The azure-operator manages Kubernetes clusters running in Giantnetes on Azure.
- Up to and including version v2.9.0.
- Contains all versions of legacy controllers (reconciling AzureConfig CRs) up to and including v2.9.0.
- From version v3.0.0.
- Contains only the latest version of controllers.
Clone the git repository:
Build it using the standard go build
go build
Create an azure-operator role using tenant.tmpl.json role definition (replace SUBSCRIPTION_ID):
az role definition create --role-definition @tenant.tmpl.json
If you have a service proivder you want to reuse add the azure-operator role (replace CLIENT_ID):
az role assignment create --assignee ${CLIENT_ID} --role azure-operator
Otherwise create a service provider with the azure-operator role (replace SUBSCRIPTION_ID):
export CODENAME=cluster1
az ad sp create-for-rbac -n $CODENAME-azure-operator-sp --role="azure-operator" --scopes="/subscriptions/${SUBSCRIPTION_ID}" --years 10
Follow this guide.
- Mailing list: giantswarm
- IRC: #giantswarm on
- Bugs: issues
See CONTRIBUTING for details on submitting patches, the contribution workflow as well as reporting bugs.
Now you can run the pre-commit against all files in the repository. Or just try to make a commit and the pre-commit will be executed automatically.
azure-operator is under the Apache 2.0 license. See the LICENSE file for details.