No authorization required

HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: application/json, application/json+ld
  • Accept: application/json

HTTP response details

Status code Description Response headers
201 If all entities not existing prior to this request have been successfully created and the others have been successfully updated, an array of String (with the URIs representing the Entity Ids of the created entities only) is returned in the response. There is no restriction as to the order of the Entity Ids. The merely updated entities do not take part in the response (corresponding to 204 No Content returned in the case of updates). * NGSILD-Tenant -
204 If all entities already existed and are successfully updated, there is no payload body in the response. * NGSILD-Tenant -
207 If the entity input data matches to a registration, the relevant parts of the request are forwarded as a distributed operation. In the case when an error response is received back from any distributed operation, a response body containing the result returned from each registration is returned in a BatchOperationResult structure. Errors can occur whenever a distributed operation is unsupported, fails or times out, see clause 6.3.17. * NGSILD-Tenant -
* Location -
400 It is used to indicate that the request or its content is incorrect, see clause 6.3.2. In the returned ProblemDetails structure, the "detail" attribute should convey more information about the error. * NGSILD-Tenant -
* NGSILD-Warning -

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