This is a simple reporter for rcrowley's go-metrics library, designed to work with the Honeycomb metrics reporting service.
For more information, check out the GoDoc.
Basic usage:
import (
go honeycomb.Honeycomb(
60 * time.Second, // Interval between sending metrics
"your-write-key", // Honeycomb write key
"your-dataset", // Honeycomb dataset
[]float64{0.95, 0.99}, // Percentiles to report from histograms
If you wish to add extra fields or other configuration to the Honeycomb client, you can use the following procedure:
import (
reporter := honeycomb.NewReporter(
60 * time.Second, // Interval between sending metrics
"your-write-key", // Honeycomb write key
"your-dataset", // Honeycomb dataset,
[]float64{0.95, 0.99}, // Percentiles to report from histograms
libhoney.AddField("philcollins", "sussudio")
go reporter.Run()
$ go get
If you run into any bugs, please drop an issue on our GitHub and we'll be sure to have a look.