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How to add new activity objects

Antonio Tapiador edited this page May 28, 2013 · 8 revisions

Social Stream allows developers to write and integrate custom models in the social network.

Activity objects already available

Social Stream components already provide your application with the most popular activity objects (for instance social_stream-documents provides with files, pictures, audio and video support) These gems automatically integrate new activity objects with the rest of Social Stream, in the wall form, the search engine, etc.

Just include the desired components in your Gemfile.

Besides, some aspects can be customized in the file config/initializers/social_stream.rb, which should be copied to your application in the install rake task, and should look like

Creating new activity objects

For adding new features on social_stream, remember:

  • All activity object models should include SocialStream::Models::Object and include an activity_object_id integer field in their table.

  • If you want to create new object from the wall input, you must add the object to config/initializers/social_stream.rb and create a view in app/views/my_models/_new_activity.html.erb. Take a look at linkser example at

  • Once you create the activity object, it is necessary that you write some views for showing new objects in timeline, search engine, repository etc...

    • Firstly, you must include it in config/initializers/social_stream.rb so they are included in the views. See the application' config/initializers/social_stream.rb for more details.
    • Finally, you must create the appropiate views. You can use the views under in the linkser gem as reference for building your own views: Current views are:
      • app/views/my_objects/_timeline.html.erb shows the object in the activities timeline
      • app/views/my_objects/_quick_search_result.html.erb the object in the search hints from the header
      • app/views/my_objects/_search_result.html.erb the object in the full search result
      • app/views/my_objects/_my_object.erb the object in the repository
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