Python script that will delete a computer from your Cylance tenant
- Download Python 3 from
git clone
cd CylanceDeprovisioner
- install dependencies:
pip install -r requirements.txt
- copy config.example.ini config.ini and edit the configuration
- Follow the above installation instructions
python build
This will create an executable in the build directory
python --config <path to config.ini> --system <hostname of system>
The above command will delete the given hostname from the Cylance tenant. If it encounters
an error it will send an email alert to the email address that is configured in the
configuration file. It will also send an email when it finds multiple systems with the same
hostname or if it can not find the given hostname.
You'll need to setup a Cylance API key. This can be done from within the Cylance web
console (i.e. Settings -> Integrations -> Add application). Setup an application with READ
and DELETE privileges on the devices.
Add the Cylance tenantid, application id and application secret to config.ini
To be able to automatically remove a computer from Cylance once you delete that computer in active directory you have a couple of pre-requisites.
- Enable computer account management auditing using group policy
- Create a service user and using GPO give the "Log on as a batch job" user right
- Edit the taskscheduler-example.xml file (you can find it in the docs directory), you probably want to adjust the path where the Cylance deprovisioner can be found
- All your domain controllers should import the adjusted XML file, when you encounter problems, please set debug to True in config.ini for further troubleshooting.