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Implement "Values of Correct Type" validation (#1093)
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* Implement variable validation spec

* Implement value validation spec
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ghostdogpr authored Oct 16, 2021
1 parent e3bb38b commit ce6f97d
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Showing 4 changed files with 106 additions and 77 deletions.
72 changes: 46 additions & 26 deletions core/src/main/scala/caliban/validation/Validator.scala
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -261,7 +261,13 @@ object Validator {
s"Argument '$arg' is not defined on directive '${}' ($location).",
"Every argument provided to a field or directive must be defined in the set of possible arguments of that field or directive."
case Some(inputValue) => validateInputValues(inputValue, argValue, context)
case Some(inputValue) =>
s"InputValue '${}' of Directive '${}'"
} *>
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -456,43 +462,51 @@ object Validator {
currentType: __Type,
context: Context
): IO[ValidationError, Unit] =
IO.foreach_(field.arguments) { case (arg, argValue) =>
f.args.find( == arg) match {
case None =>
IO.foreach_(f.args.filter(a => a.`type`().kind == __TypeKind.NON_NULL))(arg =>
(arg.defaultValue, field.arguments.get( match {
case (None, None) | (None, Some(NullValue)) =>
s"Required argument '${}' is null or missing on field '${}' of type '${
"Arguments can be required. An argument is required if the argument type is non‐null and does not have a default value. Otherwise, the argument is optional."

case (Some(_), Some(NullValue)) =>
s"Argument '$arg' is not defined on field '${}' of type '${"")}'.",
"Every argument provided to a field or directive must be defined in the set of possible arguments of that field or directive."
s"Required argument '${}' is null on '${}' of type '${
"Arguments can be required. An argument is required if the argument type is non‐null and does not have a default value. Otherwise, the argument is optional."
case Some(inputValue) => validateInputValues(inputValue, argValue, context)
case _ => IO.unit
} *>
IO.foreach_(f.args.filter(a => a.`type`().kind == __TypeKind.NON_NULL))(arg =>
(arg.defaultValue, field.arguments.get( match {
case (None, None) | (None, Some(NullValue)) =>
) *>
IO.foreach_(field.arguments) { case (arg, argValue) =>
f.args.find( == arg) match {
case None =>
s"Required argument '${}' is null or missing on field '${}' of type '${
"Arguments can be required. An argument is required if the argument type is non‐null and does not have a default value. Otherwise, the argument is optional."
s"Argument '$arg' is not defined on field '${}' of type '${"")}'.",
"Every argument provided to a field or directive must be defined in the set of possible arguments of that field or directive."

case (Some(_), Some(NullValue)) =>
s"Required argument '${}' is null on '${}' of type '${
"Arguments can be required. An argument is required if the argument type is non‐null and does not have a default value. Otherwise, the argument is optional."
case Some(inputValue) =>
s"InputValue '${}' of Field '${}'"
case _ => IO.unit

private[caliban] def validateInputValues(
inputValue: __InputValue,
argValue: InputValue,
context: Context
context: Context,
errorContext: String
): IO[ValidationError, Unit] = {
val t = inputValue.`type`()
val inputType = if (t.kind == __TypeKind.NON_NULL) t.ofType.getOrElse(t) else t
val inputFields = inputType.inputFields.getOrElse(Nil)

argValue match {
case InputValue.ObjectValue(fields) if inputType.kind == __TypeKind.INPUT_OBJECT =>
IO.foreach_(fields) { case (k, v) =>
Expand All @@ -502,7 +516,13 @@ object Validator {
s"Input field '$k' is not defined on type '${"?")}'.",
"Every input field provided in an input object value must be defined in the set of possible fields of that input object’s expected type."
case Some(value) => validateInputValues(value, v, context)
case Some(value) =>
s"InputValue '${}' of Field '$k' of InputObject '${"")}'"
} *> IO
.foreach_(inputFields)(inputField =>
Expand All @@ -528,7 +548,7 @@ object Validator {
case _ => IO.unit
} *> ValueValidator.validateInputTypes(inputValue, argValue, errorContext)

private def checkVariableUsageAllowed(
variableDefinition: VariableDefinition,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -741,7 +761,7 @@ object Validator {
private[caliban] def validateInputValue(inputValue: __InputValue, errorContext: String): IO[ValidationError, Unit] = {
val fieldContext = s"InputValue '${}' of $errorContext"
for {
_ <- DefaultValueValidator.validateDefaultValue(inputValue, fieldContext)
_ <- ValueValidator.validateDefaultValue(inputValue, fieldContext)
_ <- doesNotStartWithUnderscore(inputValue, fieldContext)
_ <- onlyInputType(inputValue.`type`(), fieldContext)
} yield ()
Expand Down
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ import caliban.parsing.Parser
import caliban.{ InputValue, Value }
import zio.IO

object DefaultValueValidator {
object ValueValidator {
def validateDefaultValue(field: __InputValue, errorContext: String): IO[ValidationError, Unit] =
IO.whenCase(field.defaultValue) { case Some(v) =>
for {
Expand All @@ -21,8 +21,7 @@ object DefaultValueValidator {
"The default value for a field must be written using GraphQL input syntax."
_ <- Validator.validateInputValues(field, value, Context.empty)
_ <- validateInputTypes(field, value, errorContext)
_ <- Validator.validateInputValues(field, value, Context.empty, errorContext)
} yield ()

