Rust implementation of SPIR-V module processing functionalities. It aims to provide:
- APIs for processing SPIR-V modules
- Command line tools building on top of the APIs for common processing tasks
rspirv defines a common SPIR-V data representation (DR) as the medium for various purposes. rspirv also provides a builder to build the DR interactively and a parser to parse a given SPIR-V binary module into its DR. A higher level structured representation is currently under developing.
SPIR-V is a common intermediate language for representing graphics shaders and compute kernels for multiple Khronos APIs, such as Vulkan, OpenGL, and OpenCL.
SPIRV-Tools is the Khronos Group's official C++ implementation of SPIR-V binary parser, assembler, disassembler, optimizer, and validator. rspirv is not a Rust language binding for that project; it is a complete rewrite using Rust.
The current implementation supports SPIR-V 1.5 (Revision 4).
Multiple crates are published from this project:
Name | Crate | Docs |
rspirv | ||
spirv |
In total rspirv APIs contains:
- The SPIR-V header (all SPIR-V structs, enums, and constants)
- The whole SPIR-V grammar (instruction layouts and their operands)
- A data representation of SPIR-V modules and its loader and builder
- SPIR-V binary module decoding and parsing functionalities
The Khronos SPIR-V JSON grammar is leveraged to generate parts
of the source code using rspirv-autogen
Please see the links to for detailed documentation.
I plan to implement several functionalities:
- SPIR-V data representation (DR)
- SPIR-V module builder
- SPIR-V module assembler
- SPIR-V binary module parser
- SPIR-V binary module disassembler
- HLSL/GLSL to SPIR-V frontend (maybe)
- SPIR-V DR to LLVM IR transformation (maybe)
The DR doesn't handle OpLine
and OpNoLine
well right now.
The SPIR-V binary module parser is feature complete.
This project uses associated constants, which became available in the stable channel since 1.20. So to compile with a compiler from the stable channel, please make sure that the version is >= 1.20.
Building a SPIR-V module, assembling it, parsing it, and then disassembling it:
use rspirv::binary::Assemble;
use rspirv::binary::Disassemble;
fn main() {
// Building
let mut b = rspirv::dr::Builder::new();
b.set_version(1, 0);
b.memory_model(spirv::AddressingModel::Logical, spirv::MemoryModel::GLSL450);
let void = b.type_void();
let voidf = b.type_function(void, vec![]);
let fun = b
spirv::FunctionControl::DONT_INLINE | spirv::FunctionControl::CONST,
b.entry_point(spirv::ExecutionModel::Vertex, fun, "foo", vec![]);
let module = b.module();
// Assembling
let code = module.assemble();
assert!(code.len() > 20); // Module header contains 5 words
assert_eq!(spirv::MAGIC_NUMBER, code[0]);
// Parsing
let mut loader = rspirv::dr::Loader::new();
rspirv::binary::parse_words(&code, &mut loader).unwrap();
let module = loader.module();
// Disassembling
"; SPIR-V\n\
; Version: 1.0\n\
; Generator: rspirv\n\
; Bound: 5\n\
OpCapability Shader\n\
OpMemoryModel Logical GLSL450\n\
OpEntryPoint Vertex %3 \"foo\"\n\
%1 = OpTypeVoid\n\
%2 = OpTypeFunction %1\n\
%3 = OpFunction %1 DontInline|Const %2\n\
%4 = OpLabel\n\
There are multiple crates inside this repo:
: Crate to generate various Rust code snippets used in the modules inspirv/
, from SPIR-V's JSON grammar. If you are not modifyingspirv/
, you don't need to care about this directory.spirv/
: Thespirv
: The corerspirv
: A binary SPIR-V disassembler based on therspirv
: SPIR-V blobs provided by the user for testing.
git clone /path/to/rspirv
If you just want to compile and use the spirv
cd /path/to/rspirv/spirv
cargo build
If you just want to compile and use the rspirv
cd /path/to/rspirv/rspirv
cargo build
If you want to refresh the spirv
or rspirv
crate with new code
snippets generated from SPIR-V's JSON grammar:
cd /path/to/rspirv
# Clone the SPIRV-Headers repo
git submodule update --init
cargo run -p rspirv-autogen
Running cargo test
would scan spirv-blobs
folder and its subfolders
(with symlinks followed) for any SPIR-V binary blobs. The test will try to
load them, disassemble them, and then compose back from the internal
representations, ensuring the smooth round-trip.
This project is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (LICENSE or Please see CONTRIBUTING before contributing.
This project is initialized Lei Zhang (@antiagainst) and currently developed by the gfx-rs Translators team.