Create small but fully functional websites or blogs in no time and with little effort 👌
Herbie is a simple, modern, fast and highly customizable flat-file Content Management System (CMS) powered by PHP, Twig, Markdown, Textile, reStructuredText and other human-readable text files.
Herbie is powered by proven libraries:
- Markdown, reStructuredText and Textile for formatting page content
- Twig template engine for rendering layouts and extending the core
- Yaml and JSON for data structure files
- Composer and Packagist for Dependency and Plugin Management
Thanks to its plugin system Herbie is highly customizable and brings support for:
- Application and Route Middlewares
- Event Listeners
- Twig Filters, Twig Globals, Twig Functions and Twig Tests
- Symfony Console Commands
Herbie implements the following PHP standard recommendations:
- PSR-1 Basic Coding Standard
- PSR-3 Logger Interface
- PSR-4 Autoloading Standard
- PSR-7 HTTP Message Interface
- PSR-11 Container Interface
- PSR-12 Extended Coding Style
- PSR-14 Event Dispatcher
- PSR-15 HTTP Handlers
- PSR-16 Simple Cache
- PSR-17 HTTP Factories
Herbie is well tested:
- Unit, Integration and Acceptance Tests with Codeception
- Static Code Analysis with PHPStan
- Code Fixing with PHP Coding Standards Fixer
The easiest way to install Herbie is through Composer. Run the following commands in your terminal to create a new project and install all dependent libraries.
composer create-project getherbie/start-website mywebsite
Change to the mywebsite/web
cd mywebsite/web
Start the internal webserver:
php -S localhost:8888 index.php
Now open http://localhost:8888 with your browser. You should see your first Herbie website.
If you need a development environment, you can follow these steps.
Clone the GitHub repository.
git clone
Change to the herbie
cd herbie
Install Composer dependencies.
composer install
Change to the website/web
cd website/web/
Start PHP's internal web server.
php -S localhost:9999 index.php
Now, open localhost:9999
with your favorite web browser.
If you want to have additional console output or logging information, set the debug environment variable.
HERBIE_DEBUG=1 php -S localhost:9999 index.php
If you want to use Xdebug (3.x), start the internal web server as follows. Hint: For this to work, Xdebug must of course be installed.
XDEBUG_MODE=debug php -S localhost:9999 index.php
Run unit tests
php vendor/bin/codecept run unit
Run integration tests
php vendor/bin/codecept run integration
Run acceptance tests
php vendor/bin/codecept run acceptance
Run all tests
php vendor/bin/codecept run
Run tests with Code Coverage
XDEBUG_MODE=coverage vendor/bin/codecept run --coverage --coverage-xml --coverage-html
For more information, see