I am creating a cookbook using ReactJS with Redux which fetches some recipes from the Spoonacular API. The user can save, modify, write their recipes with an image uploaded.
- Technologies used
- Goals for this project
- Requirements briefing
- Features built so far overview with pull requests
- My git workflow
- My workflow
- create-react-app-docs
Practise: React/Redux, CRUD app with firebase, authentication, fetch API, GIT and PR's.
Make a working application.
Showcase some of what I can do and get a job as a junior developer.
To guide my self through this project, I have created some user stories: User Stories.md
- Feature - Navigation
- Feature - SignIn/SignUp
- Feature - Register
- Bugfix - fetch
- Feature - Fetch api
- Feature - Sign Out
- Bug fix - routing
- Improvement - navigation
- Improvement - recipe card
- Improvement - Expand create recipe
- Feature/ search, select, prepare
In this project I practice:
- Good commit messages,
- Well named branches,
- Pull requests with summaries
If you have feedback to improve my git usage: please drop me a line here! or e-mail me at [email protected].
I break the main problem into smaller problems, then I go one at the time. I maintain a backlog using Trello.
Here are some tools and platforms which I rely upon through the development process:
- Trello,
- VS Code,
- Google,
- Docs,
- Youtube / Udemy tutorials
This project was scaffolded using the create-react-app cli.