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Installation Canvas

Sebastian Perez edited this page May 30, 2019 · 4 revisions

A simple guideline to step up new projects with Canvas Mobile by Mctekk.

Must Have

  • the sdk path to compile to android.
  • Protocolo security to release apps in Android
  • Create .env to handle vulnerability information
  • Enable upload key for android release.


  1. Clone the repository [email protected]:Gewaer/mobile-canvas.git (using SSH)
  2. Use react-native-rename to change project name.
  3. Create Firebase project to handle social logins 3.1. For IOS, after get ready step up, download GoogleServices.plist and put inside root project ios/ and add to workspace as a references. 3.2. For Android, add to root project google-services.json file to android/app/
  4. Use Cocoapods to install ios dependencies pod install inside ios folder.
  5. Create sentry project to tracking errors in dev and prod environment.
  6. Create project in Facebook App to use in social login 7, Let's coding!

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