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How to configure oauth providers

BlessedBoy edited this page May 4, 2013 · 3 revisions


Register your node in the provider:

for FACEBOOK visit:

for TWITTER visit:

for LINKED IN visit:

After the registration you should have an OAUTH ID/SECRET.

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Once you have them, look for the Omniauth block in config/initializers/devise.rb. Once there, substitute the example APP_ID and APP_SECRET with the ones you've got from the providers in the corresponding lines. If you are not interesting in using any of those providers, just comment out the corresponding line.

Remember to restart your app to apply the changes.

Note: If you intend to use a provider that is not among the default ones, duplicate the line for other provider and change the provider name. For example, change config.omniauth :linkedin to config.omniauth :myNewProvider and add the corresponding APP_SECRET and APP_ID.

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