A fast async tcp client library built on netty.
There are many good async http libraries out there, but no lowlevel tcp library that allows you to build your own protocols on top of it. This library aims to provide this, you send, bytes and receives bytes, what the bytes mean is up to the user.
The code uses clojure.core.async
heavily to transmit messages for read, write and exceptions.
Contact: feel free to contact me at [email protected]
This library should function as advertised and uses netty under the hood. I myself have learned that netty is not a good tcp client for my other projects e.g https://github.com/gerritjvv/kafka-fast.
A much better library and netty free is https://github.com/gerritjvv/tcp-driver.
The binaries are published to https://clojars.org/clj-tcp
(use 'clj-tcp.echo-server :reload)
(def s (start-server 2324))
; this starts a test server, that reads echo and closes the channel
(use 'clj-tcp.client :reload)
(def c (client "localhost" 2324 {}))
(read-print-in c)
(write! c (.getBytes "hi"))
;; read ...
;; any subsequent write! calls will find a closed channel, the connection will reconnect, and retry the send.
;;close the connection and all its resources
(close-all c)
;;Future this returns a future
(close-and-wait c)
;;calls close-all and waits on the future
By default all client connections will share a global EventLoopGroup instance with threads=cpus/2 daemon=true. This lowers resource usage, makes client creation faster and is the recommended way for netty.
See http://normanmaurer.me/presentations/2014-facebook-eng-netty/slides.html#1.0 for a best practices overview.
If you need to override this behaviour and create your own EventLoopGroup for a client, the client function allows this for both writing and reading.
;;this will create a EventLoopGroup(1) for writing and a EventLoopGroup(2) for reading.
;;on close these EventLoopGroup(s) will be shutdown.
(def c (client "localhost" 2324 {:write-group-threads 1 :read-group-threads 2}))
(close-and-wait c)
The connection is 100% asynchronous meaning that errors will also appear and be notified asynchronous. Each connection provides a channel on which exceptions are notified.
If too many exceptions are thrown, and the exceptions are not taken from the error channel, the connection will eventually block, i.e. in production you must listen for exceptions.
Reading using go loops (preferred)
;reading and printing exceptions
(require '[clojure.core.async :refer [go <! ]])
(go-loop []
(when-let [[e v] (<! (:error-ch c))]
(prn "Error " e) (.printStackTrace e)
Reading using blocking methods
;;inside another thread
(while true
(if-let [[e v] (read-error c 1000)]
(prn "Error " e)))
The package clj-tcp.monitor
has a global variable (with weak references to avoid a memory leak)
named monitor-ctx
Functions like report-counts
can be used to examine the context and monitor the numbre of open connections
The following config options can be passed to the client
(import 'io.netty.channel.ChannelOption)
(def c (client "localhost" 2324 { ;:decoder (fn [read-ch ^ByteBuf in] (>!! read-ch "hi")) decoder allows you to overwrite the default ByteBuf to bytes decoding.
:handlers [default-encoder] ; ChannelHandlers that will be added to the Channel pipeline
channel-options [[ChannelOption/TCP-NODELAY true][ChannelOption/SO_RCVBUF (int 5242880)]] ;io.netty.channel options a sequence of [option val] e.g. [[option val] ... ]
retry-limit 5 ; on write error the client will retry the write this amount of times
write-buff 100 ; writes are async, this is the buffer thats used for the clojure.async.channel
read-buff 100 ; reads are written to the read channel, the buffer is specified here
error-buff 100 ; errors are sent to the error-ch, the buffer is specified here
write-group-threads 4 ;threads for writing
read-group-threads 4 ;threads for reading
By default and for ease of use the decoder used by the client copies the ByteBuf content to a byte array. This is not very memory efficient, but for allot of application doesn't matter. If you want to avoid this copying and directly use the ByteBuf specify the following decoder:
(defn copy-bytebuf [read-ch ^ByteBuf buff]
(>!! read-ch (.copy buff)))
Email: [email protected]
Twitter: @gerrit_jvv
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0