how-to-ns is a Clojure linter for Stuart Sierra's how-to-ns standard.
So far it is somewhat hacky and only has the particular features that I want or that haven't been difficult to add.
NOTE! As of version 0.2.*
, how-to-ns has been split into the
library how-to-ns
and the leiningen plugin lein-how-to-ns
See the next two sections for respective maven coordinates.
Add [com.gfredericks/lein-how-to-ns "0.2.12"]
to the :plugins
of your project.clj or :user
To lint the ns forms, printing diffs wherever there are problems:
lein how-to-ns check
To fix the ns forms that don't pass the linter:
lein how-to-ns fix
The official Clojure CLI supports installation of thirdparty tools. To install cljfmt as a tool, run:
clojure -Ttools install com.gfredericks/how-to-ns '{:git/url "" :git/tag "how-to-ns-0.2.12"}' :as how-to-ns
To use the tool to check for formatting errors in your project, run:
clj -Thow-to-ns check
;; or with options
clj -Thow-to-ns check '{:paths ["src" "test"] :require-docstring? false}'
And to fix those errors:
clj -Thow-to-ns fix
;; or with options
clj -Thow-to-ns fix '{:paths ["src" "test"] :require-docstring? false}'
NOTE! The default value for :paths
is ["src" "test"]
Other defaults are explained in the Customization section below.
Maven coordinates: `[com.gfredericks/how-to-ns "0.2.12"]`
(require '[ :as how-to-ns])
;; see below for description of opts
(how-to-ns/good-ns-str? ns-str opts)
(how-to-ns/format-ns-str ns-str opts)
(how-to-ns/starts-with-good-ns-str? file-str opts)
(how-to-ns/format-initial-ns-str file-str opts)
As of version 0.2.6
, how-to-ns
has preliminary support for reader
conditionals, but the exact behavior is subject to change.
Either via the opts
param in the library or a :how-to-ns
entry in
your project.clj
or :user
profile for the lein plugin, the
following options are available, shown here with their default values:
{:require-docstring? true
:sort-clauses? true
:allow-refer-all? false
:allow-rename? false
:allow-extra-clauses? false
:align-clauses? false
:import-square-brackets? false
:place-string-requires-at-bottom? false
;; if `true`, doesn't place a newline after `(:require`:
:traditional-newline-style? false
;; if `true` make `(:require\n <add-one-more-space-symbol-here>[clojure.string :as ...`
;; This option only has effect with `:traditional-newline-style?` set to false
:cursive-indentation? false}
- preserve comments or any other irregular whitespace
- rich support for .cljc
- There's some basic/preliminary support for reader conditionals now, although it's not particularly prettified or canonical.
Copyright © 2016-2021 Gary Fredericks
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.