Server-side bash scripts to use the ReMarkable tablet at its full potential.
The scripts work best if used all together.
Make sure that you read all the comments in each and every file to set them up correctly.
See the bottom of this file for instructions on how to demonize/run with cron.
The scripts do the following:
- - Watch a folder on your server for new files, when a new file appears upload it to rmcloud/rmfakecloud
- - Download attachments from a selected email account and move them to a folder synced with rmcloud/rmfakecloud through the script
- - Watch a directory and automatically convert .docx, .pptx files to pdf
The content of this repository is licensed under the WTFPL.
Copyright © 2023 giovi321
This work is free. You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
terms of the Do What The Fuck You Want To Public License, Version 2,
as published by Sam Hocevar. See the LICENSE file for more details.
Unfortunately rmapi is not being developed anymore. As long as it works, I will stick to it. If you have any other recommendation, please open an issue in this repository.
Watch a folder on your server for new files, when a new file appears upload it to rmcloud/rmfakecloud.
- Change the variables in the variables section of the script
- Run
chmod +x
- rmapi (
- inotify-tools (
sudo apt install inotify-tools
Fist time use:
- launch the command
RMAPI_HOST="" RMAPI_CONFIG_PATH="/root/.config/rmapi/rmapi.conf" /root/go/bin/rmapi
- Generate and enter the code from remarkable cloud or rmfakecloud
- type
to save the configuration
Download attachments from a selected email account and move them to a folder synced with rmcloud/rmfakecloud through the script.
- Look at the file .offlineimaprc to configure offlineimap
- the location of the file is
- the location of the file is
- In .offlineimaprc, in the last line you can configure the trusted senders
- There can be more than one trusted sender, separated by
like in the example file provided - Don't forget to escape characters (such as
) preceding them with a backslash\
- There can be more than one trusted sender, separated by
- Run
chmod +x
- Change the settings in .offlineimaprc and place it in the user root folder
- Senders can be filtered
- Compatible with gmail, but need to configure less secure apps on gmail (here is an how-to:
- cron (usually installed by default on linux)
- offlineimap (
sudo apt install offlineimap
) - munpack (
sudo apt install mpack
Watch a directory and automatically convert .docx, .pptx files to .pdf.
- Change the variables in the variables section of the script
- Run
chmod +x
- Unoconv (
sudo apt install unoconv
In order to automatically run the scripts we will use cron and systemd.
- Run
nano /etc/systemd/system/upload.service
- Copy the content of the file upload.service in this repository
- ctrl+x and "y" + enter to save
- Run
systemctl enable upload.service
to enable the service
- Run
crontab -e
- Run
touch /var/log/mail.log
- paste the following line at the end of the file in a new line:
* * * * * /root/ >>/var/log/mail.log
- Press ctrl+x and "y" + enter to save
- Run
nano /etc/systemd/system/convert.service
- Copy the content of the file convert.service in this repository
- Press ctrl+x and "y" + enter to save
- Run
systemctl enable convert.service
to enable the service