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git CLI Cheatsheet

getfutureproof-admin edited this page Jul 21, 2020 · 1 revision


You can check your current git config with git config --list
If you have not yet setup git in your command line, check the local_env_setup guides for instructions.

Temp check

git log - show your git history of current branch
git log --oneline --graph - pretty viz
git status - shows the current file index, indicating staged changes, unstaged changes and untracked files.

Your essential commands

git pull - pull down latest updates
git add <FILENAME | . | -p> - stage file(s) & changes. Use -p flag to step through changes
git commit -m "your commit message" - commit
git push - push to a connected remote

Handy 'oops' extras

Try and do this before pushing anywhere
git commit --amend -m "a better commit message" - change the message on the most recent commit
You can add changes to your most recent commit by using git add <FILENAME | . | -p> befor running your --amend
If you had already pushed it, next use git push --force <branch-name> but try to avoid having to do this.

git reset --soft HEAD^ - undo your last commit (but the files & changes are still staged)
git reset --mixed HEAD^ | git reset HEAD^ - undo your last commit and unstage files & changes
git reset --hard HEAD^ - undo your last commit and delete all of its files & changes from the working tree. Beware!

git cherry-pick <commitsha> - apply specific commit to current branch

Starting a new repo from the command line

git init

Adding a new remote

git remote add <remote-name> <remote-url> - for GitHub repos the url will look like:<username>/<repo>.git
The first time you push to a new remote you will need to use git push -u <remote-name> master

Cloning an existing repo

git clone <remote-url> - for GitHub repos the url will look like:<username>/<repo>.git


git branch - see all branches. Add -v flag for more info.
git checkout -b <new-branch-name> - create and checkout a new branch
git branch -D <branch-name-to-delete> - delete a branch
git push --set-upstream <remote-name> <branch-name> - push to a new branch
git checkout master | git checkout branch-name - use checkout to switch branches
This awesome git branching training tool is well worth spending some time with!

Merge / Rebase

git merge <branch-name> - merges <branch-name> into your current branch, joining the histories together
git rebase <branch-name> - rewrite commits on top of another branch's history

Pull Requests

PRs are more commonly done from the GUI for ease of review and commenting but if you'd like to look at creating them from the command line, look at git request-pull --help

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