#http-share ##v.0.1.6 ###by: ok 2013
Share a directory over http with one command.
Install globally with npm install -g http-share
Then create a new share from anywhere with http-share [options]
Options (all are optional) :
-h, --help output usage information
-V, --version output the version number
-p, --port <port> Port for server to run on (default: 8080)
-d, --dir <dir> Shared directory (default: current working directory)
-a, --auth <username:password> Basic auth, separate username & password with a colon
-l, --log [level] Enable access-log. Levels: default, short, tiny, dev
-n, --nodirlists Disable automatic directory listings
-s, --ssl <key.pem>,<cert.pem> Enable ssl encryption, separate filenames with a comma
Press 'esc', 'q', 'x' or 'ctrl' + 'c' to stop the server.
Directory listings are created automatically, unless an index is found.