This application implements "conference management system"
Technical Details: MEAN stack with JWT (JSON web token for authentication)
Project Structure
api/ <!-- all backend related files-->
server.js <!-- starts node server -->
config.js <!--stores secret key and token validity time settings-->
routes/ <!--backend api routes -->
schemas/ <!-- mongodb collection schemas -->
uploads/ <!-- uploaded pdf documents -->
app/ <!-- all frontend related files -->
styles/ <!-- all css files -->
js/ <!-- all frontend java scripts -->
controllers <!-- angular controllers -->
app.js <!-- angular module definitions and settings -->
routes.js <!-- angular routes -->
img/ <!-- images and icons -->
lib/ <!-- created by bower install, frontend dependencies -->
views/ <!-- html pages -->
index.html <!--the main html which loads angular and all libraries-->
node_modules/ <!-- created by npm install, backend dependencies -->
.bowerrc <!-- tells bower where to put files (public/libs) -->
bower.json <!-- tells bower which files we need -->
package.json <!-- tells npm which packages we need -->