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Marius edited this page Aug 22, 2014 · 1 revision

Entity Categories

This section allows you to link your entity in a many to many relation with the categories.
By choosing to have this relation, after installing the module you generate with UMC you will see for your entity, in the backend edit page a new tab called Associated Categories. It looks very similar to the categories tab on the product edit page.

associated products

The associated categories are managed the same way you manage the categories from a product.
The only difference is that you can click on the link near the category name and get to the category edit page.

There are other fields that you can fill in while creating your module.

  • Link "many to many" with categories - Described above. All the fields below are disabled if you choose not to create a link to the categories.
  • Show associated entities on category page - If this is set to 'Yes', a new section with the list of your entities related to a specific category will be added to the category view page. May depend on the theme your are using.
  • Show associated categories on entity page - If this is set to 'Yes', a new section with the list of your categories related to one entity will be added to the entity view page.
  • Make entity a category attribute - If you set this to Yes will add a new attribute to the category. It will be a dropdown attribute (multiselect will follow). The dropdown will contain all your entity instances.
  • Category attribute code - In case you want to add your entity as a category attribute you have to fill in here the attribute code.
  • Category attribute scope - In case you want to add your entity as a category attribute you have to select the attribute scope: GLOBAL, WEBSITE, STORE VIEW.
  • Category attribute group - In case you want to add your entity as a category attribute you can fill in here the attribute group where the attribute should be added. If you fill in a value (General for example) the attribute will be added to that tab. If the attribute group does not exist it will be created and added to the category edit page
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