Expand All @@ -33,55 +32,62 @@ object DefaultValueValidator {
): IO[ValidationError, Unit] = validateType(inputValue.`type`(), argValue, errorContext)

def validateType(inputType: __Type, argValue: InputValue, errorContext: String): IO[ValidationError, Unit] =
inputType.kind match {
case NON_NULL =>
argValue match {
case NullValue =>
failValidation(s"$errorContext is null", "Input field was null but was supposed to be non-null.")
case x => validateType(inputType.ofType.getOrElse(inputType), x, errorContext)
case LIST =>
argValue match {
case ListValue(values) =>
IO.foreach_(values)(v =>
validateType(inputType.ofType.getOrElse(inputType), v, s"List item in $errorContext")
case _ =>
failValidation(s"$errorContext has invalid type: $argValue", "Input field was supposed to be a list.")
argValue match {
case _: VariableValue => IO.unit
case _ =>
inputType.kind match {
case NON_NULL =>
argValue match {
case NullValue =>
failValidation(s"$errorContext is null", "Input field was null but was supposed to be non-null.")
case x => validateType(inputType.ofType.getOrElse(inputType), x, errorContext)
case LIST =>
argValue match {
case ListValue(values) =>
IO.foreach_(values)(v =>
validateType(inputType.ofType.getOrElse(inputType), v, s"List item in $errorContext")
case other =>
// handle item as the first item in the list
validateType(inputType.ofType.getOrElse(inputType), other, s"List item in $errorContext")

argValue match {
case ObjectValue(fields) =>
IO.foreach_(inputType.inputFields.getOrElse(List.empty)) { f =>
val value =
fields.collectFirst({ case (name, fieldValue) if name == => fieldValue }).getOrElse(NullValue)
validateType(f.`type`(), value, s"Field ${} in $errorContext")
argValue match {
case ObjectValue(fields) =>
IO.foreach_(inputType.inputFields.getOrElse(List.empty)) { f =>
val value =
.collectFirst({ case (name, fieldValue) if name == => fieldValue })
validateType(f.`type`(), value, s"Field ${} in $errorContext")
case _ =>
s"$errorContext has invalid type: $argValue",
"Input field was supposed to be an input object."
case _ =>
s"$errorContext has invalid type: $argValue",
"Input field was supposed to be an input object."
case ENUM =>
argValue match {
case EnumValue(value) =>
validateEnum(value, inputType, errorContext)
case StringValue(value) =>
validateEnum(value, inputType, errorContext)
case _ =>
case ENUM =>
argValue match {
case EnumValue(value) =>
validateEnum(value, inputType, errorContext)
case StringValue(value) =>
validateEnum(value, inputType, errorContext)
case _ =>
s"$errorContext has invalid type: $argValue",
"Input field was supposed to be an enum value."
case SCALAR => validateScalar(inputType, argValue, errorContext)
case _ =>
s"$errorContext has invalid type: $argValue",
"Input field was supposed to be an enum value."
s"$errorContext has invalid type $inputType",
"Input value is invalid, should be a scalar, list or input object."
case SCALAR => validateScalar(inputType, argValue, errorContext)
case _ =>
s"$errorContext has invalid type $inputType",
"Input value is invalid, should be a scalar, list or input object."

def validateEnum(value: String, inputType: __Type, errorContext: String): IO[ValidationError, Unit] = {
Expand Down
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions core/src/test/scala/caliban/execution/DefaultValueSpec.scala
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -101,7 +101,7 @@ object DefaultValueSpec extends DefaultRunnableSpec {
testM("invalid list validation") {
case class TestInput(@GQLDefault("\"string\"") string: List[String])
case class TestInput(@GQLDefault("3") string: List[String])
case class Query(test: TestInput => List[String])
val gql = graphQL(RootResolver(Query(i => i.string)))
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -180,7 +180,7 @@ object DefaultValueSpec extends DefaultRunnableSpec {
int <- gql.interpreter
res <- int.execute(query)
} yield assert(res.errors.headOption)(
test("it should render default values in the SDL") {
Expand Down
7 changes: 5 additions & 2 deletions core/src/test/scala/caliban/execution/ExecutionSpec.scala
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ import java.util.UUID
import caliban.CalibanError.ExecutionError
import caliban.GraphQL._
import caliban.Macros.gqldoc
import caliban.{ CalibanError, GraphQL, RootResolver }
import caliban.{ CalibanError, GraphQL, InputValue, RootResolver }
import caliban.TestUtils._
import caliban.Value.{ BooleanValue, IntValue, StringValue }
import caliban.introspection.adt.__Type
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -195,6 +195,7 @@ object ExecutionSpec extends DefaultRunnableSpec {
case i if i > 0 => Right(NonNegInt(i))
case neg => Left(CalibanError.ExecutionError(s"$neg is negative"))
implicit val nonNegIntSchema: Schema[Any, NonNegInt] = Schema.intSchema.contramap(_.value)
case class Args(int: NonNegInt, value: String)
case class Test(q: Args => Unit)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -585,13 +586,15 @@ object ExecutionSpec extends DefaultRunnableSpec {
case class User(test: UserArgs => String)
case class Mutations(user: Task[User])
case class Queries(a: Int)
implicit val intArgBuilder: ArgBuilder[Int] = (_: InputValue) => Left(ExecutionError("nope"))

val api = graphQL(RootResolver(Queries(1), Mutations(ZIO.succeed(User(_.toString)))))

val interpreter = api.interpreter
val query =
"""mutation {
| user {
| test(id: "wrong")
| test(id: 1)
| }
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