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MorganeLecurieux edited this page Jan 26, 2023 · 1 revision

Some list in the app are searchable. To have the same behaviour everywhere in the app, we've defined a hook and a component to help deal with the search.

import { useDebouncedSearch } from "~/hooks/useDebouncedSearch";
import { SearchInput } from "~/components/SearchInput";
import { useGetList } from '~/generated/graphql'

const Search = () => {
    const [getList, { data, loading }] =
      variables: { customerId, limit: 20 },
  const { debouncedSearch, isLoading } = useDebouncedSearch(

  return (

    {isLoading && <Icon name="processing" animation="spin">}

Note : the hook allow to debounce the search and not trigger too many api calls and also set a minimum loading time to avoid glitches if the query loads fast

Note : You can also use the useDebouncedSearch hook with another component that might trigger a search (ex: Combobox)

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