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  • São Carlos - São Paulo

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Velimir Đurković djvelimir
Highly experienced Senior Software Engineer. Proficient in a range of technologies including .NET, Java, Angular, JavaScript, and TypeScript.

Novi Sad, Vojvodina, Serbia

Sameer Hacker-Sam-is-here

Sam Industries

Pavlo Bondarenko OfficialCodeVoyage
Product Manager / Software Engineer / Cloud Engineer / IT Enthusiast

Denver, CO

Tais Prestes taisprestes01
All projects here will be aimed at the financial market, cryptocurrencies, binary options, REITs, forex and more. If you want to learn and get profits, follow

Vibe Technology Brazil

Gean Gobo da Cruz geangobo
Statistics and Data Science at ICMC/USP Trainee Data Analytics at Maitha Lab

São Carlos

Marcos Souza marcoscsouza
computer engineering student

@marcoscsouzads Rio de janeiro, Brazil

João Paulo Fonseca jotaFonseca
FullStack Javascript developer {in progress}, I'm enjoy to solve problems and help people. I also like music, videogames and cats :)

Rio de Janeiro

ostuff rikaminski
Meu nome é Kaminski, Ricardo. :) Sou um entusiasta que não tem medo de tecnologia.
Antonio Santana antonioclp

Teresina - PI, Brasil

Rafael Mateus rafaelbmateus
I'm a guy driven by code, creating a world of code. 😁

@NeowayLabs Florianópolis, SC - Brazil

Andrey Esin esin
Linux Administrator, DevOps Engineer and Go Developer
Marco Ribeiro elmarculino Maceió - AL

Leonardo Anjos leonardo-anjos
daddy, drummer and software engineer


Marcelo Barros Galvão Segundo marcelobgs
I'm not a great programmer; I'm just a good programmer with great habits. – Kent Beck

Universidade Estadual do Piauí - UESPI Pedro II - PI

Samuel Santos SamuelSSan28
Full Stack Developer | React | React Native | Node

Florianópolis, SC

Luiz Francisco Lopes Júnior Akijunior
Python Developer. Love learning new things, especially relacioned to PLN or Machine Learning.
Vinicius Torves vtorves
👨‍💻 Full Stack Software Engineer, disciple, agile enthusiast, I love coffee, problems to solve and share knowledge. #Ruby #Rails #React #Javascript

Skyllful Brazil

Michael Straughan mstraughan86
📱💻 | Full Stack Developer, slowly conquering the entire stack from electron to pixel!

Las Vegas, Nevada

Daniel Castro dancasttro
Front-End Developer @MercadoLivre

MercadoLivre Cascavel - Ceará

Herminio Torres hidenowt Brasil-Ceará-Fortaleza

Charleno Pires charlenopires
Polyglot Developer (Working: Python, JavaScript, TypeScript, Go; Know: Rust, Ocaml, ReScript, Elixir, Erlang, Ruby, Dart, Kotlin; Understand: Java, C#, PHP, Lua

Amarante | PI | Brazil