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Tool to build a panel of Y-STRs markers starting from WGS samples and a Y chromosome reference.

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TYpeSTeR can be used to find, filter and genotype Y chromosome Short Tandem Repeats (Y-STRs) on a set of WGS Illumina samples.

This workflow is meant to run with aligned files, for align the files go to the dedicated [section](# Map samples (optional - if starting with FASTQ))

Requirements and dependencies

Alternatively you can install all these three tools in a conda environment with the command:

conda install -c bioconda bedtools=2.30.0 samtools=1.16.1 trf=4.09.1 

Other dependencies not in conda:

1. Usage of the main script

Clone the github repository:

git clone
cd TYpeSTeR

Run the script:

./ -r ref_Y.fa -s samples.txt -t /usr/bin/HipSTR -e regions_exclude.bed

Flag explanation:

  1. (-r) indexed FASTA Y chromosome reference. Indexing can be done with bwa-mem2 index $reference or samtools faidx $reference.

  2. (-s) a txt file with the paths to the bam files, one per line. The script will work as long as the Y reference sequence ID can be found in the BAM headers. You can add the paths in a single file for example like this: find *Y.bam > Y_bams.txt

  3. (optional) (-t) the path to HipSTR executable file. The program assumes it's HipSTR but you may specify the full path if it's not in $PATH.

  4. (optional) (-e) a bed file of regions to exclude, such as Pseudo Autosomal Regions.

  5. (optional) a name for the output files of your analysis, the default is Y_STRs

  6. (-m) Maximum motif length, default to 6

  7. (-M) Maximum STR length, default to 100

The script will first use TRF with these parameters: Match=2, Mismatch=5, Delta=7, PM=80, PI=10, MinScore=80 (higher than the reccomended 50), MaxPeriod=6 (can be changed with -m).

Then it will filter these regions removing dinucleotides and repeats with motif larger than -m (default: 6). Further, as HipSTR does not genotype motif longer than 100bp by default, repeats longer then that will be filtered. You can modify this parameter by setting the maximum length flag -M. If you are only interested in identifying the putative STRs you could use the flag -n to skip genotyping without providing any sample file -s.

The HipSTR maximum flanking indel parameter (--max-flank-indel) is set to 1 as it can be eventually filtered downstream and you might be genotyping not so closely related species. Also, the --min-reads parameter is the same as your number of samples. This is a very relaxed filtering but again, it's better to eventually filter results downstream. will output:

  1. the raw TRF data file which will be named as ${Y_ref}.${max_motif}.dat

  2. the filtered STR regions named ${Y_name}_${max_motif}_${max_str}_filtered_STR.bed

  3. The HipSTR genotypes and log in ${outprefix}.vcf.gz and .log . ${outprefix} can be set with -o (Default: Y_STRs)

Run ./ -h to get additional details on usage.

2. Detect homology between STRs (optional)

In case you have multiple y chromosomes which are more or less closely related you can use the script in scripts/ to look for putative homology between their Y-STRs.

To run the script:

$ cd scripts/ 

$ species_a_Y.fa [...] species_n_Y.fa

This script is based on the same TRF command as before and you can use the same flags -m -M -e exactly as in to filter results. You can use this command with how many references you like as in:


  1. all_Y_strs.fa: the FASTA files of the filtered STRs found in your references. The sequences will be named as filename+an increasing integer based on their postion (i.e. given an input called Hsap_Y.fa the regions will be named Hsap_Y_1,2...n). Further, each sequence will have 200 bp additional base paires in the flanking regions (you can change this parameter with -f).

  2. regions_metadata.txt: file with 5 columns: reference_id, start, end, length, name.

  3. blast_all_v_all_Y_str.csv: blast results of the all vs all search (outfmt 6).

You can check additional parameters with ./scripts/ -h

If you are interested in homology with Human Y-STRs, you might use the Y_STR_panel.csv from YLineageTracker with the -p option. You may obtain this file by running: wget This is good as human STRs are well studied and have official names. If you use this you have to specify the fasta Human Y chromosome GRCh38 reference (CM000686.2 or NC_000024.10) with -r!

This script also allows to search for multicopies STR within a single reference!

Finally, you might visualize the blast results with:

Rscript scripts/comparative_STR.R

This will produce a pdf named plots/blast_Y_STRs.pdf with a pairwise comparison of blast results of all the references analyzed. Check Rscript scripts/comparative_STR.R -h for usage.

Alternative usage with docker file

We have also created a container in Dockerhub for ease the use of TYpeSTeR without having the above dependencies. (e.g for usage on hpc cluster)

The only dependency here is Singularity - for installation

Pull the container:

singularity pull docker://raveancic/typester:latest

Bind and mount paths of the files required by the scripts (sample.txt and region.bed need to be in the same folder in which you are executing this command) and run the container with exec

singularity exec --bind $PATH_REF_DIR,$PATH_BAM_DIR typester_latest.sif -r ref_Y.fa -s samples.txt -e regions_exclude.bed

to run the homology script

singularity exec --bind $PATH_OUTPUT_DIR typester_latest.sif species_a_Y.fa [...] species_n_Y.fa

Thanks to Davide Bolognini for the kind support.

4. Analyze results

After you obtain the VCF and the TRF regions you can explore the results with the R script:

Dependent packages:


Rscript scripts/plot_STR_vcf.R -r $regions -t $trf -i $vcf -d $taxonomy

You will need to input the three output of TYpeSTeR: -r filtered regions, -t trf output and -i the VCF. Further, you have to input a file with taxonomic division. This file has to have two column: sample and taxon and the sample code must be the same as found in the VCF file. Check Rscript scripts/plot_STR_vcf.R -h for usage.

The script will output three pdf files in the plots directory: one plot will be the distribution of the motif size and the location across the reference, an exploratory plot of the VCF and the heatmap of each alleles length of the filtered STR regions.

Map samples (optional - if starting with FASTQ)

The dependencies are:

  • snakemake
  • picard
  • samtools
  • bwa-mem2

The snakemake pipeline similar to the one used in this work is found in this repo from Santander et al., 2022 BMC Eco and Evo

You'll need the paired fastq files, a config file where to specify different output directories, the reference genome and a json file where each sample is associated to a list of runs.


  • add test data and output
  • stutter model option????? Depending on your project you may decide which kind of stutter model to use, a nice guide can be found here. In this case we will use the default stutter model (--def-stutter-model) as our samples are from different sequencing projects and have different coverages.
  • output filtered haplotypes (in which format?)


Tool to build a panel of Y-STRs markers starting from WGS samples and a Y chromosome reference.






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