Tags: gfeitosa-msft/azure-sdk-for-net
[Storage][DataMovement] Refactor/fix support for CreationPreference (A… …zure#39881)
[Storage][DataMovement] Refactor/fix support for CreationPreference (A… …zure#39881)
[Storage][DataMovement] Refactor/fix support for CreationPreference (A… …zure#39881)
[Storage][DataMovement] Refactor/fix support for CreationPreference (A… …zure#39881)
bump dependency on extensions package (Azure#39884)
Set WorkingDirectory so the dotnet tools install works on non-windows (… …Azure#39874) Co-authored-by: James Suplizio <[email protected]>
Prepare Azure.Messaging.EventHubs.Processor release (Azure#39850)
[JobRouter] Regenerate from specs (Azure#39739) * [JobRouter] Regenerate from specs * Add test records * Regenerate with latest, update docs