This repository contains codes related to the publication "Minimal crystallographic descriptors of sorption properties in hypothetical MOFs and role in sequential learning optimization" ( Datasets and trained pipelines are published on our Zenodo repository
In particular:
- Folder
Models training + SHAP
contains four.ipnyb
files (one for each of the target properties of interest) to train a Random Forest based pipeline with hyperparameter tuning in 5-fold cross validation + SHAP analysis for detecting important features; - Folder
Sequental learning
contains the code for running the SL (three.m
files for Kriging, one.ipnyb
file for Random-Forest- and COMBO-based methodologies); - Folder
Variable importances
contains the complete ranking of the features, used to train the RF-regression models, provided by the SHAP analysis (for their meaning, please refer to "Machine learning with force-field inspired descriptors for materials: fast screening and mapping energy landscape", doi: 10.1103/physrevmaterials.2.083801); - File
2D Map & Database optimum.ipynb
contains the Database optimum in terms of the specific energy, its thermodynamic ideal cycle (Fig. 7 of the paper), and the comparative 2D Map (Fig. 6 of the paper); - File
is our modified version of the same file in the COMBO package (path combo/search/discrete/, to have, at each iteration, 100 evaluations of the next point to be tested, picking only the most preferred one.
We constructed the four MOFs datasets (published here, each one with the same 1557 features and a different target property among Henry coefficient for CO2 (column name 'henry_coefficient_CO2_298K [mol/kg/bar]'
), working capacity for CO2 (column name 'working_capacity_vacuum_swing_REPEAT_chg [mmol/g]'
), Henry coefficient for H2O (column name 'henry_coefficient_H2O_298K [mol/kg/bar]'
) and surface area (column name 'surface_area [m^2/g]'
), taking from here
- the properties of interest,
, filetop_MOFs_screening_data.csv
containing over 8000 potential MOFs - the descriptors from the featurization (see below) of the corresponding over 8000 CIF files among the 300000 in
To use one of the RF-pretrained models for doing new predictions:
- Featurize your Crystallographic Information Files (CIFs)
import matminer
from matminer.featurizers.structure import JarvisCFID
import tqdm
import pandas as pd
import pymatgen as mp
import os
cif_path = 'type the path of the folder containing your CIFs'
cif_files = os.listdir(cif_path)
jarvis = JarvisCFID()
jarvis_features = []
for cif in tqdm.tqdm(cif_files):
cif_struc = mp.Structure.from_file(cif_path + cif)
cif_feature = jarvis.featurize(cif_struc)
Matminer_labels = jarvis.feature_labels()
Data = pd.DataFrame(jarvis_features, index = cif_files, columns = Matminer_labels)
- Go on our Zenodo and download the model you are interested in, then import the custom class for dropping the most correlated features, i.e.,
from sklearn.base import TransformerMixin, BaseEstimator
from joblib import dump, load
class MyDecorrelator(BaseEstimator, TransformerMixin):
def __init__(self, threshold):
self.threshold = threshold
self.correlated_columns = None
def fit(self, X, y=None):
correlated_features = set()
X = pd.DataFrame(X)
corr_matrix = X.corr()
for i in range(len(corr_matrix.columns)):
for j in range(i):
if abs(corr_matrix.iloc[i, j]) > self.threshold: # we are interested in absolute coeff value
colname = corr_matrix.columns[i] # getting the name of column
self.correlated_features = correlated_features
return self
def transform(self, X, y=None, **kwargs):
return (pd.DataFrame(X)).drop(labels=self.correlated_features, axis=1)
Henry_H2O_model = load('Henry_H2O_model.joblib')
- Predict with
Otherwise, to use one of the AutoMatminer pretrained pipelines (supplementary material of the paper), download the one you are interested in from our Zenodo, and, after the featurization step, follow the instructions here
If you find useful this repository for your research we would appreciate a citation to our paper: