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Ghislain B edited this page Apr 15, 2019 · 92 revisions
  • 1.5.27 2019-04-14 Merged PR #182 to fix Radio button required field validation not working, closes #181
  • 1.5.26 2018-11-13 Merged PR #178 to fix #177 revalidateAndAttachOnBlur method to handle zeroes appropriately
  • 1.5.25 2018-10-29 add Chinese locale translation "cn.json"
  • 1.5.24 2017-09-01 Fix #160, validate on empty not working in angular-service
  • 1.5.23 2017-08-17 Merged PR #162 and #163
  • 1.5.22 2017-06-07 Merged PR #157 to add Simplified Chinese locale.
  • 1.5.21 2017-05-14 Fix #151 validation rule "different" disables rule "required".
  • 1.5.20 2017-04-20 Add an unminified version and Fix #153 bug in validation service.
  • 1.5.19 2017-04-17 Fix #150 angularValidation.revalidate problems
  • 1.5.18 2017-03-31 Fix disabled="false" as attribute to run validation, merged pull #152.
  • 1.5.17 2017-03-10 Add silent mode to checkFormValidity function
  • 1.5.16 2017-01-24 Fix issue where empty Form Controller was throwing an error
  • 1.5.15 2017-01-19 Rename the errorMessageVisible flag to isErrorMessageVisible and updated the Wiki - isErrorMessageVisible
  • 1.5.14 2017-01-18 Merged #144 to add errorMessageVisible to help knowing when the error message is displayed or not.
  • 1.5.13 2016-12-29 Make sure element exist before looking for isValidationCancelled, issue #139
  • 1.5.12 2016-12-15 Fix a small issue introduced by last commit (Angular Form overwritten with simple object in some rare occasions).
  • 1.5.11 2016-12-15 Fix checkFormValidity with formName argument, issues #135, #139, #140, #141.
  • 1.5.10 2016-12-13 Fix UI Router issue by adding a UI Router watch on $stateChangeStart, issue #137
  • 1.5.9 2016-10-14 Updated main entry at package.json to work with WebPack, issue #128
  • 1.5.7 2016-10-03 Add Dutch and Romanian #134
  • 1.5.6 2016-09-24 Dates validator now checks for leap year & full date calendar, fix issue #130
  • 1.5.5 2016-09-01 If translation isn't loading & working correctly, it should throw an error.
  • 1.5.4 2016-07-29 Fixed an issue with 3rd party validation not triggering a $scope.$watch. Also added new international phone validation (issue #125).
  • 1.5.3 2016-07-20 Add C# validation annotation, (for example: maxLen => maxLength)
  • 1.5.2 2016-06-14 Fixed #121 Alternate text containing the character ":" was causing unexpected displayed message.
  • 1.5.1 2016-03-10 Fixed #111 Add US phone number & tweaked credit card rules.
  • 1.5.0 2016-02-23 BREAKING CHANGE when fixing casing issue #107, ValidationService should start with uppercase. Changed to branch 1.5.x to announce major change.
  • 1.4.22 2016-02-02 Merged pull request #106 to add Catalan translation locale and some fixes in the Spanish locale as well. Thanks @Naimikan
  • 1.4.21 2016-01-21 Merged pull request #103 (extend Directive for revalidating) to fix request #102... thanks @tpeter1985.
  • 1.4.20 2016-01-17 Enhancement #100 - Add Global Option (errorMessageSeparator) for a Separator between error messages. Enhancement #101 - Add Global Option (preValidateValidationSummary) to disable pre-validation in Validation Summary if need be. Also found and fixed a problem with a try-catch throw javascript error in Custom Validation.
  • 1.4.19 2016-01-04 Fixed issue #99 support backslash inside alt (alternate message). IBAN should now be validated through custom validation with help of external library like Github arhs/iban.js as it was mentioned in issue #93 (thanks @pabx06 for providing support)
  • 1.4.18 2015-12-20 Fixed issue #91 interpolation problem with remove validation doesn't work twice. Enhancement #98 possibility to use one validation or another (tell how many Validators are required for field to become valid). Enhancement #97 possibility to validate even on empty text field (useful on custom and remote validation). Refined some Validators (IPV6 now include compressed/uncompressed addresses, added more Polish characters to other Validators).
  • 1.4.17 2015-12-15 Fixed issue #92 input name with '.', enhancement #94 Polish characters, issue #96 in_list wasn't accepting special characters.
  • 1.4.16 2015-12-11 Fixed issue #90 blinking error messages.
  • 1.4.15 2015-12-02 Fixed issue #86 implicit global variable on regex.
  • 1.4.14 2015-11-15 Added validation-callback (#79), added #81, #82. Added new validation-callback attribute, runs after the debounce/blur and validation are completed.
  • 1.4.13 Fixed issue #78 - 'strValue is not defined' error when using max auto-detect validator.
  • 1.4.12 2015-11-01 Fixed a small issue with pulling the form name when trying to find the parent form of an input element.
  • 1.4.11 2015-10-29 Enhancement #75 - Added custom rules validation through custom functions. Fixed issue #76 - problem with ui-mask in directive.
  • 1.4.10 2015-10-12 Sanitized error messages. Fixed issue #69 - Stop when invalid characters typed on input[number].
  • 1.4.9 2015-10-05 Enhancement #57, #66, #67 - Added 3rd party addon validation (like ngTagsInput, Angular Multiselect, Dropdown multi-select, etc...)
  • 1.4.8 2015-09-12 Fixed issue #68 - Matching validation issue (password confirmation).
  • 1.4.7 2015-09-08 Fixed issue #65 - invalid return value on function String.format()
  • 1.4.6 2015-09-04 Accepted pull #64 - Update Spanish es.json translation file.
  • 1.4.5 2015-09-03 Fixed issue #63 - Custom Regex pattern should be greedy (instead of non-greedy), this was causing a problem when user add a / in his pattern and was stopping on first occurence.
  • 1.4.4 2015-08-21 Enhancement #59 - Added few Validators that are like Laravel for reusability. The in and not_in Validators are the most interesting.
  • 1.4.3 2015-08-18 Fixed issue #58 - multiple ControllerAs with Route change giving error of 'undefined' on $validationSummary.
  • 1.4.2 2015-08-09 Fixed Bootstrap UI (or any other tool) interference with Angular-Validation, in relation to issue #55.
  • 1.4.1 2015-08-09 Fixed issue #56 - TextArea validation problem with ENTER key (newline).
  • [1.4.0] ( 2015-08-06 Tested with AngularJS 1.4.x branch. Also fixed issue #55 - ui bootsrap datepicker and angular-validation.
  • 1.3.39 2015-07-28 Fixed issue #54 - display alt text as HTML instead of escaped text, changed from .text() to .html()
  • 1.3.38 2015-07-28 Fixed issue #52 - Changed default behavior of ngDisabled which was displaying error message right after an element became enabled, it will still pre-validate but not directly show the error message unless preValidateFormElements is set to True. Fixed issue #53 - To support ngIf (add a trigger on element $destroy).
  • 1.3.37 2015-07-21 Fixed a small IE8 problem with "catch" being a reserved word
  • 1.3.36 2015-07-20 Enhancement #47 - New option to use the ControllerAs syntax. Also fixed issue #48.
  • 1.3.35 2015-07-15 Deprecated old implentation of regex:...:regex (though it still works) by a new and much better implementation of pattern= validator. Converted all the rules from string pattern to regex pattern (when possible) defined in angular-validation.js. Also fixed issue #45 on email check.
  • 1.3.34 2015-07-08 Merge pull request #44 - Adding support to brazilian portuguese language.
  • 1.3.33 2015-07-02 Reset isolatedScope on route change
  • 1.3.32 2015-06-24 Merged pull request #41 and fixed errors inside it, updated Protractor test as well.
  • 1.3.31 2015-06-20 Enhancement #39 - How to Reset a Form, added Protractor tests to cover this new functionality.
  • 1.3.30 2015-06-15 Merged pull request #40 - Polish translations
  • 1.3.29 2015-06-10 Added RemoveValidator() for Directive, added Protractor tests on RemoveValidator() for both the Directive and Service. Fixed ngDisabled not working correctly in Service, added Protractor tests for ngDisabled On/Off in both Directive and Service
  • 1.3.28 2015-06-04 Fixed a bug with ngDisabled not being interpreted before observing it (ng-disabled="vm.type == 1" would give false result because it was not being interpreted), added Protractor Test for this behavior in 2Forms page. Added displayOnlyLastErrorMsg in the list of Global Options. Cleaned up a lot of code.
  • 1.3.27 2015-06-02 Added possibility to use own isolated scope (issue #37 and #26). Fixed an implementation issue found from last revision (issue #35). Fixed email validation (issue #38). Fixed a performance issue found with onBlur which would run as much validations as there was characters inside the input when onBlur was called (abcdef => would make 6 validations) and this was extremely costly with a Remote validation call. Update the code of Remote validation to also accept the "As" alias "remote:vm.customRemoteValidation". Finally added and updated a few Protractor tests to cover all of the above and more.
  • 1.3.26 2015-05-30 Added enhancement #35 - PreValidate the Form, display all errors on page load.
  • 1.3.25 2015-05-19 Enhancement #34 to add Remote Validation and updated Protractor to cover this new feature.
  • 1.3.24 2015-05-17 Replaced all :param inside each locale translations with a better standard of {0}, {1}, etc.. like C# String.Format(). Added a full Protractor End-to-End test suite (1000+ asserts). Fixed a few minor bugs found with Protractor test cases. Fixed issue #36, bower.json scripts in wrong order.
  • 1.3.23 2015-05-05 Added option to display only last error message instead of all messages at once. Fixed a bug where changing route on View/Controller would make the ValidationSummary fail when coming back to original View/Controller, this bug was associated to the fact that the ValidationSummary kept growing from Controller to Controller, now this ValidationSummary is wipe out as soon as we detect a route change.
  • 1.3.22 2015-05-03 Added new element attribute of friendly-name which is used ONLY in the ValidationSummary, this friendly name is to give a better element name display, which also support translation, inside the ValidationSummary instead of just "input1" (see ValidationSummary for more details).
  • 1.3.21 2015-04-29 Moved the Alternate Text inside the $translate promise as well which removes possible delay of non-translated text appearing as alternate text (this will not affect regular text, or already translated text). Also cleanup code and made my Gulp task even more automated.
  • 1.3.20 2015-04-21 Fixed issue #26 - validation of forms inside ng-repeat (added sample dynamicFormView in more-examples folder). And again issue #28 - unbind all 'blur' in cancelValidation() might affect other modules.
  • 1.3.19 2015-04-20 Fixed issue #28 - unbind all 'blur' in cancelValidation() might affect other modules
  • 1.3.18 2015-04-19 Fixed issue #20 - Error messages shown on submit are non-understandable, this was fixed using $translate promises instead of $translate.instant(). Fixed a few error display on the validationSummary() and checkFormValidity(). Also merged #27 to add Russian
  • 1.3.17 2015-04-11 Added global $scope.$validationOptions Global Options object, for now only has the debounce property that be used by both the Directive and Service.
  • 1.3.16 2015-04-09 Accept Merge #3 Fixed removeFromValidationSummary to also remove from 'local' array
  • 1.3.15 2015-04-08 Fixed #23 If multiple forms exist in the app the errors in 1 form affect validation in the other
  • 1.3.14 2015-04-07 Merge pull request #19 Added norwegian translation and changes to allow user to remove invalid validators
  • 1.3.13 2015-04-06 Fixed $translate delay issue when using external JSON files
  • 1.3.12 2015-04-04 Fix issue #16 and added Validators Alternate Text option on all type of validators. Also fixed removeValidator and clean a lot of code.
  • 1.3.11 2015-03-30 Accepted pull request #15 to fix form without name attribute. Also accepted pull request #18 to add Spanish locales.
  • 1.3.10 2015-03-29 Added new function of checkFormValidity() before submitting the form. Now use only 1 minified script instead of multiples.
  • 1.3.9 2015-03-21 Added validation summary through 2 new and equivalent properties $scope.$validationSummary and $scope.formName.$validationSummary. Also added bower and gulp support, the Gulp script gives minified files.
  • 1.3.8 2015-03-15 Added between/min/max conditional validators on all Date types (iso, euro_long, euro_short, us_long, us_short)
  • 1.3.7 2015-03-08 Complete rewrite (but same functionality) so that I could add an Angular-Validation Service which is similar implementation as the Directive. Also added debounce attribute which is an alias to typingLimit, validation rules are now defined as an external service for better maintainability and also created a common file for shared functions by both Validation Directive and Service.
  • 1.3.6 2015-02-09 Added ng-strict-di for minification, renamed some files and folder lib to /vendors, moved directive into new /src folder for better separation.
  • 1.3.5 2015-01-26 Throw an error message when user did not provide a name="" property inside the element to validate.
  • 1.3.4 2015-01-06 Removed the necessity of creating a <span> for displaying the error message, the directive now handles it by itself.
  • 1.3.3 2015-01-04 Added changelog & updated Bootstrap(3.3.1), AngularJS(1.3.7) to latest versions
  • 1.3.2 2015-01-03 Float number validator to also permit dot (.) as first character. Also removed keyboard blocking of invalid character on input type="number" now displays error message.
  • 1.3.1 2015-01-02 Added Input Match/Confirmation Validator, ex: password confirmation.
  • 1.3.0 2014-12-01 Added support to AngularJS 1.3
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