Change point refers to the phenomenon where the statistical properties of a target variable or data distribution change over time. Detecting change point is crucial in various domains such as financial markets, healthcare, and online advertising to adapt models and decision-making processes to changing environments.
Model drift refers to the degradation of machine learning model performance due to changes in data or in the relationships between input and output variables.
Apply data generator to create time-series data with abrupt mean-shift
Simulate a streaming data scenario by iterating over a sequence of observations. During each iteration:
- Make prediction with recursive-least-squares model
- Retrieve the true value
- Update model's parameters
- Compute residual
- Use the CUSUM detector on the residuals
Change point detectors are algorithms designed to detect change points in streaming data or sequential observations. These detectors analyze the data stream and identify points where the underlying data distribution has changed significantly.
import numpy as np
from source.generator.change_point_generator import ChangePointGenerator
from source.detector.cusum import CUSUM_Detector, ProbCUSUM_Detector, ChartCUSUM_Detector
# set seed
# Generate time series data with change points
generator = ChangePointGenerator(num_segments=3, segment_length=1000, change_point_type='sudden_shift')
# Plot the generated data
The CUSUM detector monitors the cumulative sum of deviations between observed data points and a reference value. When the cumulative sum exceeds a predefined threshold, it signals the presence of a change point.
# Detect change points using CUSUM Detector
cusum_detector = CUSUM_Detector(warmup_period=500, delta=3, threshold=10)
cusum_pos_changes, cusum_neg_changes, cusum_change_points = cusum_detector.detect_change_points(np.array(
# Plot the detected change points using CUSUM Detector
cusum_detector.plot_change_points(, cusum_change_points, cusum_pos_changes, cusum_neg_changes)
The Probabilistic CUSUM detector extends the CUSUM method by incorporating statistical probability measures. It evaluates the probability of observing deviations between data points, making it more robust to variations in data distribution.
# Detect change points using Probabilistic CUSUM Detector
prob_cusum_detector = ProbCUSUM_Detector(warmup_period=500, threshold_probability=0.01)
prob_probabilities, prob_change_points = prob_cusum_detector.detect_change_points(np.array(
# Plot the detected change points using Probabilistic CUSUM Detector
prob_cusum_detector.plot_change_points(, prob_change_points, prob_probabilities)
The Control Chart CUSUM detector is a specialized form of CUSUM change point detection algorithm commonly used in quality control and process monitoring applications.
# Detect change points using Control Chart CUSUM Detector
chart_cusum_detector = ChartCUSUM_Detector(warmup_period=500, level=3, deviation_type='dev')
upper_limits, lower_limits, cusums, change_points = chart_cusum_detector.detect_change_points(np.array(
# Plot the detected change points using Control Chart CUSUM Detector
chart_cusum_detector.plot_change_points(np.array(, change_points, cusums, upper_limits, lower_limits)
# Detect change points using Control Chart CUSUM Detector
chart_cusum_detector = ChartCUSUM_Detector(warmup_period=500, level=3, deviation_type='sqr-dev')
upper_limits, lower_limits, cusums, change_points = chart_cusum_detector.detect_change_points(np.array(
# Plot the detected change points using Control Chart CUSUM Detector
chart_cusum_detector.plot_change_points(np.array(, change_points, cusums, upper_limits, lower_limits)
import numpy as np
from source.generator.change_point_generator import ChangePointGenerator
from source.detector.cusum import KS_CUM_Detector
# Set seed
# Generate time series data with change points
generator = ChangePointGenerator(num_segments=3, segment_length=1000, change_point_type='sudden_shift')
# Plot the generated data
# Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test
ks_detector = KS_CUM_Detector(window_pre=600, window_post=300, alpha=0.001)
ks_statistics , p_values, change_points = ks_detector.detect_change_points(np.array(
ks_detector.plot_change_points(, change_points, p_values)